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The Return... of lss brasil
I've remade one of the lss brasil maps from 1.04, enjoy:
[Image: 20110605_21.36.47_LSS_Brasil_LSS.jpg]
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One of the reasons why there are so many threads full of discussions about map qualities....
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Thanks for that. It passed the restrictions didn't it?
Besides, it's fun.
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My personal blacklist is increasing.
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Indeed, SUB's ping would suggest he's likely using some kind of hacking software. Wouldn't surprise me because he won that game as well. Good spot Brahma!
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you remade this? I'm pretty sure I saw it on a server about two or three weeks ago.
* Lantry shrugs
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Do you remember ac_grenade map from 0.93 version ? So this is its version by 1.04 players. They loved it and it is crap.

This map shows the restrictions are political tool: "how to force that kids to play my maps." :D (it is problem for all better mappers in this game) I have seen it in log of conversation with dev from 1.04 time during first blacklists of maps (banning servers): " it is just politic". But the real mappers smile even the quality of default maps. The spirit of AC is elsewhere. :)

But whatever, ban it, this is bad map, it will still be "gj" or not ? :)

The real spirit which i loved in this game was in article posted by tempest but i don't remember link. I liked i could see online everyday new map realized without mapping tutorials by crazy people as me.

And if someone don't understand why this map is so popular: it is SIMPLE map. It is the main reason of success. (similar to dust, desert, douze) New player doesn't share fun with player who plays map 1 year. He is sure in this map he finds his level. This game hasn't ranking system, maps classify them a bit. Therefore ezjemvill, gema etc... You cannot give them ranking, let them that maps.
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What about juge all maps and blacklist bad mappers?
Good idea eh?


Every mappers began with shit map , it's called "evolution".

Brahma :
-Play sniper and share the demo.
-Make map or show us your first one.

Just want to see something lol

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you never remade this, you just took the one that is popular out there and has been out for more than 2 months, and changed light colors...
*Kaonic adds +1 member onto his blacklist...
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Seriously, stop bringing up the map requisites issue here, you can flame about that right here. The map restrictions is in place in-game, and this map fits those requisites. You don't agree? Then start plotting your next move to increase the map requisites and see how it will end.

It's sad that it's just a matter of time before map requisites start being increased more and more after each version update.

Back on topic, thanks for bringing this map back Helspell, I have good memories playing it and I'm glad there are people out there that still like to play these kinds of maps.

Kaonic: Why the hell would you add Hellspell to your blacklist? Whether Hellspell actually re-made it or not, it's something I really wouldn't blacklist about :S
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I add him on my blacklist too, but since I have no servers it's useless xD

Thanks for the map Helspell
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|BC|Wolf it is my personal blacklist, not used in any server... but that applies to people I respect and trust, or not...
Its for sure a fun map, I have spent some minutes on it, but on the real version, not this one that I know was not made by him.
HellSpell you have any proof that you have made... not edited this?
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Lol, facepalm Desek... -.-

Nice map though
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(06 Jun 11, 12:22AM).ExodusS* Wrote: Brahma :
-Play sniper and share the demo.
-Make map or show us your first one.

Just want to see something lol

Friggin' do it, Brahma... unless you don't have the guts to.
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Looks interesting.
Although I should point out that there were endless variations of lss_brasil, some awesome, others terrible. This looks pretty decent.
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Wait, is that the one with 4 exclamation points or 3, O always forget. Then theres dodgeball. Who can forget dodgeball. While we're at it why not throw some classic Headshot_City in there. Who else remembers the spawn-kill spot behind the RVSF tower? I know I do.
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well, no offence but this looks pretty bad... i might download the map to trry it out, well i can hardly speak my first release was a map some one would play for 3 seconds then get bored and go on porn. lol
otherwise try to make your own maps and not to remake others or release them, however if you do please give credit to original author. example: rifle@camper-remake
made by {MRNS}rifleman, edited by |FOX|jack.
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nice map restrictions
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(06 Jun 11, 12:28AM)gkaonicx72 Wrote: you never remade this, you just took the one that is popular out there and has been out for more than 2 months, and changed light colors...
*Kaonic adds +1 member onto his blacklist...

What? I remade the one that's been out for years by an unknown mapper, from scratch so people can play it again. Anyone who's played long enough can back me up on this. If I were to have done what you said the last thing I would do is post it on the forums.

(06 Jun 11, 06:22AM)Viper Wrote: Wait, is that the one with 4 exclamation points or 3, O always forget. Then theres dodgeball. Who can forget dodgeball. While we're at it why not throw some classic Headshot_City in there. Who else remembers the spawn-kill spot behind the RVSF tower? I know I do.
Haha, i can never remember either, so I just put LSS_Brasil as the name

(06 Jun 11, 12:33AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Seriously, stop bringing up the map requisites issue here, you can flame about that right here. The map restrictions is in place in-game, and this map fits those requisites. You don't agree? Then start plotting your next move to increase the map requisites and see how it will end.

It's sad that it's just a matter of time before map requisites start being increased more and more after each version update.

Back on topic, thanks for bringing this map back Helspell, I have good memories playing it and I'm glad there are people out there that still like to play these kinds of maps.

Kaonic: Why the hell would you add Hellspell to your blacklist? Whether Hellspell actually re-made it or not, it's something I really wouldn't blacklist about :S
Thank you! Someone who doesn't hate me because I like fun/'nooby' maps... and yes i did remake it, from scratch, i expect if you look at the version he's on about you will see differences in size, depth of 'nade holes' etc, although I don't know because I dont have that map.
(06 Jun 11, 06:53AM)!jack! Wrote: well, no offence but this looks pretty bad... i might download the map to trry it out, well i can hardly speak my first release was a map some one would play for 3 seconds then get bored and go on porn. lol
otherwise try to make your own maps and not to remake others or release them, however if you do please give credit to original author. example: rifle@camper-remake
made by {MRNS}rifleman, edited by |FOX|jack.
It's all about the [b]fun[\b], and when it comes to lss I expect you'll find this map beats most official ones. Also I would have given credit to the original maker if it said who it was in the maps mapmessage. I don't have it now but if memory serves me correctly it didn't. But I have still shown I didn't originally make the map by putting 'remade' rather than 'made by'.
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(06 Jun 11, 12:22AM).ExodusS* Wrote: ...
Brahma :
-Play sniper and share the demo.
-Make map or show us your first one...
I'm quite sure Brahma has done the first of these. It was on apollo_desertcity, and he was quite proud of his score. Not that I have it to hand.
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dear Brahma, 1v1 ? ;)))
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Headshot on apollo_desertcity , JK?
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Dude, you guys are complaining about GEMA's, TwinTowers AND LSS..... Most of you started playing AC with your first maps twin towers tosok, lss brasil maps and AWESOME Gema's. If it his first map, why critisize?

[Image: thumbsups.gif] Thankful people: Ronald_Reagan.
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Huntsman, it's not his first map, and it's not an original map of his - it's a remake.

FOR EVERYTHING ELSE YOU SAID: I agree with you. I spent a lot of my time when I was new playing various flavours of Twin towers on the DTF server.

I was typing in /map [random stuff goes here] today and came across a delightful map titled 'noob'. While this map was a horrendous, pink beast, it did give me a desire to go play on something similar, for the fun of a map that wasn't serious and didn't look like it had hours and hours of work put into it.
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Who is the famous mapper you talk about then? He has no name?
Also, what changes did you make to his map? And what are the differences you say there are between the popular one that has been famous out there since 2 months, and yours...
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I never mentioned any famous mapper?
I made the map from memory of the old one, likely almost everything is different other than the idea of the 3 ramps.
To answer your last question, you are implying that I have "he popular one that has been famous out there since 2 months", which I dont. So without seeing it I haven't a clue how many differences there are.
Also, I messaged you to try and clear this up, if you had read that that would have answered all your questions.
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Seriously guys, who cares who made this?! Just play the damn thing!
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helluva map Hellspell. i loved it when i started playing and still play it! very nice remake imho. i intend on playing it very soon :) the fact that you made it out of scratch, and not blueprinted an old copy, gains respect in my book and makes the map much more genuine.

others: u would ban him for something like this? and why do we have personal blacklists? so what now, if you don't like someone, their not allowed on your servers? do you guys take the game THAT seriously? this isn't a government, its a game. enjoy it. pay no attention to the people you don't like, but be decent and respectful enough to allow everyone to fair game play. if you are a hacker or some sort of cheat, you deserve to burn. in this case, Hellspell has done no wrong. I lose respect for those who add persons to their blacklists on these accords.
Wolf i do apologize but i felt like it should have been said. you understand, dont you? :) and i intend on playing it after i post this. contrary to other's opinions, its an awesome remake and i have the utmost respect for you, hellspell
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One thing I always wondered: Is this slide-land with grenades floating around located somewhere in Brazil? Or is this some jingoistic scam of an advertisement?
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fuc* LSS Brasil back ><
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