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how do I kick people?
when ever I try to start a vote the wrong person ends up getting voted for!

I tried typing the user name, the CN number and everything.

please help.
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kick (cn) "reason here"
//example: /kick 4 "You are DES|Bukz"
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why doesn't it appear in the menu anymore ? :/
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Quote://menuitem "Kick/ban player..." "showmenu kick/ban" // only noobish vote abusers use this, if you really want it, just uncomment
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I disagree.
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i gave up on voting in i been trying to type names like /kick IteamKill teamkilller

it will end up as kick Chuck_Norris

to find out the numbers takes too much time
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are you serious smg? just tab > look > type > enter

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...yea 10 seconds too much time for me to be exact i am a bit lazy sometimes ^.^
no actually i am dyslexic so i have a bit of a hard time reading list like that hahahha
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oh sorry about that :)
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thats ok it just makes my eyes hurt a bit ^.^ .... and take a bit longer on a full server
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I actually didn't know there was a menu for that until a few months ago.
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Thats actually pretty clever devs!
I always wondered why that menu disappeared.
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Raise one leg backwards, then swing your leg forwards with a lot of force behind it. Aim for the shins.
I always use /kick (cn)
Sometimes when you kick from the kick menu, someone joins and stuffs up the order, so you kick someone else.
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Be sure to pull your toes back so as to avoid putting the brunt of the kick onto them. Toes are rather delicate.
At least in this new version you can use the player name to kick. Just type the first couple letters of the player's name and hit TAB until the right one is in your command prompt. Or do you need to put something like
nickcomplete kick
in autoexec.cfg first?
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To make sure it passes well, wear steal toed boots
So thats how nickcomplete works? I always wondered.
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Kicking by nick never worked for me. I tried it a couple of times in 1.1 (I'd been using the GUI menus because I didn't know there was a command for it) and it ended up pulling cn 0 all the time.
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I'm just wondering. If you have any invalid argument after a vote requiring cn, does it use 0?
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Yes because 0 = error/invalid/nonexistent.
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Here is a precise Lordy's how to about how to kick:

1. Raise a leg. We are going to name it Timmy.
2. carefully pull it backwards.
3. Now, raise the other leg as well. We are going to name it ... Jimmy.
4. Due to gravity, Timmy will be pulled down with humongous speed.
5. As a result, Jimmy will go front and will ultimately give a fatal blow on the oppositions arse.

[Disclaimer: All the names used here are purely imagination. No real person has anything to do with them. Nor it was intentional to make someone called jimmy or timmy to go around and around to give kicks.]
I once kicked an innocent guy because he entered right after I typed the CN number of a TKer with negative score.

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aggrokick = [kick ($arg1) "See that F1 button on your keyboard? You better press it. If you do not, i will hunt you down, rip out your throat, and find you. FIND YOU. GOT THAT?! PUNK! "]

Put that in your autoexec.cfg and try it!

(To the tune of "Put that in your pipe and smoke it")
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If kicking by player name does not work for you, use this script:
alias kickplayer [kick (findcn $arg1) $arg2]
// kickplayer [PLAYERNAME] [REASON]
Also a friendly tip: Put the reason in brackets so you don't have to squish it all into one word!
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We were actually trying things like that.

Both this:

alias kickn [kick (findcn $arg1) $arg2]


alias kickn [kick $(findcn $arg1) $arg2]

failed, usually defaulting to cn0 and giving a reason of either the player's name or a literal string of "$arg1" when used as /kick nick reason.

V-Man, does that alias test OK on your end? Maybe we just did it wrong, might need to try again. Note that we were using this as an inline /alias - does this differ?
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- Problem solved -
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