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Custom skin issue...
Is there any way we can encourage people to not use :, ?, *, <, >, ", |, / and \ in their clan tag?
Or is there a way to store custom skins or surround the names with code so that we can still use them?
This is a problem in Windows for custom skins.
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Use Linux...
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(23 Mar 15, 12:43AM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote: Use Linux...

Ya hear that everybody, the solution to all your computer problems is to switch to a computer system that doesn't have very good compatibility with your hardware or software packages!
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(23 Mar 15, 01:43AM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(23 Mar 15, 12:43AM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote: Use Linux...

Ya hear that everybody, the solution to all your computer problems is to switch to a computer system that doesn't have very good compatibility with your hardware or software packages!

Works fine on my end.
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(23 Mar 15, 02:13AM)Mousikos Wrote: Works fine on my end.

I was implying for a linux newbie ._.
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Its better than ever though xD
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Yes, switch to a totally different OS just for custom skins, makes total sense.
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(23 Mar 15, 07:48PM)HoeHunter Wrote: Yes, switch to a totally different OS just for custom skins, makes total sense.

Makes more sense to me for one person to do this, than for all most clans to change their tags...
Maybe I am wrong...

EDIT: Moved the posts regarding this out of List of Recruiting Clans to prevent further degradation of that thread....
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