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you may want to know something
i thought about it before opening this thread, but since i dont see other solutions, and some people are just not open to dialogue and clarification, i have to do it. today we will talk about Medusa, a moderator of this forum and admin on many servers in game. im going to give you some precious informations, read everything carefully and make your own conclusions.
i once was in good dealings with this person, and we often PM'ed each other about cheaters in game. when i was not sure if someone was cheating, i asked for her opinion, instead of reporting while not sure. she was calm and gentle.   
around May 2017,  i met w00p|Sanzo in game, we talked about AC things and how to ban cheaters more effectively. even if something seemed suspicious, i gave him my aCKa admin pass in good faith (my fault, i admit) trusting him and thinking that perros (owner of aCKa servers) would not have had any problems with it. some days later, i discovered that this person was not the real w00p|Sanzo, he was benson/sossa impersonating him and trying to get admin passwords (https://forum.cubers.net/thread-8859-pos...#pid172762). you cant imagine how well he trolled me. even if i thought he was the real one, i managed to get screenshots of the entire conversation between me and him, for having an additional security and why not, because today you are never sure of something, knowing of how many trolls there are (also, they would been useful if perros wanted to see them).
lets go back to Medusa. i was playing in a pub, she joined and she started offending and raging at me, without any questions, just accusations. i didnt even know why, at that moment. i was like "hey, what's happened?". she started saying that someone used my admin pass on aCKa servers. i immediately understood that she was referring to the w00p|Sanzo thing, and told her to stay calm, because i had all the evidence she needed about the fact that i've been trolled. she didnt wanted to listen me, and she continued with the insults and with her poor mannered behavior. she was so agitated. again, i told her, "im gonna send you the screenshots even right now, if you want". she told me to do it (obviously not trusting me and thinking that i was inventing something to "protect" me by calling me a liar). i immediately went here on the forum, uploaded my 25-30 screenshots of proofs on imgur, and i've sent them to her in a PM. do you want to know what's happened? its happened that she never replied to that PM. not a reply, not a "sorry", nothing of nothing. since this moment, she started disconnecting from AC servers as soon as i joined they, to avoid me. but this is nothing. she even started to ban me from servers, but not with normal votes, she started banning me in a way that other players in the servers cannot see it, very subtle. when i entered a server where she was here, she went afk for few seconds, i get disconnected and cannot join again without changing IP (all the other servers were fine). i asked around if its possible, and people told me it is, and they said its not even so hard to do it. i lost the count of how many times this is happened, so i highly doubt it is a coincidence. you heard it right, she banned me many times without letting other players in the server see it/vote/decide. she made so many mistakes that i could continue until tomorrow if i want. some days ago she intentionally teamkilled with me a headshot, i said nothing, and when few minutes later i -accidentally- teamkilled her, she kicked me (1 tk). she then started treating bad my closest friends too, ketar and boxer, and they will have a lot to say too, in case someone will not trust my words. Pi_boxer's been kicked from her too, and called "idiot" with no reason at all. yesterday we reach the top, see the following images: https://imgur.com/a/Jw7V9 - https://imgur.com/a/BFNqN. apparently now im a cheater too. she even removed again my admin pass on aCKa servers (yesterday) with no reason at all. now it will take like another month to me for contact perros and ask him for a new one. this moderator is doing whatever she wants and in servers that are not even of her property. its a never ending abuse. i strongly recommend you reader to reconsider what do you think about this person, especially KH clan, that just accepted her (what a pity!)
Thanks given by: ketar
I'm curious about the context of that second screenshot (https://imgur.com/a/BFNqN) - you passed a vote with admin and Medusa disconnected. Did you ban her first? Do you have a demo? What server was that on?
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it was one of the aCKa servers. i joined, she kicked me with the reason "you are not welcome here" (lol) and i simply kicked her with the reason "since when?". then she banned me
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Did perros give you permission to share your password? If not, why would you think, that it matters "how good" you were trolled?

BTW, starting with the next release of AC, everyone will be required to keep their account info secret. You'd better start practising keeping secrets ;)
Thanks given by: Million
I'm more interested in Medusa banning people with reason "cheat" without saying anything, not the first time that happened (remember quico and ana?).
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So the easiest way to get rid of problems like that : make some threads on private forum for admins to talk about problems and also sell admin to ppl u trust.. to many ways to handle this condition
If u want to have freedom, fork your own stuff from ac and if u want ac community, i think u have to review ac history and think y u are here right in ac ms and in middle of this war... you were looking for something like ac .. y u r here?
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(12 Mar 18, 04:34PM)mhsaleh Wrote: So the easiest way to get rid of problems like that : make some threads on private forum for admins to talk about problems and also sell admin to ppl u trust.. to many ways to handle this condition
If u want to have freedom, fork your own stuff from ac and if u want ac community, i think u have to review ac history and think y u are here right in ac ms and in middle of this war... you were looking for something like ac .. y u r here?
i have no idea about who you are and what are you saying, and i dont even understand who you are talking to. i dont want to see my thread end in off-topic because of you, go to other threads and consider to start reply just when you have something smart and useful to say, commenting its not mandatory
Thanks given by: Million , Masterhit
Smart? What u mean? Talking about that medusa is abuser or no is smart action? I know her, but want to know what is your goal to make this thread ... i had same problem fede and something like your problem happend to me
You told all the stuffs happend to you and said "you may want to know something" ... what is that "something"?
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(12 Mar 18, 10:37AM)Federico. Wrote: . some days ago she intentionally teamkilled with me a headshot, i said nothing, and when few minutes later i -accidentally- teamkilled her, she kicked me (1 tk)
You told she used snipe? In these years never saw her using anything else smg
Erm maybe not related ( but odd and may have relation) .. i were banned from KH server by some1 with diffrent ip from all ms admins i know ( he/she had admin there)... nick was palk0 and if i remember ip correctly, i saw that ip with different nick again in frag server but he/she vote for banning me and also other person f1d (public vote and no usage of admin) ( reason:annoy)... i have short demo of last stuff... if its usefull ill send
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it was a tosok game.
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What is that something? Still no exact detail or goal
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(12 Mar 18, 12:17PM)gy_be Wrote: I'm more interested in Medusa banning people with reason "cheat" without saying anything, not the first time that happened (remember quico and ana?).

Ana and quico are cheaters now? x)

Its incredibly retarded to share your admin, let alone to someone when you cannot confirm his identity lol

Also maybe its Benston trolling you as 'Medusa' just like what happened with sanzo? Can you confirm its her?
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why is everyone ignoring the point of my thread? does someone that commit a mistake in his life deserve this treatment? we have a way to say in italy: "do 100 good things and a bad one and people will just remember the bad one".
try to dont be a superficial person. and its not that i gave him the pass simply for "being stupid", i did it because i was thinking about the good of this game and my screenshots prooves it: https://imgur.com/a/6f5xB - https://imgur.com/a/MgTa5 - https://imgur.com/a/iSaMQ
Thanks given by: Huntsman , ketar
Not that much a while ago, a former member of pi (hure) gave out a password for our servers to VAH|Spring, and spring then had some kind of altercation with medusa and banning her. She then proceeded to ban all pi servers from the ms. I'm not taking any sides here, but it would have been a lot nicer if she came to any of our members and told us about it, so we could do something about it, since we're responsible for the situation, instead of outright banning all of our servers. This kind of behaviour just leads to more hot-headedness, spite and desires of revenge etc. People are people and we all make mistakes, and we all take badly to anyone puting the boot in, be it rightfully or wrongly. Dealings with people are best done with a light touch.
Thanks given by: ketar , mhsaleh
(13 Mar 18, 03:39PM)Marti Wrote: Ana and quico are cheaters now? x)

No, and that's kinda the point, Medusa bans people with reason "cheat" even though they are not proven to be cheaters.

(13 Mar 18, 03:39PM)Marti Wrote: Also maybe its Benston trolling you as 'Medusa' just like what happened with sanzo? Can you confirm its her?

The IP from the screenshot (213.73.188.x) belongs to Medusa, yes.
Thanks given by: Marti
(13 Mar 18, 09:57PM)Federico. Wrote: why is everyone ignoring the point of my thread? does someone that commit a mistake in his life deserve this treatment? we have a way to say in italy: "do 100 good things and a bad one and people will just remember the bad one".
try to dont be a superficial person.

Welcome to 2018 :/ And don't worry Fed, it was clearly an honest mistake :)
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a bad cop is worse than a thief.
Abuse of power is worse than breaking rules.

Sadly we have people that - for solitude, hate, frustration or others unknown reasons - fight their battle against everybody. The "tossers", they call them.

You are not a tosser Fede. And one single ingenuous and blue-eyed mistake doesn't spot the idea I have of you. based on the solid reputation you gave to the whole community.
"Let us not speak of them, but look, and pass"
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As much as I love Medusa, I have to say she is being a bit harsh in this instance. I sincerely hope this doesn't haunt me. I LOVE YOU DANI! Fede is my friend, and I don't feel that he deserves this treatment. But Medusa is a dark and sexy mysterious presence in my psyche. I think this is just my way of saying let's get along. If Halo and Boomhauer can make up and be friends then Fede and Medusa can do the same.
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[sarcasm] WAT, MERLUZA Banning ppl with no reason? I can't believe that [/sarcasm]

Fede, you just made one mistake. that's it. Don´t share passwords. But that doesn't justify Merluza's harassment.

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some people never change :-)
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