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freezing/game stopping?
i have noticed recently with game play that it will freeze alot more, but its not a freeze that means you have to re start the game, it like stops then goes again striaght away.
it only does this about half a second each time, which means i just get shot at and killed during this half second. its starting to really annoy me now as it only seems to happen when i encounter someone online.

is this problem lag? or is it some frame rate error?
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Well, what is your typical fps?
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It is probably your FPS, as if it was lag then you wouldn't encounter freezing, there'd just be a delay in a kill or something like that. Also, in future please post problems in the Help section. :)
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I had a problem that sounds similar to this, and in my case it was from my laptop overheating. Does it start to kick in after a while of playing, and once it does, it freezes with about a 2 or 3 second interval between each freeze?
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so i just need to adjust the FPS?

higher? lower?
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This will help you:
/maxfps 1000
/vsync 0
Make graphical detail horrible
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texreduce 3          //Reduces texture resolution
trilinear 0          //Disables trilinear filtering
dynlights 0          //Disables dynamic lights
minlod 60            //Lower level of detail
vsync 0              //No vertical sync
gibttl 0             //No gibs
lighterror 20        //The higher, the faster, the uglier
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Or... get a better computer.
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BTW, I've got the same problem. It freezes right when you die.
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My FPS drops when someone scores, takes, returns the flag because of the sound..i think.
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lol like Lantern mentioned, get a better comp?
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if you get freezing with sounds or video, lower settings accordingly...
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Moved the thread to the help forum, it seemed more appropriate.
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If it lags with soundevents then i guess there is a conflict.
Sound overall isnt that much cpu consuming i think.
You can reinstall your sounddrivers or update them.
Also check if you have chipset drivers installed.
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I've noticed this jittering occurs each time the system loads up a new sound (the biggest facepalm-inducing occurrence commonly complained of is when the "one-minute remaining" music is loaded up). I think it's worth a mention in the 1.1 request / bug fix thread.
I wonder whether playing all the sounds before connecting to a server will help, as that's when the game will load them onto the RAM (rather than in the middle of a flag run).
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Another option would be to disable those large sounds - special event stuff - via the menu.
Preloading may be an option, but I suspect this is basically showing up on machines who're already low on RAM as it is, so preloading might actually do them more harm than good.
But we'll look into possible options and solutions.
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No no no flowtron, it happens on mediocre 5 year old machines with 2GB of RAM as well. Give an option to preload, an option to disable and an option to leave as is.
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flowtron Wrote:machines who're already low on RAM as it is
You ratted me out!

option to preload:
music pingpong\03-pp-kamikadze 1000
music pingpong\08-pp-headshot 1000
music ac 1000

option to disable:
musicvol 0
(Not sure about that actually. Alternatively, you could replace the corresponding music files with empty .ogg files of the same name)

option to leave it as it is:
Don't do anything
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I get this too, and I'm on a laptop with 3.2ghz processor, 4gigs of ram, and a decent intel hd chip.

It might be overheating, I'm not sure. It happens to me in a few of the games I play aswell.
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Actually, I'm suffering from the same issue. Sounds make it freeze for some milliseconds, which is pretty annoying, since it always will happend when grabbing the flag.

Disabling the sounds by menu has no effect. It seems like sounds are still played, only with no output to speakers (volume 0).

Replacing the files with empty .oggs should do the trick, though I have been too lazy to try it myself so far.

Maybe disabling sounds via menu should truely bypass them codewise, not only set the output values to 0.
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I fixed that problem by turning off the CTF icons...
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My solution was to just delete some of the sounds files outright. It has stopped the lag issue.
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Mr.Floppy - noted. driAn did tell me there's still a lot to do with the audio-manager; sadly I haven't come around to it yet. I've introduced a "quick fix" for 1.1 but a workover will be in order after the release, for sure.
Check out the end of config/sounds.cfg in your most recent update from the SVN repository - only linux64 binaries available with this feature at time of writing!
Please confirm for me that the "musicvol 0" setting now gives no delay too - don't use the preload_music alias for testing it, just put "musicvol 0" into your autoexec.cfg!

Please - do NOT delete installation files, if you need replacement media, just put them inside your game-home. An empty.ogg/empty.wav should be easy enough to produce, if the need for it is very high I suggest it be put on the wiki.

And here's some people really thinking the time of people playing with low-end machines was over :-P
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The RAM issue is my problem. I only have 446 MB of RAM.
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some what i have The Same Problem.. When i play AC 2 Long...
My Video Card Freezes And vid Shuts Down on me. i have 2 pics
Ask Shorty and/or Utah,
We were Skype n Playing,
Off Topic:My CPU was Fine + Skype Was Still Working While My Video Was Lagging like hell

But i'll show the pics and post it Later (im using Wii Internet)
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I guess your graphics card was overheating.
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This is how bad it fuck up the game and freezes.
i couldn't see any thing its was Blank like black screen all over.
[Image: picture3rp.th.png]

and ALMOST This Close aging 2
[Image: screenshot20100625at122.th.png]
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In that screenshot of AssaultCube all the textures are mixed up. RAVE!
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Another way to minimize the use of the video card (among other things) is to use this code in autoexec

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