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my Blackilist
I do not use hacker to play this game, so a player of great pride and onrra, assault cube game more than two years, I have no need to cheat, player | oNe | Federico banned me two Serves for no reason .. not thinkYou should do this with players like me who is proud to say you love playing this game and worthy of a clan like this
Thanks given by: Nemo , Federico. , Undead , ExodusS
Youre brazilian, you cheat. Its in your blood you cant help it m9
Thanks given by: HoeHunter , $w@rM3D* , Nightmare , Padfoot
You do not have a minimum of dignity? lol

2 days ago:

In addition, for those who dont know or dont remember, this guy is the main reason of why BoB clan decided to blacklist all brazilians players at that time.

Elivelton/Optimus or who the fuck you are, do you want to add something or we just let you go to hide and we pretend to not have see this thread? lol
Thanks given by: +f0r3v3r+ , Nightmare
(04 Aug 15, 10:43PM)Marti Wrote: Youre brazilian, you cheat. Its in your blood you cant help it m9

No, the main reason of why BoB clan decided to blacklist all brazilians players at that time was Xenophobia. Like Marti posts and anothers players acts. Like support impersonators using Br tags and names...
Like agree with |oNe|Cap ... etc..

Well, Kirby is a idiot, like, unfortunately, many others.
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I already said it does not use trickery, because I ate so good in practice for years, every time I improve my playing ability, so no need to play stealing others adiversarios, even as it has many other games that I could be playing, but I I like this game because they are good at it, I have many Brazilian friends and entrangeiros, I even tried creating servers to become more cool, more could not :( because you guys are in a country more developed and are taking with the low countries like Brazil (prejudice )
Thanks given by: Undead , ExodusS
Yes 1cap blame me for the brazil blacklist
Thanks given by: Lozi* , DeafieGamer
ban all brazilians, i'm croatian
Thanks given by: DogDancing , NarcotiK
lol, it went offtopic you should lock the thread
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(04 Aug 15, 09:33PM)eliveltondamasio Wrote: I NO HACK!
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I do not use hacker
Thanks given by: Federico. , Cemer , Z3R0
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