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next version

I hope the next version will be great (cant manage to understand how to play it btw).
I think it's time for AC in 2015 to change some little stuff. You guys have been focusing on important changes (and its good) but sometimes some small changes can be good too. Here is what I think about :

binaries :
- The flag system on the scoreboard should be introduced to the official client (and it should also display your own country flag on the scoreboard which aint the case with your match client lucas)
- As it has been said here, make more stuff server side INCLUDING hit register.
- Time to include some macros/scripts protections. Weapons already include delays but many other actions do not, like jump (if more explanations needed, I can link to a vid by PM)
- Ive heard that maprestrictions would be removed for the next version? If so that's a good thing.

configs :
- We should add a competitive option to check or not, that would be a simple script with the most used commands in competitive (vsync 0, autoreload 0, maxfps 0 ...) because new comers dont always know about that.
- The windows 95 like menu system should be changed to something less ugly (already replaced by the website system?).

servers :
- Servers owners should be able to ban but blacklisting should be to devs. The masterserver blacklist is enough. And I guess it will be even easier to manage with the next account system.
- nicknameblacklist : time to include some default entries in this file like Hitler dont you think? Many server owners dont bother doing it. Could avoid many report. But I guess that file wont be needed anymore with the new account system (and I hope you wont let people register with such stupid names).

packages :
- Why not adding some fonts? I like bpreplay or comfortaa. Many fonts have been made by the community and adding (replacing the old one with) some of them wouldnt hurt or take time.
- Protox made a great job with playermodels. I suggest including them : here. They are the same as the old one but in a better quality.
- Some sounds could be changed. Thinking about the quake hitsound or some weapon sounds.
- We could add some better crosshairs (still made by the community).
- Most of misc folder could be replaced by some community work (thinking about protox again).
- Same for the skin weapons. Some are awesome and could be at least a choice like when you choose your player skin in DM.


ouch that link
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(07 Jul 15, 02:08PM)Halte Wrote: - We should add a competitive option to check or not, that would be a simple script with the most used commands in competitive (vsync 0, autoreload 0, maxfps 0 ...) because new comers dont always know about that.

yeah, that would be a really good idea. I would suggest using maxfps 1000 instead of 0 though as you can get graphics glitches on your screen when your fps goes over 1000 (if you have a machine that can output over 1000 ofc. the counter will only show 1000 but if you use an external program like MSI afterburner it will report the 'real' framerate, I was getting almost 2000 in some places on my radeon 7970). water spazzes out, some mapmodels disappear and reappear as you walk, and other weird shit. would be nice for someone to write a "competitive config" full of useful commands for people though. I could try making one if you want.

(07 Jul 15, 02:08PM)Halte Wrote: - Why not adding some fonts? I like bpreplay or comfortaa. Many fonts have been made by the community and adding (replacing the old one with) some of them wouldnt hurt or take time.

<3 comfortaa

iirc this was suggested before somewhere but developers thought adding TTF support would be necessary since it's such a pain to make new ones. Maybe https://github.com/scriptum/UBFG might be a useful tool to consider? idk
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Im agree with all the changes that Halte had told. Nice changes!
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Good idea, who will dev that ?
Thanks given by: sukablya
Agree to all
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(07 Jul 15, 07:31PM)MPx Wrote: + Colored names on the console for each teams or separate the 'kills messages' and the chat.

just adding that. blue players name for rvsf and red for cla. would be helpful in match to quickly see if your mate did the kill or if the ennemy did it.

Fra.Million fragged Ger.Newbie
Ger.Newbie fragged Fra.Million

also the gsf client already separated chat and kill messages so again no need to code new stuff since it has already been done.
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Hm, yea that should be interesting
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(10 Jul 15, 02:14AM)Halte Wrote: just adding that. blue players name for rvsf and red for cla. would be helpful in match to quickly see if your mate did the kill or if the ennemy did it.

Fra.Million fragged Ger.Newbie
Ger.Newbie fragged Fra.Million

It's a nice idea but they have it in sauer already and tbh I find it annoying to have multiple colours on the same line. I like the idea of different colours being used tho, maybe in a way like this? :

you fragged NL|Marti
you fragged NL|Marti
you fragged NL|Marti
you fragged NL|Marti
you fragged NL|Marti
you fragged NL|Marti
you were fragged by NL|Marti

or if you want to colour the text according to what's happening on the rvsf/cla side, obviously make it blue/red and not green/red. x)
Thanks given by: starix/A/ , Nightmare , Z3R0
Or just let the user decide what he prefers ?
Thanks given by: Nightmare , MerCyKiL
stop dreaming hahaha
Thanks given by: starix/A/
I pay 20 dollars to the one who does it. does anybody else want to give some "incentives"?
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(10 Jul 15, 02:14AM)Halte Wrote: Fra.Million fragged Ger.Newbie
Fra.Million fragged Ger.Newbie
player Ger.Newbie disconnected

Thanks given by: Halte
(07 Jul 15, 02:08PM)Halte Wrote: binaries :
- The flag system on the scoreboard should be introduced to the official client (and it should also display your own country flag on the scoreboard which aint the case with your match client lucas)

It is the case, provided you play on match servers, as it is supposed to be with this client.

Currently theres a client side country flag determination if you don't playon these servers, which doesn't include yourself for simplicity. If you connect to a match server, however, the server will send the country for each player itself including yours.
So, in other words, its already working like you said - the only thing is you're using the client beyond its original specifications (i was just nice enough to make the country flags show up, even on "incompatible" servers :D )
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ok got it.

so will the next version include flags? I guess all servers will be compatible then :)

any chance to see some of this ideas included? As I said these are just small changes. I think 90% of that wont need any work at all since community already provided the material required.

I really think a new fresh hud would help. Devs always complain that they are doing everything alone. Well for coding that might be true. But the community provided plenty of maps, skins, textures etc etc. Let these people, who actually shared their work, contribute to the game. We dont need to be stuck with the same old ugly misc folder. Also if people see that their work can be merged into the game, maybe it will boost the community creativity and the game might improve. Lets make protox mod official :)

Im sure jpablon would provide the source code for his client (I would take his chat system). I also think skb would do it (everyone loved the menus and scoreboard transparency).
Thanks given by: starix/A/
(07 Jul 15, 02:08PM)Halte Wrote: - Protox made a great job with playermodels. I suggest including them

- Some sounds could be changed. Thinking about the quake hitsound or some weapon sounds.

- We could add some better crosshairs (still made by the community).

- Most of misc folder could be replaced by some community work (thinking about protox again).

- Same for the skin weapons. Some are awesome and could be at least a choice like when you choose your player skin in DM.

Yes. Even though there's akimbo for alternatives, most new players won't know it exists. And making a good first impression is important. Can put all the sexy stuff as default and fps won't be harmed too much...not as much as some official maps at least.
Thanks given by: starix/A/
(10 Jul 15, 11:40AM)Vanquish Wrote: ...

or if you want to colour the text according to what's happening on the rvsf/cla side, obviously make it blue/red and not green/red. x)

There's already a patch made for an older version of AC on sourceforge that did just that. Now as to whether or not someone wants to spend the time to simply update the patch and apply it is another story. https://sourceforge.net/auth/?return_to=...es%2F21%2F

Nevermind, found out the "patches" section isn't a thing now.
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(10 Jul 15, 02:51PM)EndGame Wrote: I pay 20 dollars to the one who does it. does anybody else want to give some "incentives"?

[Image: neReUhS.jpg]

Lucas did this, paypal accepted
Thanks given by: NarcotiK , ReDBuLL , starix/A/ , yopa
Very nice work, good job Million and Luc@s ;)
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Sure, send me details and I pay asap.
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if you want to support the game you'd rather donate those 20 bucks to assaultcube and they'll be used to pay the forums/MS
Thanks given by: Oracle
Is there a way to donate without paypal or electronic features? I'm assuming no... :(
Thanks given by: starix/A/
Halte, how many threads are you going to make about this subject. There are 4 threads about this type of thing, and half of them have been created by you... Just type your message in the old one lol.

As for the ideas, I like the idea of using the protox reskins, unless you are using an absolute toaster there shouldn't be issues. I'd personally prefer to have better models, instead of just reskins, but it's unlikely that will ever happen.

The competitive mode I'm... hesistant about. The best competitive mode would be something that just put all settings on low, to get as many frames as possible. The problem here is that if a new player accidently manages to turn this on, they may be repulsed by how ugly the game looks that they'll be turned off the game, especially if they don't know what they've done (they were changing multiple things in menus, etc).

As for the blacklist, I absolutely disagree with you here. Unless I've misunderstood you, you're saying that server owners can't blacklist IP's, and that the masterserver is enough. There are quite a few servers that are commonly used, but that aren't on the masterserver. The server is the property of the owner, and they are allowed to not let people connect. Picture this as a bar. The owner isn't allowed to permanently forbid entry to the bar because all of the criminals will be in jail. That absolutely stupid situation is basically what you're saying. If an owner wants to be an idiot with his/her server, you can't forbid him/her from doing so. It can be banned from the masterserver, but that's it. You have to allow the people running the servers to run them as they want.
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Well I made 3 threads.

- In the first one (that one) I was asking for small changes that would be easy to implement. I wasnt happy with the answers I received since the only dev who bothered to answer me was Lucas and he didnt say anything about weither or not the dev team would spend 10 minutes of their time doing it. So i just talked to him about that on teamspeak.

- He told me that he would implement many things if he could but all other devs had to agree. Problem was that some of them were not answering emails because of their inactivity and some of them were not very cooperative. So I came with the second thread, completely different, asking to remove the power decision of inactive devs blocking the update process.

- After the second thread and, I understood that lucas could do the change by himself but he was unsure to do it without the agreement of the full dev team. (By the full dev team you need to understand the inactive devs not answering, the devs who want changes and the devs who dont care or dont want changes). He didnt want to be kicked like stef was in the past because he did things without consulting the other devs. So here come my third thread, the goal being to convince Lucas to merge his very very hard work with a community vote. He spent much time doing it and I would like you to explain in the appropriate thread why you voted no. I would also like devs who are against to explain why but for now, none of them are against :)
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This is not just a matter of "being allowed to"

Its also that its pointless to add changes to a branch if they only sit there for ever for nothing.
That's why the other "publicly active" devs need to give their position about it, which none of them EVER did so far. Some of them obviously refused to for personal reasons, and took the very few negative comments about this work as an opportunity not to discuss it - even though the content itself was never really criticized, just the methods that we HAD to use
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will see the poll. 22-3 so far. Here we are on the Assaultcube forum. This is the link between community and players. The community post here and this is where the devs communicate with the community.

If you dont vote against a president, you cant blame him for being president. Same rule here. If devs do not vote against merging your work, they are not against it. The community is voting in the thread. Devs always claim that they try to listen to community. I hope they wont ignore that vote and if they do, then too bad for them, they should have vote.
Thanks given by: ReDBuLL
"If you dont vote against a president, you cant blame him for being president. Same rule here. If devs do not vote against merging your work, they are not against it."

Um... They might well be against it, they just don't care anymore, they have IRL commitments they need to take care of. The is a lot of reasons why they might dislike it, but can't vote, or don't even know a vote is happening (they're on holidays). Not that any of these are actually happening (except for the IRL commitments), but you saying "If devs do not vote against merging your work, they are not against it." is incorrect.
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