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Exile Unit has been closed
anyTheone left and CiCeA* joined.

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(27 May 11, 07:38AM)Orynge Wrote: anyTheone left and CiCeA* joined.


Sucks! but i look forward to playing Cecia.

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Alright, it's been a while since I updated this, and there have been a couple of member changes since then, but I think the only things that've changed are that Reborn left, and IamBlurry and Hamolton were accepted.
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why is it that i never see anybody on anymore
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We're having some in-game activity issues atm.

Trying to fix them asap.
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I have bad luck...
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Not only has the site received a maaaajjjjooor facelift from Cactus ( http://xuclan.co.cc/ ) but Alireza from Iran (and ex-legacy) has finally been accepted into our ranks.

EDIT: And it just so happens that this is my 1000th post. :D
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Go Alireza!!
Having a look now.
EDIT: dayum! lookin' fresh!
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Congratz Alireza <3
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Thanks all

<33 Sepehr

MykeGregory you'er nabcake dude.

One more thing....

Divin3 is want to join us.

Good luck for him.
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(26 Aug 11, 04:36PM)Alireza Wrote: One more thing....
Divin3 is want to join us.
Good luck for him.

u might want to talk to B}Droid or any ~TgS~ member (Nighthawkd) about that
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(27 Aug 11, 01:42AM)Sonic Wrote:
(26 Aug 11, 04:36PM)Alireza Wrote: One more thing....
Divin3 is want to join us.
Good luck for him.

u might want to talk to B}Droid or any ~TgS~ member (Nighthawkd) about that

Already done it. :P
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Exile Unit have said goodbye to Whopxer, we wish him luck for the rest of his AC career and his the rest of his schooling. :)
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Yes, Xu has been closed during the forums' hiatus.
Read the news post at:
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:( sad day
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I thought it was applications. RIP...
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Thanks to everyone who played with us over the 17 months we were around! :) See you in-game!
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NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! you cannot die D:
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The beginning of 2012.
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A dark day for AC no doubt.
Thanks to everyone who deserves it for my enjoyable experiance in my first clan :)
EDIT: http://xuclan.co.cc/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=674
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RIP dear friends
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Bye Xu :(
Always was one of my favorite clans. :)

<3 Orynge & Cactus & Teabagger Myke
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Sad to see Xu go, my first clan in 1.1.

Best of luck to you guys
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Wait WHAT? Why what happen?
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...boh we never had a clan war against you...
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yes we had lol
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On memory, you guys had three matches against us.

And two of those were in April, 2010. XD
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Good memory than :P
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