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Got banned from 20+ servers for NO REASON
I keep getting banned from multiple servers for either no apparent reason or an invalid one. I am not a cheater and i dont have aimbot (I don't believe in cheating). I keep playing like a good sport and then BOOM im banned. Probably cause other players accuse me of being a cheater right?
PS: I'm not out here to make any trouble whatsoever. If I did something that gave people the right to blacklist/ban me, I sincerely apologize to not only them but to everyone in the community.
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Maybe this is why:

(11 Aug 14, 01:02PM)xXSimonXx Wrote:
//Name: Tylinater 
//Reason: excessive teamchat spamming (65 messages in less than 5 minutes), insults, 3 times vote-abuse
//Date: 2014-08-10
//Proof: Serverlog


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Thank you for helping me on that. I also want to sincerely apologize to the entire assaultcube community for my actions. What i did was wrong and i hope you can forgive me.
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"In Game:
oH yEAH?
you can't ban me, WHATEVER.
Nice Shot.
Recover the flag!
Alright Sir!
Nice Shot.
hahaha you can't do sh.."

On forum 5 minutes later:
I so sorriez!
I never do again!
I beg of you!
Why ban?
Not do anything!
Was my brother!
Pleaze forgives my brother!
He never do agaaaain!
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Lol bad boy. Watcha gonna do when sheriff come for you.
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(26 Jan 15, 06:42AM)Tylinater Wrote: I don't believe in cheating

But you are afraid of it?
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Am I afraid of cheating? First of all, why would I want to cheat in the 1st place? That pretty much ruins the whole point and concept of assaultcube for everyone. I just dont think anyone no matter who you are should be cheating at all. And I have learned my lesson through my invalid actions.
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I like to show off my custom messages to but jeese, a bit excessive...
I will chalk it up to a phase.
Tylinater's been around as long as I can remember and only now did this happen.
I guess this explains what you were talking about last night mate :|

xD I'd take out the Blue Team Hackers though.
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You don't get it.
"I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him."
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What are you even talking about? No disrespect to you or anything like that but it sounds to me like you're comparing an action "cheating" to an entity "God". That's like comparing apples to oranges my friend. 2 totally different things and makes absolutely no sense.
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(29 Jan 15, 03:49AM)Tylinater Wrote: That's like comparing apples to oranges my friend. 2 totally different things and makes absolutely no sense.

They are both fruit
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Ok than...
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This has nothing to do with cheating, wtf are you jabbering about? Tylinater, personally, I don't think what you did is worthy of a blacklist, but I suggest you make note of which servers blacklisted you, and speak to the server owners.
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