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I apologize to you all

Déjà vu
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I hope you keep your promises.

Alien: Well said. *cough*what did he say?*cough*
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Unlike the others i am glad to see a cheater change his mind and about the way he plays online games. Good luck.. you'll need it. :]
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(13 Mar 11, 03:09PM)Cemer Wrote: Most of teh hackers don't do that... it's a shame...

And most of the time, the ones that do hack as soon as they've been forgiven anyway...

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(21 Mar 11, 12:06PM)Orynge Wrote: And most of the time, the ones that do hack as soon as they've been forgiven anyway...



I dun think that's really motivational...

GL GGz n HF YUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(13 Mar 11, 05:04PM)titiPT Wrote: The reasons that led you to hack (CHEAT) may well lead you back to it.

I strongly disagree. I don't know for this specific case, but most people deserve a chance.

Best Regards.
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(22 Mar 11, 02:46PM)FunkyHamster Wrote:
(13 Mar 11, 05:04PM)titiPT Wrote: The reasons that led you to hack (CHEAT) may well lead you back to it.

I strongly disagree. I don't know for this specific case, but most people deserve a chance.

Best Regards.

As far as I understand from titi's post, I think he was saying that he should stay away from what led him to hack in the first place, or something.
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He kinda did
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That was an observation, not advice.
But yes, it would be useful to extrapolate advice from it. :-P
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So wait, is this guy getting another chance or not?

If he is, that might be a bit unfair for C4rU$, iSAW, etc... I mean, what makes this guy so different?
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That's between him and server owners.
Nuff said.
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