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too stupid for modelling and others
Hello Community,

Student/Kurt here. Im having a special wish and it would be great if somebody would help me.

Atm im making a map, but one house is to big so i cant use the door trick with h - 8/9, because house is to big... yes
So i tried to make my own modeld doors, started with creating it with Misfit Model 3D. It worked great i think. But after it it became worse :D

Would be very very very nice/kind if someone could upload a video on youtube how to create a mapmodel like a door from the beginning to the end (creation till using it in a map). I think it would help more ppl than just me.

However i hope somebody could help me and sorry for me very good english and teamplay ;P

Chill/Knurrt/Studentos !
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maybe this help?
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i already looked up all mapmodels on aikimbo and also tried to make my own door (the ones in the picture are a few cubes to big).

I created the model now with MisfitModel 3D, But i dont know how to unwrap, i downloaded LithUnwrap, but idk how to unwrap the skeleton. So i just have the md3 fiel of my door (made with Misfit) and the skin (just took a door texture from the game ^^).

But in the aikimbo modelling tutorial is written that i need more files, a cfg and UV-map (whatever that is, im noob in modeling and other stuff).

W@leed told me to add my mapmodel to the default_map_settings.cfg, what i did. I just added
mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "asd" //202 (asd is name of my door)

When i try to use it in my map there comes the message failed to load model mapmodel/"asd"
W@leed told me i have to upload the model firstly on Aikimbo, is that right? Or its just that everybody is able to see that model?

So what i can do know to fix my problem?^^
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you probably just didnt package it right

whats the file path?
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AssaultCube_v1.2,0,0 / packages / models / mapmodels / Aikimbo / asd

thats the path. I can use all mapmodels i downloaded from Aikimbo, also when they are seperated in some other files, but it doesnt work with my own one :/
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when you download from akimbo, unzip then copy the 'packages' folder and paste it on the AC folder, then you have to edit the cfg file for your map:

should look like this:
mapmodel 4 1 0 0 "cleaner/worldmap" //201

'Cleaner' should be the folder for your nickname and 'worldmap' its the folder where is the mapmodel in format md3 file.
So if you made the door 3d model, you need to add this to your ac_map.cfg file.

mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "chilllounge/door"

To learn about UV map and unwrap. Well, on youtube there's a lot of tutorials.
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i searched for a cfg file of my map but just found a ffm.cgz file and many BAK's, example for the last file: ffm_1432824550.BAK, i think that are the saves. ffm is name of the map.
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did you read the docs before doing all this? XD
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no D:

yay it works :D

ty, looks like im also stupid to read ^^
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When they said you were too stupid they were just too polite to say you aren't pretty enough.
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