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CBL Admin can we do something about this douchebag 2012
Well is simply, this douchebag is destroying every game he can in every server, there is almost like 3 reports about this dude in the BL Reports but yet I still see it almost every time I play.

Impossible to play decent when he is on the server.

This are the 2 last reports about this dude

From ikljo

(07 Jan 12, 12:56AM)ikljo Wrote: // Name : bombon, join, drum (too many names to list)
// Date : 6th Jan 2012
// Reason : Intentional Team shooting/killing, Harassment, Verbal Abuse, Insults, Spam and vote abuse
// Server : [AC Ladder] {TyD}Beacon
177.19.79.x // (I'm thinking it was a range)
// Screen : http://iforce.co.nz/i/ikgxjdq5.2ci.jpg
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?wrsz027jvxj53pv

This person was teamkilling their teammates, insulting and making verbal attacks against anyone who tried to kick or ban them. This person threatened anyone to vote to ban him and continuously said something in broken English which to my understanding was to not get people to kick him because it is useless and that banning him is impossible, if anyone kicked him he would come back and teamkill his teammates and then verbally attack the voter calling them "gay noobs" and other things. This was happening for 3 games straight without any admin being on the server , so I finally decided to make a blacklist report after he had attacked more than 3 other people other than myself, some of them being yata and uR|Pufe <---Probably spelled wrong *sorry*


(04 Jan 12, 05:04AM)hgf-arg Wrote:
// Name: hillaw, poseicom, buxin, brisk, tenoria, joofli, nill, prototype, ect....
// Reason: Troll, bad language, xenopbhobic comments, evade ban, teamkiller
// Date: 1-4-2012
// Server: [AC Ladder] {TyD}Joker
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?v4s97jgpmtdy5pd
[Image: 20120104034512acarabian.jpg]
He says: 'shitty argentinian- death to all' (just in case u don't understand portughese)

and here is my:

//Name:  juan, killas, niosef, noplic, chick,(and other names)
//Ban Reason: Intentional TK, abuse vote, insults, etc, etc, douchebag
//Date: January 2012, 13 & 14.
//Server:  TyD Servers
//Proof:  3 demos, 5 SS - link below


and one Report in TyD Forum:

I guess a couple of months CBL will be enough I dunno
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Yeah, CBL that bastard!
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Hate this guy. F1 F1 F1
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CBL would be a bit extreme in this case, as he isn't using cheats persistently, but that is my opinion.
It seems like you harbor a bit of animosity towards this person, as you put alot of effort into this post, but i can understand that.
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this guy has been causing problems on the TyD ladder servers almost every day for the last 2-3 weeks.

Always the same thing: teamkilling/general trolling until he finds a target, lots of X "DE MIERDA _)_" once he's got one, vote abuse to kick/ban target, evades bans (by disconnecting and rejoining) every single time one is initiated against him. Even when he gets admin banned he's back within 5 minutes, so at the very least he's DHCP refreshing. This guy is chronic troll/griefer, even though isn't using cheats.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that he'll do this for hours at a time, never deterred by any actions taken against him.

IMO his persistence alone warrants a CBL entry, but I've heard a couple TyD admins say that he's using proxies so I think it might actually be useless. If it turns out that he is using proxies, or is otherwise unbannable, my advice is liberal application of the /ignore command and f2'ing all of his votes.

[Image: please-do-not-feed-the-trolls.jpg]
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(17 Jan 12, 04:10AM)MasterKaen Wrote: IMO his persistence alone warrants a CBL entry

so you want to ban him because you cant ban him?
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he uses an ip changer so if you ban him in game he comes right back..
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(17 Jan 12, 05:52AM)Undead Wrote: so you want to ban him because you cant ban him?

Please read the entire post before quipping.

(17 Jan 12, 04:10AM)MasterKaen Wrote: If it turns out that he is using proxies, or is otherwise unbannable, my advice is liberal application of the /ignore command and f2'ing all of his votes.

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Surely this proxy has a range, we have range banned proxy's before, can anyone advise the range so we can get rid of this loser?
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1) I'm not going to CBL him because he's annoying. That would take a whole world of annoying.
2) He's not using a proxy; he just happens, like most Brazilians, to have a widely dynamic range of IPs:
In the last six weeks there have been 2 regular players and about 30 occasional players in this IP range.
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CBL him and he wins (he already won with this topic :p).
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Troll Wrote:Ruining the game is fine. Unless he starts aimbotting. But if he has more than 10 ping, we can call it lag.

On-Topic: TyD may want to throw some more admins onto their ladder servers. Deter'ing him to a ctf douze server is best, if he doesn't get banned for good.

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(17 Jan 12, 12:14PM)jamz Wrote: 1) I'm not going to CBL him because he's annoying. That would take a whole world of annoying.
2) He's not using a proxy; he just happens, like most Brazilians, to have a widely dynamic range of IPs:
In the last six weeks there have been 2 regular players and about 30 occasional players in this IP range.

I read this and everything made sense.

Ontopic: Maybe just ask ladder server owners to blacklist this guy so he doesnt ruin your fun. Most people play on those anyway (Unless they are banned)
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yes I imagine his IP range was the main reason because it could affect other players.

And it’s not an annoying case, for that "/CN ignore" is your friend, in fact I have the policy of not report trolls, Team killers, minor offenders, etc, I guees they will get tired, but in this case is simply impossible to play when he is on the server due to the amount of TK, Team shooting, kick voting, evading bans, etc, the AC players who have played with him know what I'm talking about, people just start to leave the server, that’s why I wondered why this dude is not BL yet? really tired of this douche 2012

cause I have to make the comment jamz that if several post in the BL reports, a consistent behavior like this for weeks, 10 demos, the testimony of a dozen of AC players that I'm sure can provide more demos, is not enough for a minimum of one month in CBL well........... :(

but that's just my POV not arguing, pressing or fighting

So let’s hope this works, adding the whole range to some servers now for a couple of months, to bad for his brazilian mates but hey it happens that some innocents pay for one guilty sometimes

cya in the game
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This is why I am almost never in pubs anymore.
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Man, its insufferable...
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more reasons:

Vote spamming
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This guy knows all the shit bout this game, and knows all the 'bad behaviours' in the book.
He disrespects every player on the TyD servers who vote to kick/ban him (and if an admin shows up uhuhuhuh!!, he gets moar excited...).
This kid need some profesional help, or get a girlfriend/boyfriend...
ReN|Jv agrees with this guy too, so he's not alone.
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Its becoming tiresome... I get called into the server to ban him and end up having to stay there 3 hours to constantly kick him out. He has some new tricks to quickly connect and d/c so he can avoid even the non-sticking bans.

I've added many of his known ips to the TyD Blist although it is in vein... There has to be some solution.
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Use a bigger range.
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This guy is a LAMMER DE MIERDA... whatever its supposed to mean.
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Cant just server owners ban ranges and be done with it?
If he keeps acting like jerk everywhere and uses proxy - ban all proxys to.

I do see the problems with Brazil being in a freaking large range but if shit like this happens a lot i have no problem banning Brazil from my server.

LAMMER DE MIERDA = eat shit/lick shit - or something like that - according to translators i have tested.
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EDIT: Oops wrong thread.
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There is a simple solution to this, it works for teamkillers also. When he appears and starts being a douche, everyone kill him even his own team! he will very soon get pissed and disappear. I have tried this and even if only a couple do it, they get completly pissed off, you can put a different name on if you are worried about score ect, its so funny to hear them whine and moan as they get constantly killed ;)
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(19 Jan 12, 08:52AM)DES|Anderson Wrote: There is a simple solution to this, it works for teamkillers also. When he appears and starts being a douche, everyone kill him even his own team! he will very soon get pissed and disappear. I have tried this and even if only a couple do it, they get completly pissed off, you can put a different name on if you are worried about score ect, its so funny to hear them whine and moan as they get constantly killed ;)

that only works if they are bad players/get mad easily
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Anderson, that's a nice thing to promote to new players, considering your a veteran.
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It's easier to ignore them, after all most of them are attention seakers.
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Do you know what's stupid?

When four members of RVSF are playing a 2v2 TDM against each other in the middle of CTF@ac_shine game.

Just try to kick them. TK'ers/trolls have been in the game for a long time.
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Hi guys,

We've banned all the ranges that jamz previously posted. There are not more than 7 frequent players from these ranges, these will be given a deban password if needed.

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Good job!
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