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Host server on linux mint 12 32 bit...please help
Hi guys..i was wondering how to host on my own house in linux mint 12 32 bit...
well te last one i make server is... i open terminal on ac folder and using command screen and . server_autogenerated.sh and then i press ctrl+a+d but it waste my bandwidth arround 2 days..so i need how to host it...please help
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Please explain it better, there are some things I understood, others I didn't.
to recap:
1. It's your home computer with linux mint 12, 32 bit version.
(running it on home computer isn't the best solution, but it can be done, depending on the bandwidth u get from ur provider)
2. You are using SCREEN app (which is good)
3. donno what is .server_generated.sh (some server modification?)
4. ctrl + a + d is a SCREEN command (Power detach and logout) Why do you use this command?
5. Didn't understand this "it waste my bandwidth around 2 days".
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i need a server doesn't giving a lot of bandwidth so my internet wont dead like last month...but usually I don't want to host on VPS...i need a host from somewhere..
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(30 Oct 12, 09:17AM)ONYX Wrote: i need a server doesn't giving a lot of bandwidth so my internet wont dead like last month...but usually I don't want to host on VPS...i need a host from somewhere..

I am sorry, but I partly understand. Please explain it in your native tongue.
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I need a server doesn't make my router limit....
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I think he/she is trying to say that he/she have a limit on his/her internet badwidth, say 3Gb per month for example, and when this limit is reached his internet connection is "over" so he/she needs "to re-activate it" for another period of time, so basically I think he/she is asking for a way to reduce internet bandwidth on his/her server...

Just guessing since my Jedi powers are rusty... Is that what you meant Onyx?
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Yes that's what i mean.....i need a server doesn't giving a lot of bandwidth

my maximum wireless speed is 11Mb....

Ok i just a found unlimited host on this fav.cc ...but i open control panel inside that web...How to make it?
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(31 Oct 12, 07:51AM)ONYX Wrote: i need a server doesn't giving a lot of bandwidth

If that's the case, you could host a server that has less slots.

(31 Oct 12, 07:51AM)ONYX Wrote: Ok i just a found unlimited host on this fav.cc ...but i open control panel inside that web...How to make it?

You can read up on how to make AssaultCube servers here.
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With fav.cc, you cannot host AC servers.
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is there any host i can host?
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None free afaik.
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