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Poll: Are GEMA maps FUN?
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15 25.86%
Yes... A LOT!
23 39.66%
20 34.48%
Total 58 vote(s) 100%
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Are GEMA maps FUN?
(23 Jun 11, 05:41PM)tempest Wrote:
(23 Jun 11, 05:32PM)fredriK Wrote: Not the point? U said u dont like gemas because theyre amateur looking and i said they're not amateur looking..

U stupid?

Uhm, I didn't say that? Next time read before you call people names.

(23 Jun 11, 05:39PM)Sveark Wrote: You haven't understood me. Try to read my post again.
Maybe you can rephrase it for me, 'cause I couldn't find any deeper meaning in it. Except for "I play what I want"...

Hehe yeah i guess i got the names wrong, my post was for VenteX not u i wanted his reply not urs so just get lost will u? Ur still stupid thou cuz u confuzed me there

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WTF is an usual judgment? And "level desing"? Please clarify im an average video game player.
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(23 Jun 11, 05:46PM)tempest Wrote: Yup, that's exactly the kind of slap in the face for people who spend months on a single map. Maybe the person who created those ^ did put as much time into them, but regardless, they're not good maps if you go by the usual judgement. Which ofc is not just a thing of AC. See "level design".

U telling me SK-6 isnt good looking?
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(23 Jun 11, 05:41PM)tempest Wrote:
(23 Jun 11, 05:39PM)Sveark Wrote: You haven't understood me. Try to read my post again.
Maybe you can rephrase it for me, 'cause I couldn't find any deeper meaning in it. Except for "I play what I want"...

This is your problem, man. Just take my post as fact.
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I like gemas. They may not have the map level of an official map or a map made by a good mapper, but for some people it's like a little freeway outside of the world of killing, and helps you think sometimes and when you finally get to the flag at the end, it just feels awesome sometimes :)

Don't take me wrong, I enjoy playing both gemas and normal maps, but I think that just cause some players don't like gemas because their "level" is not good isn't a reason to just delete them. There are people that only play gemas that think the same way towards "normal" maps, yet they are not asking for the "normal" maps to be taken away.

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yes, listen to |BC|Wolf :D

Its like I am talking to a damn wall.
You people read only what you want to read.

Red Eclips? Srsly? Do you know the possibilities of movement in ac?
And different combinations with smart pickup placement?
Example: certain parts pistol & certain parts rifle.
Its not even similar I would rather play Mario 64 as an alternative then red Eclips.

Maps are not at Makkes level, fredrik exaggerate trololol:D
I would like a gema that looks like that of course..who wouldnt?
But the fact is that gema is more about fun and smart obstacles then about looks. Gema has 0 support! Do you expect everybody to jump in and start making gemas that look like official maps? yeah right!
I also posted the gibbed map a few posts back as an example.
It is a nice step forward. The rainbow colored gema generalization is an old one and is usualy used by people who never finished a single gema and didnt see more then 3 gema maps ever. There are plenty of normal maps that are ugly as hell. So why are we talking about how gemas look bad ? They look much better then most of the normal maps made by newbies.

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(23 Jun 11, 05:04PM)fredriK Wrote:
(23 Jun 11, 04:43PM)VenteX Wrote: I honestly wouldn't mind GEMA maps as much if they weren't so, well, amateur-looking. It's hard to take a map very seriously when it has nothing but one tile texture and 256 different colored lights. I remember there was one GEMA-style map in the original Cube game that managed to look and feel professional. If there were more maps like it, then I might actually be in favor of a native GEMA mode.

EDIT: here it is

Oh ur just like Cleaner how sad, have u acctually played any gema at all except that one gema and maybe 2 more? go play some and then come back and i'll listen to u

See, this is why I don't like posting in these kinds of threads. They're one-way discussions. If you say anything that goes against the OP's opinion, you'll get nothing more than a "fuk u, stupid person, gtfo my thread." I even tried being mostly neutral and explained what it is about GEMA's that I, personally, dislike. But, just because my post contained even the slightest bit of doubt, you turned it down.

People need to stop this opinion-filtering BS. It's really beginning to piss me off.

PS: Learn to spell before you even try to post something serious. It's a forum discussion, not a flippin' text message.
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(23 Jun 11, 04:43PM)VenteX Wrote: I honestly wouldn't mind GEMA maps as much if they weren't so, well, amateur-looking. It's hard to take a map very seriously when it has nothing but one tile texture and 256 different colored lights.
I'm going with what fredriK said but with less "fuk u, stupid person".
Any gema that has one texture and huge lights in every colour of a psychedelic rainbow seems to be regarded as "crap" by everyone (from my experience, anyway). After a while playing gemas, one learns which are decent and which are crap. There actually are quite decent looking (and fun) gemas out there, but they are usually only found on decent gema maprots. I would suggest trying out some decent gemas - and this is the important bit - on a privated server with good people. Maybe try to round up |HP|, Bugboy, Yarukinasu and a couple of others some time. It takes some getting used to, but you may even come to enjoy when you are in the right environment.

(23 Jun 11, 05:56PM)fredriK Wrote:
(23 Jun 11, 05:46PM)tempest Wrote: *SCHNIP*
U telling me SK-6 isnt good looking?
Yes. It is about as consistent as a 20-year-old hard drive.
Some of the individual rooms look like they have had some work put into them, but generally it's nothing spectacular to look at, and it has a concrete building followed by a hedge maze followed by a swimming pool followed by an electrical something followed by an underground tunnel followed by a stone passage with dodgy stairs followed by...
* Frogulis forgets what comes next
You get the idea.
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Frogulis - I'll join on ur gema idea, I've been playing gema for a year, as long as I play AC and I know HP. I'm usually playing gema with him everyday.

Also, there's only 1 person insulting, read the whole thread.
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This is gonna sound crazy but.... wouldn't it be good if the people who like gemas and the people who dont just accepted each other's opinion and got on with playing what they want?
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And thus the epiphany is reached.
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(24 Jun 11, 04:43PM)Hellspell Wrote: Wouldn't it be good if the people who like gemas and the people who don't just accepted each other's?
Are you sure you choose the right nick?
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Wheres the lulz? :(
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I understand that this thread is about whether or not you like GEMAs, but that's basically opinion and not good for discussion, only flaming. So I would like to steer the conversation in another direction: What do you think about having a new game mode for GEMAs? What kind of rules would you like to see it have?

I personally think that a GEMA mode would be a good thing, as it would officially recognize GEMAs as part of AC, and would provide for some useful features, especially no damage. In addition, it would allow you to quickly distinguish which servers you want to or don't want to visit, and you could even have an option to put servers playing GEMA at the bottom of the list.
As for extra rules, as I previously stated I think that not being able to do damage would be a good rule for this mode, though I have not played many GEMAs, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Another useful feature for this mode could be a new way of scoring: instead of having to carry the flag following the CTF rules, you could score by touching either flag and be respawned as soon as you score, to prevent flag spamming.

I have not seen anything like GEMAs in any other first person shooters that I have played, and I don't think that it's something that we should get rid of.
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@Lantry: Epic post is epic.
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it could be in single-player with combinations of shooting maps, quake 3d live has such tutorials. I think with these maps the single-player would have more sense than now. It would be fun and addictive. The level of newcomers after this would be also better. But the quality of them must be better.
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Singleplayer? No, thanks :P
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(23 Jun 11, 05:46PM)tempest Wrote: Yup, that's exactly the kind of slap in the face for people who spend months on a single map. Maybe the person who created those ^ did put as much time into them, but regardless, they're not good maps if you go by the usual judgement. Which ofc is not just a thing of AC. See "level design".

I spend months on a single map, you do not. I will tell you a complete slap in the face - devs ignoring me (will not even look at the map) when they have quality maps shoved down their throat and wont put them into the package when they're far better than most of the official maps (lol edifice).
Gema maps arent shooting maps, gema maps are a nice break from the shooting and yes they do take some amount of skill to complete, just different skills from running around ac_mines with a shotgun. To be fair, they're as much a part of AC as the official maps, as i have played for almost 4 years and they were around before i started playing.
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Best post yet.
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I agree with undead, although i'd go as far as saying they're actually a bigger part of ac than many official maps. I also think that's why they deserve their own mode, not that that will ever happen.
(24 Jun 11, 08:31PM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: Are you sure you choose the right nick?
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(25 Jun 11, 09:19AM)Undead Wrote: I spend months on a single map, you do not. I will tell you a complete slap in the face - devs ignoring me (will not even look at the map) when they have quality maps shoved down their throat and wont put them into the package when they're far better than most of the official maps (lol edifice).
pointless to be offensive; that's why we tend to ignore you actually. About official maps : some players like them or not. There are plenty of official maps that I don't like. Doesn't meant they're bad; it's just about personal tastes.
(25 Jun 11, 09:19AM)Undead Wrote: Gema maps arent shooting maps, gema maps are a nice break from the shooting and yes they do take some amount of skill to complete, just different skills from running around ac_mines with a shotgun. To be fair, they're as much a part of AC as the official maps, as i have played for almost 4 years and they were around before i started playing.
Precisely. And AC is a shooting game.
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(25 Jun 11, 09:19AM)Undead Wrote: I spend months on a single map, you do not...


(24 Jun 11, 10:56PM)Lantry Wrote: I understand that this thread is about whether or not you like GEMAs...

good post.

obstacle course
/oc mapname


jump training
/jt mapname

Gema is catchy and all but I still dont get the word:D

I have been playing gema like 2 years, and in that time I learned how things should and shouldnt work. My friends & I tried everything (In 1.0).

For example:
"respawned as soon as you score"
didnt work very well because people like to do the gema backwards or mess around in flag zone. It should be respawn on 2. flag score attempt :D (or just block the person from picking up the flag again untill he /resets).
So you can only score once per run.

Finished once (1 flag in score) -> flag spam attempt (respawn)
Finished twice (2 flags in score) -> flag spam attempt (respawn)

Ah I have plenty of stuff in mind but I dont wanna waste my time if the devs are not gonna lift a finger about it:D I think they would rather remove the map editor altogether then allow such an "evil" & "nasty" thing like gema.

Edit: gema maps are shooting maps but not fragging maps:D
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this is the funniest, most insinuative forum i have saw ever. one flame after another.
undead, hp, epic post is epic.
most of the problem here is you all do not clean your posts after you flamed on your keyboard. if we were more respectful, things would go smoother. but people don't think before reacting, they just react.
about gemas: i like gemas. personally, they are a nice refresher. so what if the n00biest gema is popular? if its fun to them, then that's all well and good. and i agree with the post that said "some gema's look better than some of the official maps." rattrap, to me, is an eyesore, but i know people who enjoy it. it lag's my laptop more than any gema i have played on so far. thus, i shy away from it. doesnt mean i don't want others to play on it.
look, if you don't like gema's, stop fighting it. make your points and be done. no need for arguments. just say why you like/dislike it and don't flame. posts should be original and should have meaning to the poster. don't remove something you feel. just be nice about it.
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(25 Jun 11, 08:27PM)JamJamTheCalcMan Wrote: ...one flame after another.
undead, hp, epic post is epic...

Yep, "epic post is epic" is definitely a flame post.

("Hey, Lantry, I thought your post was awesomely detailed" "OH MY GOD HE'S FLAMING")
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(25 Jun 11, 10:32AM)Luc@s Wrote:
(25 Jun 11, 09:19AM)Undead Wrote: I spend months on a single map, you do not. I will tell you a complete slap in the face - devs ignoring me (will not even look at the map) when they have quality maps shoved down their throat and wont put them into the package when they're far better than most of the official maps (lol edifice).
pointless to be offensive; that's why we tend to ignore you actually. About official maps : some players like them or not. There are plenty of official maps that I don't like. Doesn't meant they're bad; it's just about personal tastes.
(25 Jun 11, 09:19AM)Undead Wrote: Gema maps arent shooting maps, gema maps are a nice break from the shooting and yes they do take some amount of skill to complete, just different skills from running around ac_mines with a shotgun. To be fair, they're as much a part of AC as the official maps, as i have played for almost 4 years and they were around before i started playing.
Precisely. And AC is a shooting game.


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Please don't take away the gemas!
[Image: crying_baby.jpg]
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Why is it called a gema anyway?

I think we should make a mode for gemas, even though this is fooking funny, but I don't see why can't they co-exist?

In my opinion, Gemas are ok.
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Because gema is brazilian for the yolk of an egg obviously.
I heard it's mexican for something is well although the mexican word appears to have nothing to do with gemas in ac.
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I love gema's, especially the gema's from a guy called gibbed.

I think the guys that don't like them never played a good one or just suck at it ;)
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