my fault, sry, doesn't change the facts how is acting
Are there any competitive players left?
fundog don't waste your time with these things. Your skills are much better put to use playing nice clans & mapping a new great map. :)
I know you might feel required to back up your clan, but this is a very small minority hatin' on FD* and nobody listens to them anyways. Plus most of them only play AC 'competitively' because they can't win at other games with an actual population of players.
01 Apr 13, 02:11PM
Your last paragraph is incredibly inaccurate, I can only think of a few competitive players who only play AC and none of them have posted on this thread so far.
01 Apr 13, 02:15PM
01 Apr 13, 02:20PM
Well that was easier than expected. G_G
It's also a conflict because many like to play competitive levels, but not under such circumstates, and the competitive part is causing an ugly overhelming side-effect which is major for everyone.
I don't think ignoring is the right answer (which they just use to make things worse and worse, as we saw), but maybe you are right, there is no other option than ignoring them. I can understand if someone is mad because he lost, i am also not jumping around and celebrating when i lost. But after a minute i get over it and try to improve my competition skill. But starting a flamewar for years against a whole clan ? That goes simply too far and is not acceptable. I am very thankful to our members, which are really nice, strong and good personalities, they never allowed beeing provocated by this things. *EDIT* It might look suprising that i am exposing it now, but after i hosted Versus in ESL i did think a lot about the competition part in Assault Cube, and especially about the terms how such a System has to work in a longterm view, without having such negative consequences. And imo this belongs and is caused by the people, and not by the game, like many love to claim. That's why i decided to provide probably a League System for Assault Cube only, in terms of Assault Cube and not ESL which was horrible to deal with the ESL Leadership. But i am aware to offer that option, if you look above, i am not up to manage 24 hours troublemakers and listen to that the next years following.
01 Apr 13, 02:46PM
Picking on others is a way of compensating for lack of ACWC 1st place trophies. Ignoring them will lead to them getting bored of you and moving on to another superior clan to bully. And if they continue bothering your clan, they just have no lives and you can be happy you have one.
^learned this in psychology. :3
01 Apr 13, 02:53PM
AC is wonderland for every Psychologist :-D
01 Apr 13, 02:56PM
Lol at that post. As ive said before, people tend to want to bring new players in and treat them well. The first game i ever played with undead he called us all massive idiots and the like, but i learned a lot from the game. Its a simply a matter of playing the game, getting good at it, an enjoying the thrill of competition.
A league with clearly defined behavioral rules usually results in players acting accordingly to avoid suspensions etc. if the long term goal is to foster ac, a public view of slander from both sides does little to nothing to alleve (yes the drug) the situation. Proactivity and not whining. You can either choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Since joining oNe ive tried to make games played against me as enjoyable as possible but ive had bad days too. Ultimately, its about having fun, and its a game, so lets not take this thing so seriously eh?
01 Apr 13, 03:32PM
Random pic to support my favorite holiday.
![]() Poll results from earlier. ![]() Apparently ironzorg is still trying to fix this thing. I know nothing about this stuff, but I know if guys like zorg & eihrul can't get it done, it's probably not getting done. At which point the most voted option seems very reasonable. Relevant to this thread due to saving the competitive scene maybe.
01 Apr 13, 03:33PM
After reading all the posts I just can say that I am proud of being a FD* player and to have a great leader as FUNDOG. Keep it on Chris ;)
01 Apr 13, 04:30PM
01 Apr 13, 05:19PM
01 Apr 13, 05:59PM
just like a wavin' flag. and then it goesss back.
01 Apr 13, 07:38PM
01 Apr 13, 07:54PM
He was banned by the Valve Anticheat? lol
(01 Apr 13, 07:38PM)jamz Wrote:jamz has proof that everyone in the thread is a cheaterrrrr.(01 Apr 13, 01:24PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: Vermi never cheated.Yeah, his VAC ban was completely unwarranted. :) cheater trying to avoid jamz.
01 Apr 13, 10:35PM
(01 Apr 13, 10:43AM)fundog Wrote: If you post pieces from talkings, then you should let know the people the whole story. (From 1 year and 3 month ago) You came to our server befor, setting fps to 10 and telling us you have a bad ping on FD servers (800), while all others was fine there. no i didnt. to put it past the bullshit, people thought in the past FD cheated(at least certain members) because: 1) you refused to play on any servers other than your own, so if you had a modified client it wouldn't show. 2) if i remember correctly, which i probably don't, some of your members(including you) had modified clients(or at least the compiled client gave a different hash or something) that nobody else had. when i asked some of FD why they said it was because they had linux. i don't know. 3) FD's fragging was absolutely atrocious, to the point where in a 2vs2 scenario you would get mauled like 21-0 easily, but your game knowledge was at a w00p standard. something like this can make people think you are wall hacking, especially when you aren't exactly that experienced. 4) it is impossible to prove whether you were cheating or whether you weren't, so people are going to speculate. 5) i guess everyone is guilty of this at some point, but when demos were analyzed against FD's gameplay people would see dodgy stuff. 6) you get hilariously defensive over everything. like, making a clan policy to not play oNe just gives me a casus belli to troll the shit out of you. in my honest opinion, i don't know if FD have cheated or not. i can't prove it. if you start insulting me or something because of the above i guess that makes everything a little more suspicious.
I don't remember there were some shit histories on the 1.0 or before.
Cheaters were here, but nobody was playing against/with them, they were just disapearing. Now those cheaters are caught, but they still play and the communauty still accepts to play with them, and this is probably one of the biggest issue the competitive scene have. The competitive scene is suffering because of a lack of players, almost everyone here said it's because they wait the next release to come back for better hopes, but it's totally false. The problem is from the players. But somewhere it's true that the 1.0 needed some skills to be recognized as a top clan, at least this is my point of view. When a new clan with fresh players were comming to the competition scene, they were constantly getting owned by |BC| w00p |oNe| |ANGR4| |3"| #M|A# |#LC*| (=MyS= and |O3| at the end of 1.0) and this during months. The 1.1 can bring any players to the top in less than a month, you can take many exemples like Xemi/AnyTheOne/Newbie and others, those players came from nowhere and in less than a month were playing with best clans. ("best") For some very/old experienced players, it's years of training and knowledge that are fucked up. Plus the AR destroyed this "skill domination" by giving to average clans ({BoB} FD| and many others existing clans) a way to resist against strong clans. Matches were still won by strong clans, but scores are not so biased. What is the point of getting a lot of in-game experience if others just need the AR? Intensive years of matches were just fucked up. I also can speak about those fake clans that appears at the 1.1, Epic. Legacy =By3= are great exemples of what the competition scene don't need. Their behavior was comparable to the extreme competitive =MyS='s behavior, but without the respect of the oponent, voting ac_aqueous CLA, ac_outpost RVSF is nothing but respectfull while you are on the competitive scene. Those clans only see the scoreboard, they think they win by voting unfair maps in their advantages, but the score doesn't show that you are better than your oponents. Of course, almost all other clans did the same thing, voting biased maps (|oNe| with ac_desert3 CLA for exemple), playing only the AR (and insulting their teammates for don't playing it) to counter this effect, and this effect is snowballing since 2 years now. Now I always refuse an inter or a match against those clans just because I know that I will meet: cheaters, scriptabuse users, everyone playing AR, biased maps only... Where is the time clans were proving their skills on fair maps with all the respect you must give to your oponents? Not on the hostile 1.1 for sure.
Answering to your points 1-6
1. we want play on our server because we are used to that servers by playing daily on it and because that's what a clan match server is for. Also you can read the talking you posted, where i offered servers to play on. We refused to play on hlin, because it wasn't fixed back then. It's logic we suggest our server as first, why else we should have it. Just because we wanted not play on hlin it doesn't mean we refuse to play on every server else. 2. none in FD* had ever a modified client. Some compiled their client from the original source code for their 64 bit systems, which is for everyone availabe and for everyone the same and absolutly legit to do. Thats why Gazda said once "i will try to play with my compiled client" in front of a match. 3. fragging is not everything. FD* is old and experienced in competition. When we started to play AC in a competitive way, we compensated frag skill with other competences as first. Also if you look at the way, how we choose our members (and look exactly, if that are cheaters, ex-cheaters whatever), it's not the frag skill priority like the most clans work in AC. We invested a lot in training to play and win outside of fragskill. Of course frag skill is helpfull, at some overall level passed also a necessary addition to what we trained befor outside of it. But the most clans look for fraggers only, and they had big lacks on other things, which we didn't have, and which can overhelm fragging skill definitly. Fragging skill is one part of the game, which comes automatically and which we improved too (personal training) other things doesn't come automatically and that's why we are a clan, to train that. 4. Having an eye on such things like if someone cheats isn't a bad thing. Speculating and accusing which leads to a basic raging at us forever is something different. It's not like we don't know anything about ac, we research very exactly and help each other constantly, people could have ask, and the ones which asked about specified situations we always was friendly enough spending the time to explain why or how we managed this situations. 5. Accusing and personally insult someone to cheat overall, started by their Clients, also their Servers, the whole clan, and bring that up as a sport to advertise at any time at any point is putting us automatically in a defensive position. Also we don't need to waste energy to respond and justify allegations for things we don't do. We responded to requests which was legit and still will do if someone wants to know. Just the mainstream prefered to rage around and that we never did, even we would have all rights to. 6. we don't have a policy like this, and at the end, that is not your business. I can't force players to play against you when they are sick of your behavior. We try to bring a good time for the other clan we play with, to leave a good message as clan, and i can't remember just one time where this was the case by you. I describe that detailed already in my posts befor. I want not push anyone in the position we are, since a very long time and make them feel what we received in return for beeing friendly and fair playing. But i hope you can understand, that if we don't set the limit to stop that, it would look like we would accept that and it would look legit after some time. We was patient enough to hope we can count on the reasonable part of that people, obviously that is not possible with some and it was about time to face that if we want continue that game. If that is the welcome message you have, for serious clans which arrives in AC and play successfull on high level competitions you don't need to wonder about the situation. *EDIT* sry, crossed your post at the same time exoduss i played SMG through this whole version. I don't understand why you claim that AR would make a clan top. To play SMG on Desert3 (which is also not an FD vote btw) is simply silly and a fail tactical decision. It's one thing making resonable critics on the weapon balance, but another thing to play as clan the game as it's given. And since this version is like it is, and we can't change that fact, denial doesn't define professionality.
02 Apr 13, 07:09PM
ExodusS, I don't know Xemi's background but both aNy and Newbie had years of FPS experience before AC. Also, so did Jason and Larry. So, how about you make some research before making a fool out of yourself (which you have succesfully made numerous times before)?
02 Apr 13, 07:47PM
(02 Apr 13, 07:09PM)pweaks Wrote: ExodusS, I don't know Xemi's background but both aNy and Newbie had years of FPS experience before AC. Also, so did Jason and Larry. So, how about you make some research before making a fool out of yourself (which you have succesfully made numerous times before)? I said in any case those players had no experience in FPS, if you read carefully my post, I was speaking about how long it took them to enter in the "top players of AC". Things that wasn't so easy to do before the 1.1. Ask Marreira about FPS experiences, also ask him how long it took him before he became the good player he was.
02 Apr 13, 08:14PM
Marreira is a player of the past. He's had just as much FPS experience as someone like larry or jason. Living in brazil also lowers the skill with Jason/Larry playing competitive CS:S/1.6 or L4D and winning money's from it.
02 Apr 13, 09:15PM
why not rename this thread to "reasons people hate fd"
devs why are you stalling so goddamn long in my opinion, id rather have a slightly unfinished game right now than wait another month/year
oic, we should change it to yet another "uninformed reasons why the devs suck" thread.
03 Apr 13, 01:20AM
I'm not liking these players of the future. Anyway enough of the hate on fd/devs and lets get back to the matter of the thread for once?
Less hate, more helping to push Snorlax out of the way.
03 Apr 13, 07:46AM
03 Apr 13, 12:55PM
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