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Poll: Should be possible cheats in AssaultCube or not?
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Cheat ...
I,ve played many years AC, but any player, they believe, there are no rules, no fair games, only Cheat-Engines can be funny (Forward Windows Player) at AC.

In 10 minutes can all Newbies start and play with the Cheat-Engines, there are many Indructions in Art of Videos on YouTube.

In Reality is it not so strong to filter the black sheeps, you must looking only of the extended ratio, like a game, on 2015-12-04 11:45 weed-lounge.de - w00p/sanzo - ratio 76-16 score.

We know all about, that`s not a normal situation for the best player, if you have two good teams, that one player shoot all other.

I can laugh about, if this player says, they are so good and i must learn to play. I play every day min. once time, i`m good, but not the best (if you think about, I´m 57 years old). Realy, AC is a good and funny Game, but this player every time the same player and everybody knows about they.

Two Points are realy importent:

At the first, i must say, i`ve closed a the ACA server (AssaultCubeAustria Server) at this ground, the anticheat-engine for server is not realy good working, if you must look about the Cheat-engine 6.3 and the ezheadshot-script, they, or the "looking behind the wall" script, (i`m not a profi in this things, but they are open for all) underruns this server covering and it`s a amazing work, as admin, to kick or ban this player. After one cheating-game, many player without cheats will never play on this server or, and this is terrible, never play AC and change to other FPS, with anticheat secure, that in function.

The second is, the fun is gone. If you must fight against unfair Gamer, you can`t win and lose your interessts for this game. The Problem comes later, no intensive Gamer, not a next Generation of Coder - like a realy fair Player "Grenadier" (Now involved at the Board). i like it to play with him, if i know, he does anything for this Game ....

At the End - Please excuse my English - it`s not my Mother-Language - coming from Austria and be another Old Generation.

i hops so, many Player read this Comment and think about this mean to AC.



PS: Can me say anybody - i have made a demo of this game, i can upload to this forum ?
Thanks given by: LaNterN.|oNe|
sanzo is a noob, no cheat
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100% agree what a cunt this sanzo guy

plz dont upload demo people will laugh at how bad ive become :'(
Thanks given by: NarcotiK
16 deaths? damn you suck
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I don't want to be mean, but If you play the game since a while you should know Sanzo

PS: Not even 5 ratio noub :D
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really ? Sanzo mouahahahaha this guy are crazy ... Epic
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According to your view, everyone who is better than you is a cheater...just because you get rekt by everyone, i banned you about 20times from my Servers because you were unpolite to other players, just because you trought that they cheat you insult them.
(even my girlfriend Lissy rekt you in ac_douze dm)
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(04 Dec 15, 03:02PM)cannonfodder Wrote: According to your view, everyone who is better than you is a cheater...just because you get rekt by everyone, i banned you about 20times from my Servers because you were unpolite to other players, just because you trought that they cheat you insult them.
(even my girlfriend Lissy rekt you in ac_douze dm)

And what will you say with this. You have a server and what more ? And your mean is only your mean about me ... i banned you also from my server, you and lizzy also not without cheats, my friend. But you know that exactly, but you must write against me. But the story is not against me, this is your mean to cheat AC and if you admin from a server, then write "Here you can play with cheats, and don`t spam against the cheat-player". Then all know, whats going on your server.

And realy, i wouldn`t play on your server. Fact is, that much player (also in not gema clans) cheats against other normal player. If you will be blind, say this open and don`t cover you behind your admin rule. I was also admin, but on Linux. If you know a little about linux, tthen you know, how many things you can do, look at accuracy of the ping and other. But i see you a Noob of OS, not more.

Thxs for your Comment, but your mean is only yours ....
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I didn't know there were good teams on publics
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(04 Dec 15, 04:16PM)Honor Wrote: rofl
I didn't know there were good teams on publics

This was not the question ... are you a player, he is the best ever and all other non-clan player only noobs ? Is it so, then think about that, this player must find every time a place in a open team ... and Sorry, but from you, we hear no time in puplic ... if you a pro player, you play in another liga, what shells ... then it`s not your problem, or?
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k you're a hopeless case
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(04 Dec 15, 04:57PM)cannonfodder Wrote: k you're a hopeless case

It`s the same by you ...
Thanks given by: Nemo
It does not use cheats, "tiptop" player ...
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(04 Dec 15, 07:29PM)PiToN Wrote: It does not use cheats, "tiptop" player ...

S4nzo became a thing. Cool! :)

I can't believe that you play ac for several years, otherwise you wouldn't
accuse players with such a score. It's common that good players can accomplish
75 frags and even more (more than 100 YES). You may have a look at the highscores in order to
get a picture about what is possible in ac and what is not.
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It's hard to understand your English..but there are a lot of good players in AC and a lot of bad players, you cannot judge anyone from there score alone. Unfortunately is doesn't seem like you can tell the difference between good players, who have been around for years and hackers..I'll admit sometimes its hard but that's the game we play. You mention Grenadier in your first post who is a long time player and supporter of this game, and I agree hes fun to play with and talk to..but I can kick his ass usually in-game, doesn't mean I'm cheating.

I've played this game since .92/2006 and yes its hard sometimes to spot cheaters but I would also think its harder to accuse someone of cheating who has been a long time member of the community without any proof whatsoever.
There have been many threads like this over the years of people accusing various players, they are to good...they MUST be hacking. Well maybe its not quite that simple, I would suggest you watch some demo's of some good players you could learn a few things.

I'm going to leave this open and let you reply, but the bottom line is don't falsely accuse people without and proof. Its been done plenty in the past, most of us are kinda fed up with it.

76-16...woah and I thought french players used to be good.
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Hm, Sanzo is 2 pro for ur bodeh, don't try to kill him xD
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(04 Dec 15, 12:26PM)TheFreeMonkey Wrote: I can laugh about, if this player says, they are so good and i must learn to play. I play every day min. once time, i`m good, but not the best (if you think about, I´m 57 years old). Realy, AC is a good and funny Game, but this player every time the same player and everybody knows about they.

Hes not cheating. You must understand that a lot of things impact how well you can play this game. mouse, mousing surface, monitor, fps, surround sound vs 2.0, sensitivity, laptop vs desktop, ac field of view, ping and EXPERIENCE!

The reason sanzo is better than you is because he has played against high level competition on ac for a long time. If you're a pub player and you only or mainly play pubs then you will only be good vs pub players. Anyone that wants to improve needs to seek out inters or 1v1s against higher level competition.

some tips

get a good mouse

get a good mousing surface steelseries qck/handstands supermat

settings use a sensitivity in this range for ac 12.5cm/360 - 30cm/360
(I use 15cm/360)

use 120 field of view in ac.. turn off enhanced pointer precision in windows mouse options.. google and download markc mouse acceleration fix message me if you need help with anything or questions.

Good Luck! and remember it will be tough playing against better players but losing is the secret ingredient for success.
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can you tell us about the cheat that he used? i think i am also using it
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Wenn mein Englisch nicht verständlich ist, dann müsst ihr es mit Google übersetzen lassen. Alle diese Argumente sind schon einmal gesagt worden. Ich spiele nicht zum ersten Mal einen FPS und mein Gaming Equipment entspricht ProGaming. Natürlich kenne ich nicht alle Tricks und Einstellungen, aber als alter Linux-Hase (Wahrscheinlich habe ich schon programmiert, da waren viele Gamer noch gar nicht auf der Welt), lass ich es mir nicht nehmen, auf die Windows Cheat-Engine hinzuweisen, die bei den einzelnen Script-Modificationen immer dieselben Anzeiochen zeigen. EZheadshot (Fast jeder Schuss ein Treffer, ausser die Gesundheit ist unter 50%) in Timeshifting wird die Nachlaufzeit des PJ/Ping so verstellt, dass der server erst auf eine Reaktion warten muss, "Behind the wall" kennt jeder, usw.

Aber ich sehe schon, wo das hinführt, also bleiben nur drei Optionen offen. Die Schauze halten, verschwinden, oder cheaten.

Trotzdem Danke für deine Tipps Teapot - meinen Respekt hast du ..

DogDancing ... ich weis, dass du zum Team gehörst, du solltest trotzdem einmal darüber nachdenken, welches Bild das für neue Spieler macht ... dies patzt auch dein Schaffen für AC an ....
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can some moderator close this thread?
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(05 Dec 15, 01:31AM)Lozi* Wrote: can some moderator close this thread?

Why - have you any Problems with other Player ? Or its better you go out here and don`t read this posts ... what you mean ?

(05 Dec 15, 01:31AM)Lozi* Wrote: can some moderator close this thread?

Is this the American New Art ? Think you, its better nobody knows about it or what ?
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Cheats are alright as long as it works how Quake 3 cheats work. You enter a code to activate a cheat (except when it's online, it won't work.)

It works a lot of the time as "devmap", which means "developer map" for some reason. The command goes as "devmap ac_yourdesiredmaphere".

Then you able to enter cheats such as


"infinite ammo"


"kill/suicide" <-Automatically useable, this command isn't considered a cheat.

"give ammo"

"give all"

"give (weapon name)"

A system like that would work quite well. Too bad AC is using a revamped version of the Cube Engine, unless an expert programmer can fit it in.
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TheFreeMonkey, das problem ist, das sanzo wirklich kein cheater ist! Zieh dir mal demos von echten cheatern aum blacklist thread und vergleich die dann mit guten spielern. Du wirst deutliche unterschiede erkennen. Das die guten Spieler auf neue frustrierend wirken können ist klar ... aber sollen die jetzt anfangen absichtlich schlecht zu spielen? komm schon ...

es bleibt noch ne 4. option: lern AC mal richtig kennen, es ist nicht unmöglich gegen spieler wie sanzo anzukommen! braucht nur eine weile übung
Thanks given by: cannonfodder
Da muss ich Rob Recht geben, schau dir am besten mal demos der acwc oder B-Gold league an, bzw von ein paar spielen. Die Leute spielen teilweiße 5+ Jahre und AC ist im Matchbereich extrem skillbasiert und Sanzo, Harrek, Redbull, ech0, Vanquish und viele weitere sind einfach nur Maschinen, aber nicht unschlagbar ;)

Sry for german, here in english again :)

I have to agree with Robtics, you should have a look at demos from the acwc or B-League games. The guys here play up to 5years or even more and ac is extremly skilled based in the match area :) Sanzo, Harrek, Redbull, ech0, Vanquish and a lot more are machines sometimes and brilliant players, but not completely unbeatable ;)
Thanks given by: cannonfodder
Einmal Danke auch an die Deutsch sprachigen Spieler und für die Erklärungen und ich werde mich wieder dem Spielspass zuwenden. Ich hoffe allerdings, dass andere in einem Game auf die Cheater hinweisen werden. Letztens gingen fast alle aus dem Spiel, weil gegen EZHeadshot kein Krautt gewachsen ist. Man verliert dann sofort die Motivation, weiterzuspielen. Übrigens mit Euch, Todesgurke und Robotics gibt es solche Probleme ja nicht ... wie geht ihr damit um ?

Aber lassen wir das, ich bin auch damit einverstanden, diesen Treat zu löschen ... es war ein weiterer Versuch, das Thema Cheats anzusprechen ... sollte er nicht geacheatet haben, nehme ich dies gerne zur Kenntnis und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen ...

TheFreeMonkey (Give every time, all for my Team)
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Die einzigsten wahren cheater die sich noch in AC herumtreiben sind LeXuS,feeh und starix. Alle anderen benutzen nur wallhack,speedhack etc... erkennt man sofort.
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das problem besteht schon immer (leider) und es wird vermutlich auch immer wieder cheater geben .. 100% cheatfreie spiele gibt es eigentlich nicht :/

wenn du cheater triffst kannst du sie im blacklist thread ( http://forum.cubers.net/thread-543-page-61.html ) reporten damit möglichst viele server besitzer sie in ihre blacklist aufnehmen können. auf häufig vollen servern sind für gewöhnlich auch genug admins um cheater sofort rauszuschmeißen!
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(05 Dec 15, 09:17AM)Robtics Wrote: TheFreeMonkey, das problem ist, das sanzo wirklich kein cheater ist! Zieh dir mal demos von echten cheatern aum blacklist thread und vergleich die dann mit guten spielern. Du wirst deutliche unterschiede erkennen. Das die guten Spieler auf neue frustrierend wirken können ist klar ... aber sollen die jetzt anfangen absichtlich schlecht zu spielen? komm schon ...

es bleibt noch ne 4. option: lern AC mal richtig kennen, es ist nicht unmöglich gegen spieler wie sanzo anzukommen! braucht nur eine weile übung
I can't tell if you're making fun of TheFreeMonkey or you're actually speaking German.
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"Letztens gingen fast alle aus dem Spiel, weil gegen EZHeadshot kein Krautt gewachsen ist.

Gegen "echte" Cheater kann leider wenig machen, höchstens hoffen, dass man sie bannen kann via vote oder ein admin da ist bzw. die IP nehmen /whois cn und nachher wie Robtics schon sagte im Blacklistthread reporten.

"Man verliert dann sofort die Motivation, weiterzuspielen. Übrigens mit Euch, Todesgurke und Robotics gibt es solche Probleme ja nicht ... wie geht ihr damit um ?""

Kommt darauf an :D Ich spiele momentan gar nicht mehr (Keine Zeit und keine Lust)
Als ich angefangen hatte AC zu spielen, war es meine Motivation besser zu werden und den "vermeintlichen" Cheatern in den Hintern zu treten.
Spätestens wenn man so gut ist wie sie, bekommt man selbst Probleme :D
Wenn ich als .45|Todesgurke spiele, kennen mich die Leute und wissen wie gut ich bin.
Spiele ich unter anderem Namen, werde ich auf von Servern gebannt, weil ich "vermeintlich" cheate :D (Rekord war 5 Bans innerhalb von 40min).
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Sorry freemonkey, my german is atrocious and I dont think a translator would help.

Many people that have replied to this thread have played for many years at a very high level. There was a time when it seemed like everybody was unbeatable to me and I got very frustrated. Instead of being discouraged, I decided to just play the game with people I enjoy. Finding a group of people with similar interests can be a great way to not only have more fun while playing, but also a way to get more knowledge about the game.

it is unfortunate for players to go into a server to relax and frag and think someone is cheating. Take the view of the accused player though. I cant even recall how many times ive been in pubs and been accused of cheating. this cycle makes it so less competitive players are inclined to play public games and therefore when one of them does end up in a public the skill gap is so wide that they either get banned, or everybody leaves the server. try and get perspective if you can. the only other option is to talk to people that know about the game and get their perspective before you make accusations.

I would not want police breaking down my door because someone had a hunch that i sold meth
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