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Make a wish #1: Servers
Please us this thread, to report problems or suggest changes to the AC 1.2 server.
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Fix or remove team-fixing, or at least allow server forces only at the intermission instead of forcing the best player in the enemy team 4 times in 15 minutes.
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Remove the word filter, it's just annoying.
Make ban votes continue if a player disconnects, so they can't avoid it.
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ban every single server with an auto ping kick below 500ms
and also make a separate blacklist that prevents players from voting
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Auto team off..
-2 frags = kick.
/teamkillkick 1/0 option if possible.
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All servers should have a ping limit of 150ms.
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Check the nickname whitelist by the IP in ALL servers.
Maybe turn this a rule to be more effective against imposters.
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Bring back ac_douze ctf.

Reason: From my experience as a douze player, bringing douze ctf back will once again bring back players. Douze ctf is open run map and it is good for new players to develop skills and understand the game. So, as a douze player, I have developed the skills of head shooting other players and I personally enjoy playing the map because it is fast paced, just like AC itself. In 1.2, whenever I see people play an "illegal" version of douze ctf, I see a lot of players playing the map. So, If something in the game is making the game more popular, it shouldn't be taken out. Server owners should rather have the authority to ban maps on there server if they wish to do so, instead of banning the map/ game mode itself. Like, if something like this continues to happen, popular maps like camper, twin towers maps will be taken out.

So, please bring back Douze CTF and give server owners the authority to ban maps/ game modes on their servers.

Please give this a thumbs up if you agree :D
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better server list where i can see strongly moderated "pro" server,match servers, custom server, mapping servers etc. after classification of servers there will be more interesting requirments ...
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A vote MUST continue even if the player disconnect!

Alse autoteam is failing. Remove it or just use it in a different way.
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i see a lot of complains about autoteam, i dont think its that bad to be honest. sauerbraten has no autoteam or shuffle thing by default, and honestly it sucks. teams are never balanced (especially on ladder servers where people play for their score).
Allow shuffle team to be voted by default, and let autoteam move players only if a team is outnumbering another, if anything.

There are many things i'd like to see done about servers, but here is one that will require no work : make MAXCL 20 again.
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Get rid of cuss word filter (people get around it + it's annoying)
Fix autoteam
ping kick would be nice (it should be up to the server owner to enable it)
allow modded servers
get rid of map requirements, more people nowdays have pcs better than Windows 98/ME machines!
Get rid of maximum clients (why was it even in place to the begin with, sauer and other games do not have this)
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(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: Get rid of maximum clients (why was it even in place to the begin with, sauer and other games do not have this)

Sauer does. For some reason it's limited to players only though and there are unlimited spectator slots.
EDIT: Also quake does.

Expanding on that, I'd like to see servers that are in /mastermode 2 (match) to allow clients to connect in order to spectate (although are prohibited from joining the game), and for /mastermode 1 (private) to live up to its name and simply prevent people from joining the server.
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jg99 is wrong. The default filter list won't let me say fuck but allows shit. The modified list blocks half the words used even if I'm not swearing. The filter is so broken the best thing is to remove it. Besides 6 year old children know all the 'bad' words. Words are words, no one words is more or less bad than another. Okay so some people use bad words because they're stupid or whatever. However using non bad words you can make people feel just as bad or worse if you have the vocabulary to construct an eloquent sentence.

-Subjective's first request in http://forum.cubers.net/thread-7668-post...#pid150995 is the same as my second in http://forum.cubers.net/thread-7668-post...#pid150956
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I just agree with you, he ask a opinion so he has mine now.
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1. Disable name cloning: if the server as 2 CARLOS the "oldest" should be CARLOS and the newer will be CARLOS2. Now it's just a mess CARLOS (1) CARLOS (2).

2. For registered AC forum users will be able to use Forum names (with addition of |AC|). Can be checked on/with global whitelist nicknames/IP assign. Also can be implement with registered clans.

(Sorry for my bad English)
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(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: Get rid of cuss word filter (people get around it + it's annoying)

Some server owners like it, not me personally but some.

(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: Fix autoteam

It's not broken, people just should use forceteam.

(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: ping kick would be nice (it should be up to the server owner to enable it)


(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: allow modded servers

They're allowed, off the MS.

(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: get rid of map requirements, more people nowdays have pcs better than Windows 98/ME machines!

Hell no.

(12 Jun 14, 01:09AM)Jg99 Wrote: Get rid of maximum clients (why was it even in place to the begin with, sauer and other games do not have this)

See Vanq
Also: Have you played a 10 on 10 game? It is ridiculous and not what AC is about.
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Could we have a second masterserver with modded servers on it? Or maybe, adding onto Alien's idea, have a modded category that's not shown by default or something, or maybe it can only be seen in a different menu. I dunno, but I think having a way to be able to see a list of active modded servers isn't too bad.
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Yeah, an alien idea it will be really cool and funny ajajajja good idea Orynge :d
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I agree about the filter, some filters filter terribly
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- Ping kick
- Unhits
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Whitelists already exist... Ping kick is not a solution against lag, kick for high/unstable pj instead.
Also i'm not experiencing unhits. Are you sure?
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servers that can disable friendly fire.
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Servers that don't count teamkills as a death.
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I would love to see clean C++ code.
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Perhaps you should ask the miracle department of the development team for that last one :>
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(12 Jun 14, 10:53PM)PhaNtom Wrote: Servers that don't count teamkills as a death.

Wouldn't this be a simple fix?
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(13 Jun 14, 05:03AM)DrauL Wrote:
(12 Jun 14, 10:53PM)PhaNtom Wrote: Servers that don't count teamkills as a death.

Wouldn't this be a simple fix?

Takes the fun out of AC though.

Also, allowing my special zombies server on the MS because sexy.
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(13 Jun 14, 06:25AM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: Also, allowing my special zombies server on the MS because sexy.

Dev abuse :P
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Random selection of map in maprotation.
Chat blacklist. To block bad language and insults. To many reports these incidents. Want to remove them completely.

Auto blocking of old clients in servers to avoid cheat clients. (Remember 1.0.1 dxt client).
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