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AssaultCube Haikus
5 Syllables
7 Syllables
5 Syllables

That's simple

Thanks given by:
Deep stuff right here
Thanks given by: DeafieGamer
two teams fight for flags
two sides fight for forum friends
art imitates life
Thanks given by: Oracle , Orynge , DeafieGamer , Z3R0
this game is so bad
last swiss standing is quite shit
why am i still here
Thanks given by: Oracle , Z3R0
no see the palm of
the front, no represent the
hip hop, starix top.
Thanks given by: Z3R0 , HoeHunter
Pieces of Shit
So many they are
Pieces of Shit
Why do I still use a K-Bar?
Pieces of Shit
Fuck your Haikus
Pieces of Shit
Earn your beginning
and Tell me nothing.
Thanks given by:
I hate you so bad
I was blew by your reply
Awesome poem, you scumbag
Thanks given by:
Bug you started good but the finish was shit.

"Was Blew by your reply?"
Thanks given by:
Finally some kind of thread where we can post our poems!
I made this  poem few minutes ago:

You asshole!
Thanks given by:
Friteq you got no skills

Don't try and wow me by yo technical trills
Thanks given by:

Morgan is cool and he deserves respect
No I am just kidding he can sux my dic*
Everytime he trying to post funny shit
Uncle Joe slaps his tit
He screams :Uncle!Go!"
But he thinks yes,even if he say no
Thanks given by: MorganKell , Marti , Chill , Z3R0
Almighty king of AC
Leads the hounds of Kell.

All hail lord Starix
Who Graces Us With His Gun
.....then edit mode hacks
Thanks given by: DeafieGamer , HoeHunter
I dont know what i
Am doing in this haiku
Is this correct guys?
Thanks given by: DeafieGamer , Oracle
smoke weed four twenty.
best frags you complain lagger!
I dildo my butt.
Thanks given by: Vanquish , Z3R0 , yopa
My team is loosing.
I, Sepehr must do something,
Teamkill opponent.

I don't play AR.
When I have the Akimbo
For the one point one.
Thanks given by: Nightmare , Oracle
:( i got it just now
Thanks given by:
ya'll need a lesson
form, you have no mastery
learn to think, not speak
Thanks given by:

Apperaing on the sky...
Makeing impersonators in AC cry
It is a 1cap,brazil guy

Solves troubles of bad behaviour

Helping even neighbor

Faceing evil by makeing a lot of topics
He do not get that is comic
Thanks given by: Lozi* , RikPik , Marti , Z3R0 , 1Cap
Playing AssaultCube
versus Vanquish oh my god
I cri evritiem
Thanks given by:
To the tune of "Reading Rainbow" by Steve Horelick, Dennis Neil Klienman and Janet Weir

(01 Jul 15, 03:31PM)Friteq Wrote:

Apperaing on the sky...
Connects a random guy
I read his name
I hate this game
It's fucking 1Cap

I can go anywhere
"uh, I'm in this clan"
I'm fucking banned
God, fucking 1Cap

I can be anyone
He made a thread
"please ban undead"
Oh, fucking 1Cap
Thanks given by: Friteq , Marti , PhaNtom , 1Cap , HoeHunter
(01 Jul 15, 05:21PM)Cemer Wrote: To the tune of "Reading Rainbow" by Steve Horelick, Dennis Neil Klienman and Janet Weir

(01 Jul 15, 03:31PM)Friteq Wrote:

Apperaing on the sky...
Connects a random guy
I read his name
I hate this game
It's fucking 1Cap

I can go anywhere
"uh, I'm in this clan"
I'm fucking banned
God, fucking 1Cap

I can be anyone
He made a thread
"please ban undead"
Oh, fucking 1Cap

Good one!
Thanks given by:
Five flags to five flags
One foot from the winning score
And the game is done

You are running flag
Newbie teammate shoots at you
Newbie teammate dies

Perros servers rock
Watch your language! Your message was not delivered.
There is nothing wrong with them
Watch your language! Your message was not delivered.
We love to play there
Watch your language! Your message was not delivered.
Thanks given by: DeafieGamer , Oracle , HoeHunter , Z3R0 , +f0r3v3r+
^ Best one so far. Pure beauty.
Thanks given by:
