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Anyone remember this map?
for 1 cent,
I would piss in Lantry's ear.

ac_douche is an official map(shit) and bs_dust_2 is not (best map evar)



eat it prawnage
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Nahh Anvil haven't seen or remember those names of the map. Thanks for trying
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yeah, i was joking about douze. It's not the best map, though i don't see why people hate it so much right now.
Anyway, a map that was great when i first joined was poolcarnage. ofc, i didn't join that long ago, so you can still see it being played occasionally.
Other than that, i haven't been around long enough yet to really miss any maps.
(22 Feb 11, 08:09PM)Bullpup Wrote: for 1 cent,
I would piss in Lantry's ear.

ac_douche is an official map(shit) and bs_dust_2 is not (best map evar)



eat it prawnage

oh, didn't see there was a second page yet. thanks for your contribution, bullpup. Intelligent and well thought out, as always :)
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(22 Feb 11, 07:10PM)SnowOak Wrote: Hey guys, does anyone know this map. I've been looking for it for ages. I remember it actually worked on 1.1. That's the first and last time I saw it. :/

Kinda looks like this map from Counterstrike called Aztec.



Except the map uses AssaultCube platforms instead and looks entirely different. It just looks similar to this map from CounterStrike.


Thanks to anyone who knows the map or even has the map :P
The only map similar to that I'm aware about is ac_inca.
EDIT: and this.
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OMFG. bs_boxcube is on your list!!1!!111 Only problem is that 2 grenades are two close, but fix that and we got ourselves boxcube all over again in 1.1!!!! :DDDD
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(22 Feb 11, 11:06PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: OMFG. bs_boxcube is on your list!!1!!111 Only problem is that 2 grenades are two close, but fix that and we got ourselves boxcube all over again in 1.1!!!! :DDDD

Yea, there are a few good maps that only need slight mods to work in, ac_dimp for one, but i dont know how or even if i'm allowed to edit them.
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(22 Feb 11, 11:21PM)Billybob Wrote: Yea, there are a few good maps...ac_dimp for one...
I spoke to some mappers and they said that if they were to disappear from the game, they'd want their maps slightly altered to get them played, rather than have them lost forever.
I edited ac_dimp to get it on my maprot, but it seemed to have more problems than just some duplicated healthpacks and close nades. With many players, some weird bugs started happening and it turned veeeery laggy.
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i got 1 word for you

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(22 Feb 11, 08:33AM)Sanzo Wrote: ac_italy, 0.93 ftw ! ^^

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Feel free to attempt the same crap one day on any of my maps if anyone ever desires @ jamz. :P

I will update the rest of em to 1.1 someday... :D
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Two words


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Two other words

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(23 Feb 11, 01:37AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Two other words


In the Hanze servers :DD
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Yes :DD
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[Image: 4732269.jpg]
Ah, the good ole days. amirite?
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Snowoak did ac_stone with the custom textures look like that map? I can't remember...

Krizzly's funhouse was a fun nooby map that showed off a lot of mapmodel "loopholes" sorta that turned them into great camp spots lol. I havnt seen krizzly lately though...
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That was what made Krizzly's maps awesome. How about AC_pyramid?
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ac_depot_classic ;)
EzJemVille (orginal; no other. (First map i played on 1.0))
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(22 Feb 11, 08:33AM)Sanzo Wrote: ac_italy, 0.93 ftw ! ^^
hell yeah !
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Remember ac_spider!

This map was real fun. :)
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EzJemvVille is the OFFICIAL clan match map. :)
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Wow!!!!!!! thanks alot Andrez, that's the map!!!! ;PPP

I was like, this wont be the map *sigh*
And then I looked and I was like, JESUS CHRIST THATS THE MAP!!!!

LOL I guess Anvil was right, so I owe him an apology xD
(22 Feb 11, 08:08PM)Anvil Wrote: SnowOak: I don't know this map but are you sure its not called ac_aztec1/2/3/ w/e? or maybe even de_aztec2? But sorry I don't know it :/

Thanks everyone else who tried to help a retarded person out ;L

For anyone else who wants to download it:
Map Comments
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ac_italy... Hmmm but sounds cool like pizza :P
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ac_italy was still fun in 1.0.4 too
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(22 Feb 11, 12:04PM)a_slow_old_man Wrote: EzJemville & _EzJemville_5.0_ may you rest in peace.
We all loved you and will miss you.

Ezjemville = best map ever. back "in the day" of Hanze.
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(13 Mar 11, 07:17AM)Giggletron Wrote: Ezjemville = best map ever. back "in the day" of Hanze.

False, I really liked Rabins_Oasis.
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These maps sound fantastic.

I want. T.T

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I F***ING LOVE BOXCUBE!!! Thanks for the download, honestly. I want to start a server now, just to put this in the maprot.

That map was epic. In the .93 days, I used to love playing ac_mines & ac_depot with the shotgun as well. Good games.
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IIRC kitty has these maps. Yes, everyone go bug her now.
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All the Hanze server maps.
Wintertown and storm the house :)
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