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HELP ME PLESE!!!! graphics problem
whenever i start AC my graphics look all blue and green please help me and reply i real want to play this game ):

[Image: 7][/img]
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Uh, you might want to upload the image so we can see it. You only linked us to where it is on your computer.
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(03 Sep 10, 03:54AM)jackswag Wrote: whenever i start AC my graphics look all blue and green please help me and reply i real want to play this game ):

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Damn, I want that, whatever is happening.
I've never seen anything like that.
Things that might help are your OS, Video card, Processor, and stuff like that.
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Looks like an outdated graphics card or driver.
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Where can i get the download for this mod, it looks awesome :D

but seriously i think it is your grafics card. you can download updates i think, google it, might be worth a look.
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I dont think anyone can help you if you dont say what type of graphic card you have ?
Is it Nvidia, ATI or built in (Intel ex) ?
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what the fuck am i smoking.
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RESOLVED - INVALID (Stop taking drugs.)
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Wow i never seen a mess up Graphics/Video Card like this before.
i almost have the same problem. but mine takes like 1.5 - 3 Hrs 2 F up

here's my F up ac screen shot. im shock that it survive/it takin a screen shot(meaning its finish with Hell Lag!)
[Image: picture3rp.th.png]

The Question is. how much "M.B? is on ur Graphics Card?
if the update doesn't Work.. Get a new Graphics card.

If u about 2 get a new Video Card
And Trust me. get a Nice Hi/hi-mid Performance Graphic card
250MB - 500 MB
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