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New map ac_breath
ac_breath by DogDancing
[Image: 9HHD2ip.jpg]

This is a small map I've worked on for a little while...its meant for 1v1 suppose to be fast pace and fun movement. Can be played in 2v2 but 4 players should be the max, does not support CTF. Hope some people play some 1v1's on it!! Hope you guys have fun, tell me what u like and don't like.

It has no config file, because I did the textures without one..and couldn't figure out how to put one in afterward without messing it all up(don't want to re-texture).

akimbo thread

Thanks given by: Robtics , MPx , josivo , +f0r3v3r+
this one is really fun to play :)
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Seems like a nice map, gonna test it soon :)
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As long as there is no dedicated config file it will use the defaultmapsettings.cgf located in the configs folder. Copy that into maps and rename it to ac_breath.cfg and nothing should be messed up.

Unfortunately I couldn't try the map yet.
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+
Glad to see you're not dead, DogDancing.
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