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Bad news.
simple, even for a baby.

1- I find a player (supposedly the Undead) on the server with the starix name: | oNe | Starix
2 Surely he is banned
3 Other players (just see the pictures) vote to remove the ban
4- They are also banned
5- I come to the forum and show it
6- So after this Im also a impersonator target (np)
7- The Undead invites the Starix to app in oNe (lol)
8- Said that the Starix is pro and that the oNe clan need him. (omg kkkkk)
9- The Starix (Kid) falls into the sweet talk (lol 2)
10- The clan oNe orders the Starix not answer nothing in AC forum or he will be removed from clan
11- They accuse the ip of Cheater
12. X-Ray says it's Starix ip

13. Now X-ray must to prove this accusation ;)

* Mousikos , do what your soul say to you to do ;)
Thanks given by: Undead , Chill , starix/A/ , Z3R0 , Nemo
Lets ban all players who played with undead on 1 server,ever.From ACWC too,also 1cap should be face of AssaultCube.
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Top bants. 1cap is a great piss tekker.
Thanks given by: 1Cap , Oracle
Great, now starix is pm'ing me 'proof' of him not cheating by telling me his ip and showing a ss of a clanmatch he played. Lol
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Starix told me he have 80% of warning level.
With this value he can not write here in the forum and defend himself.
But the focus is not Starix. The problem is the impersonator |oNe|Starix e |oNe|Cap ---- Shame.

I'll bring the server logs.
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Sheriff 1cap with his duty to save the world.By the way technically |oNe|Cap is NOT impersonating,there is no player known as Cap,or did I miss something??
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The intention is obvious.
Thanks given by: Luc@s
lol starix is insulting me in pm now, amazing that you are trying to defend such a guy

edit: seems Mael already knew years ago http://forum.cubers.net/thread-5988-post...#pid111821
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i added that he still use CAP name and oNe tag and he s also speaking french
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that was almost three years christ
Thanks given by: Orynge
Well oNe is an official clan, and there is no player called Cap, so there is no real argument as to why someone cannot play as |oNe|Cap, it's not like someone used the name 1cap, they used the name Cap, with a clan tag
Thanks given by: Friteq , DeafieGamer , Nemo
(29 Jun 15, 10:04PM)HoeHunter Wrote: Well oNe is an official clan, and there is no player called Cap, so there is no real argument as to why someone cannot play as |oNe|Cap, it's not like someone used the name 1cap, they used the name Cap, with a clan tag
let's do a simple sum:
Defend a impersonator
Using "#freeundead" as a banner under your name
warning points like this:
unfortunately you don't pass in the category impartiality
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(30 Jun 15, 12:17AM)1Cap Wrote: unfortunately you don't pass in the category impartiality

do you?
Thanks given by: 1Cap , DeafieGamer , Orynge , Marti
(30 Jun 15, 12:27AM)Cemer Wrote:
(30 Jun 15, 12:17AM)1Cap Wrote: unfortunately you don't pass in the category impartiality

do you?

Such a hard question for him I guess...
Thanks given by: 1Cap , DeafieGamer
thx for making his email public
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1cap you gonna whine cuz I gave starix warning points, dude you have warning points you got nothing on me. You also had warning points for starting a "witch hunt" and "throwing shit", so please, sir, sit the fuck down
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|oNe|Cap is a legit name. Ain't no impersonation. It's a clever play on words. Good show chaps.
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(29 Jun 15, 10:04PM)HoeHunter Wrote: Well oNe is an official clan, and there is no player called Cap, so there is no real argument as to why someone cannot play as |oNe|Cap, it's not like someone used the name 1cap, they used the name Cap, with a clan tag

(29 Jun 15, 12:17PM)Robtics Wrote: The intention is obvious.
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Cant we just leave this and actually play ac please?

I say solve this oldschool in a 1v1 douze
Thanks given by: MorganKell
#No-Alias log-ins for 1.3
Thanks given by: Lozi* , kaz
For the record, I'm not an Undead fan at all. He continuously does things unanswered that I am still to this day banned for. But....
1Cap, you're fighting a lost cause. And in this particular case I would just go silent and it will all go away.... eventually.
Whatever deal starix and anyone else cooked up is not your concern.
|oNe|Cap is a hilariously clever way to satirize you. I don't think it's impersonation. It's immature. Still, it's pretty funny. Laugh it off and move on. Geez.
Thanks given by: Graziano , MorganKell
And with this,

The curtian on this threads closed down!
Thanks given by: starix/A/
Hey Boomhauer. I'd love for you to hit me up on those other ways you're still banned because of Undead. It'd be a fking thing. Tbh I honestly don't give a shit. All I want is to know so I prepare for the inevitable blowback. This is KH. Now go find fucking Bullpup for us bro. Fail that? Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Wanker.
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just very bad (kido) mods making this thread down...
Just to show you all why this forum (comunity) is in this situation for years
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xdddddddd, yeah BoB is doing this xd
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(29 Jun 15, 10:04PM)HoeHunter Wrote: Well oNe is an official clan, and there is no player called Cap, so there is no real argument as to why someone cannot play as |oNe|Cap, it's not like someone used the name 1cap, they used the name Cap, with a clan tag


can you make up another retarded excuse for that one as well ?
Thanks given by: Undead , Nemo , champo
Wow larry and edward tag abusing :o
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I think someone is tag abusing while impersonating me. im the real victim here guys ! i wont be stupid enough to impersonate with my real name !

no seriously i asked if I could join w00p and they said yes to me. i asked before. check demo. if u dont want me anymore i will remove tag immediatly !
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The quickest way to destroy this game is using cheater and impersonating players. Stop being idiots. Stop trying to destroy this game ever and ever.
Moreover, how idiots who do not defend this game can be moderators of this forum?
Unfortunately the clan oNe is defending an impersonator and this will have consequences.
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Apathy and solidarity are two very different things, do not get them mixed up in your mind.
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