Enable /sendmap for everyone, not just admins?
Hi all,
linux-n00bie wants to know the server switch for enabling /sendmap for normal clients. He has created the incoming folder and done -Mcurd so we are stumped. Is there a switch or does he have to modify the server client?

JGAN and linux-n00bie
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Did you make sure that the incoming folder has write permission for the AC server process?
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the root is on the desktop so im thinking it does?
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mkdir ./packages/maps/servermaps/incoming && chmod 777 ./packages/maps/servermaps/incoming
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(01 Sep 10, 07:58AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: cd YOUR-AC-FOLDER
mkdir ./packages/maps/servermaps/incoming && chmod 777 ./packages/maps/servermaps/incoming

nope didnt work.
@jamz i was just on your match server and saw you had /sendmap enabled for non-admins. how did you do that?
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1) Create an 'incoming' folder in packages/maps/servermaps
2) Give write permissions on that folder to the user running the server process, or 777 it if you must
3) Make sure you have at least -Mcur in servercmdline.txt or on the commandline. See servercmdline.txt for more information about the -M switch
4) er...that's it. Seriously. There's nothing more to it.
Remember to restart the server after changing commandline parameters.
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D: its not working... *sob*

does this not work on linux and/or assaultcube
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It's working on Linux and on AC Read jamz's post again
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i think the switch is the problem. Sending maps as admin works fine.
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Show us your servercmdline.txt or command line.
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(02 Sep 10, 08:50AM)jamz Wrote: Show us your servercmdline.txt or command line.

Command line: -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt
servercmdline.txt (most arguments are at the bottom):
// example servercmdline.txt file (1.1)
// to use this file, add -Cconfig/servercmdline.txt to your servers commandline
// * you can't use cubescript here!
// * everything after '//' in a line will be ignored
// * one commandline parameter per line only
// * you have to use the '-' characters for the switches
// * you can separate the switch and it's argument by whitespace
// see docs/commandline.html for full parameter descriptions

// example MOTD:
-o \f0>>>{FsC}/*rAgE*<<< PWNAGE by linux-n00bie +!Matches Welcome!+ \n\f3***CHEATING/HACKING/ABUSING/RACISM/TKING/IMPERSONATING=BLACKLIST*** -linux-n00bie\n\f2ATM, server may LAG or CRASH at ANYTIME, sorry!

// commonly used commandline switches:

// -o     // MOTD
// -n     // server description
// -n1    // custom server description prefix
// -n2    // custom server description suffix
// -f     // port, 1..65534, default 28763
// -c     // max client number, 1..20, default 6
// -D     // number of demos to keep in RAM, default 5

// the switches o, n, n1 and n2 support coloring and character escaping; 'o' also supports escaped newlines
// the available colors are: 0: green, 1: blue, 2: yellow, 3: red, 4: gray, 5: white, 6: dark brown, 7: dark red
// example multiline MOTD: -o line 1\nline 2\nline 3
// example colored server description: -n \f3red\f1blue

// change these, if you don't like the defaults:

// -k     // kickthreshold, -1..-100, default -5
// -y     // banthreshold, -1..-100, default -6
// -r     // server maprot file, default config/maprot.cfg
// -X     // server passwords file, default config/serverpwd.cfg
// -B     // server IP blacklist file, default config/serverblacklist.cfg
// -K     // server nickname blacklist file, default config/nicknameblacklist.cfg
// -P     // voting permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
          //    k kick players
          //    b ban players (and remove bans)
          //    m change mastermode (open/private)
          //    f force a player to the other team
          //    a enable/disable autoteam
          //    s shuffle the teams
          //    r record a demo of the next game (if autorecording is disabled)
          //    c clear all demos on server
          //    d change server description
          //    e vote for coopedit mode
          //    p vote for a gamemode that is not supported by the map (default: no one can)
          //    w vote to kick/ban without clear reasons
          //    default: fkBMASRCDEW (lowercase: a user can vote for it; uppercase: admin role is required to vote)
// -M     // sendmap permission string (read docs/commandline.html)
          //    c create new map (initial map upload)
          //    u update existing map (same or newer revision)
          //    r revert existing map to older revision
          //    d delete map (default: no one can)
          //    default: CRU (lowercase: any user is allowed to do it; uppercase: admin role is required)
// -Z     // sendmap/incoming limit in MB (default = 10MB)
// -I     // serverinfo text filename prefix, default config/serverinfo
// -O     // MOTD text filename prefix, default config/motd

// rarely used switches:

// -p     // serverpassword, for passworded servers
// -N     // syslog identity string
// -F     // syslog facility, 0..7, default 6
// -x     // adminpasswd, don't use, use serverpwd.cfg instead
// -W     // demopath, path & file prefix to store recorded demos at
// -V     // verbose logging (enable this via commandline, until you're sure, there are no errors in your config left)
// -C     // import commandline options from file (can be used recursively)
// -T     // Add timestamps to every line of the console and file logs.
// -LF    // Sets the logging level for file logs (0..5), default 2 (Win & Mac) or 5 (Linux)
// -LS    // Sets the logging level for syslog logging (0..5), default 2 (Linux) or 5 (Win & Mac)
          //    The following levels can be selected (-LF & -LS):
          //    0  DEBUG: logs all messages
          //    1  VERBOSE: logs all messages of level VERBOSE and above (same as console log, when using the -V switch)
          //    2  INFO: logs all messages of level INFO and above (same as console without -V switch)
          //    3  WARNING: log only messages of level WARNING and above
          //    4  ERROR: log only messages of level ERROR
          //    5  do not write to the log
// -A     // Restricts voting for a map/mode to admins. This switch can be used several times.

// don't use these switches, unless you really know what you're doing:

// -u     // uprate
// -i     // ip, only for machines with multiple network interfaces
// -m     // masterserver URL (exception: use "-m localhost", if you don't want AC to register at a masterserver at all)

-n \f0>>>{FsC}/*rAgE*<<< PWNAGE by linux-n00bie +!Matches Welcome!+
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-Pkbmfasrcepw -Mcurd

rights with 777, i discovered only there is only differences in maps passed through restrictions and not passed

normal player cannot vote /coop ac_complex or /sendmap ac_yourmap and i dont get what i have wrong
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wait is that an answer to my question alien? or are you having problems? if you are having problems, try putting -Mcurd in a differnt line.
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I can't see what's wrong with that servercmdline :|
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well you can try to send a map yourself jgan.servegame.com though i think the server is lagging :( i hate my isp
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I had to read the source code to figure this out: for -M the meanings of uppercase and lowercase are OPPOSITE of what the manual says. So to allow everything use -MCURD instead of -Mcurd

Maybe that's why hardly any servers allow custom maps in 1.1
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(06 Sep 10, 09:01AM)saturn Wrote: I had to read the source code to figure this out: for -M the meanings of uppercase and lowercase are OPPOSITE of what the manual says. So to allow everything use -MCURD instead of -Mcurd

Maybe that's why hardly any servers allow custom maps in 1.1

HOLY CRAP THAT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Although it doesn't explain why mine worked with -Mcurd.
Of course, my VPS host ran off with my money, so I can't prove it. :(
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(06 Sep 10, 08:42PM)jamz Wrote: Although it doesn't explain why mine worked with -Mcurd.
Of course, my VPS host ran off with my money, so I can't prove it. :(

oh is that why your server went down? haha sucks for you just upgrade your internet and start hosting again.

btw, maybe -MCURD works because I AM JUST THAT UNIQUE AND AWESOME!
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Because we only want admins to sendmap right.
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yup XD
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