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9th Endorsed Mapping Contest
(17 Jan 15, 12:38AM)Undead Wrote:
(16 Jan 15, 10:58PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: You know, it's funny you should mention that. As much as Undead complains about judging, he neither maps nor volunteers to judge. I think we have a classic case of a one hit wonder.

i don't have a problem with judging, but i have made it known that i would rather make a map, provided that the judging is less BS.

(16 Jan 15, 10:58PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: What I'll also say is if a layout is more important to a judge, it will be judged more harshly. Of course, Undead would fail to understand that.

no, it won't. it gets 5/6ths of points for other aspects, then 1/6th of points for gameplay. you can't take points from the other sections just because the gameplay is lacking.

(16 Jan 15, 10:58PM)Snoosnoo Wrote: Small edit: Who'd have Undead as a judge. He bitches about everything other than Exoduss and his own work.

do you even read my posts or do you just automatically react negatively to criticism? or are you just angry that a requirement of strong gameplay would lose you any chance of winning the contest?

leave it there please, you're making a dick out of yourself.

(16 Jan 15, 11:22PM)Pi_Halo Wrote: I don't see the point of having long discussions of what should be changed in the middle of a contest

this doesn't really matter considering the competition just started

i don't accept this compromise. make a (logical) decision in the immediate future instead. making a map isn't fun when you aren't 100% on what you're being judged being judged on.

It's okay, mate. At least you understood caverns was so crammed full of rocks that you had to modify it. I'm surprised it took your sorry self so long to realise that. I guess you were too busy making praises that came directly out of your arse that you failed to realise how terrible it was with gameplay. Simply adds to the irony that you're complaining about the layout element when cavern was so bloody bad.
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(17 Jan 15, 01:56AM)Snoosnoo Wrote: It's okay, mate. At least you understood caverns was so crammed full of rocks that you had to modify it. I'm surprised it took your sorry self so long to realise that. I guess you were too busy making praises that came directly out of your arse that you failed to realise how terrible it was with gameplay. Simply adds to the irony that you're complaining about the layout element when cavern was so bloody bad.

you do realize you're just arguing my point? rofl
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Are you guys going to quit quibbling, or do I need to close this thread? It would be a shame, but honestly sort it out elsewhere, this is just childish.
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snoosnoo is just attacking Undead at this point RR be a real dadmin and act
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Snoosnoo haz you made an official map?

Also RR, closing this thread would ruin the competition no?
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(17 Jan 15, 08:12AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Are you guys going to quit quibbling, or do I need to close this thread? It would be a shame, but honestly sort it out elsewhere, this is just childish.

Yeah let's continue to close everything so that people will create even more thread so you will have the opportunity to close more threads or just to stop the arguing so that people will just keep their anger to each others and not fix that in private at all. I never undestood some moderators honestly, like if censorship is the way to go.
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(17 Jan 15, 02:57PM)ExodusS Wrote: I never undestood some moderators honestly, like if censorship is the way to go.

Hi TheGunBarrel
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(17 Jan 15, 02:57PM)ExodusS Wrote: Yeah let's continue to close everything so that people will create even more thread

Maybe there should be an anything goes thread in off topic that can't be closed?
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(17 Jan 15, 02:57PM)ExodusS Wrote:
(17 Jan 15, 08:12AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Are you guys going to quit quibbling, or do I need to close this thread? It would be a shame, but honestly sort it out elsewhere, this is just childish.

Yeah let's continue to close everything so that people will create even more thread so you will have the opportunity to close more threads or just to stop the arguing so that people will just keep their anger to each others and not fix that in private at all. I never undestood some moderators honestly, like if censorship is the way to go.

It's not censorship when all that's being deleted is shit. As of recently, it's been more closing of threads and not deleting unless your post had absolutely no content. Also, we can stop you from making threads or anyone else for that matter if that's what you want. Alas, this isn't a discuss why the AC forum is messed up or why halo is blah blah blah thread so let's stop?
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Exo, I'd close this thread in hopes that they would go fight on IRC, or in PM. But not in another thread.

Marti, I know. Probably more inclined to give out temp bans until the contest is done and delete the nonsense.
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Jesus, this is why we cant have nice things.
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Chill out ladies.
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Back on topic (and hopefully to stay on topic), anyone have an early stage WIP they don't mind sharing a few views of? Would rather enjoy seeing some directions each player is taking.
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I will try newcomer category ;)
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Nice to see someone has some humor about a mishap from the days of old. Though it would be cool to see you enter Alien. It's been forever since you have made a map (as far as I know anyways).
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undead make a map so everyone finally has a new undead map

good luck to all who are entering
Thanks given by: Orynge
(21 Jan 15, 10:46PM)Cemer Wrote: undead make a map so everyone finally has a new undead map

good luck to all who are entering

i actually wanted to make a map, but i can't with the way the tournament is being run.
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(21 Jan 15, 11:16PM)Undead Wrote: i actually wanted to make a map, but i can't with the way the tournament is being run.

Can't and won't are too different things. You are perfectly able to make and submit a map, but you won't because you disagree with the way it's being run or you don't think you have a chance of winning. Either way, it's a choice. If you disagree with the way it's being run, after this competition is over feel free to make your own.
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I decided to change the word "official" to "endorsed". The reasoning for this is that "official" makes it sound as if the winner will be added as an official map. The reasoning behind calling it "endorsed" instead is that all but 2 contest of have some sort of dev involvement, but it judge, chairman, or entry. So the contest does have some sort of dev endorsement, but it one dev or many.

Also, slightly off topic, I plan on running another contest this year which will be called beta. The reason for this is because I want to try to actually open it up to what others have to say. I will even open a poll and let the community pick the judges (4 or 5, haven't decided yet). This will most likely be late in the year, around autumn or winter again (for the northern hemisphere people). It will be called beta because that is exactly what it will be, testing of a new system. Which maybe the 6th contest should have been named such too because of the community voting. In the mean time, if you wish to discuss the beta contest, we can do so. However, I ask you to PM me on these forums or find me on irc. Lets keep this topic on topic. I will listen to anyone who has an opinion on the matter as long as they are being reasonable and respectful. I will not reply to any negative messages or messages attempt to stir the pot.

Hope this name change is a bit more fitting. Thank you and looking forward to seeing what this contest can produce.
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(22 Jan 15, 01:04AM)Mousikos Wrote: Can't and won't are too different things. You are perfectly able to make and submit a map, but you won't because you disagree with the way it's being run or you don't think you have a chance of winning. Either way, it's a choice.

i'm not going to support a competition that encourages people to make terrible maps. i'm surprised that you support it yourself.

(22 Jan 15, 01:16AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: The reason for this is because I want to try to actually open it up to what others have to say.

is it so hard to open up to others for this tournament?

(22 Jan 15, 01:16AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: I will not reply to any negative messages or messages attempt to stir the pot.

translation: if you criticize me, i will not reply, because my competition is an extension of my ego, and my ego is very fragile.

if halo wanted to solve my problem with the competition, all he has to do is allocate more points for gameplay. very simple, 100% logical, there is no reason not to do it.
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There is no reason not to wait till the end of this contest and suggest everything for a next and stop posting off topic. However, I see which direction your message will be, so likely I wouldn't listen anyways. Only people with constructive comments will be taken serious. If you act like a child, you will be ignored and left to play with your mega blocks cause your parents couldn't afford real legos like a child.
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dem textures look da prettiest u da best mapper mane
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(22 Jan 15, 02:11AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: There is no reason not to wait till the end of this contest and suggest everything for a next and stop posting off topic.

firstly, i'm being completely on topic, and secondly, if you aren't listening now, you certainly aren't going to listen in the future.

(22 Jan 15, 02:11AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: However, I see which direction your message will be, so likely I wouldn't listen anyways. Only people with constructive comments will be taken serious.

nobody making constructive comments has been taken seriously. nobody. don't write lies.

(22 Jan 15, 02:11AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: If you act like a child, you will be ignored and left to play with your mega blocks cause your parents couldn't afford real legos like a child.

the fact that you've resorted to childish insults, the fact that you've resorted to bringing snoonsoo on the forum to try and troll me, the fact that you've completely ignored factual, non-contestable statements, indicates that you're doing everything you can to protect your ego, rather than run the competition in the best manner possible

here is the thing halo: you're wrong, we both know you're wrong, so stop trying to defend yourself and just make the changes that need to be made, and everything can be fine.
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Actually if you ask Snoo, I told him not to post at all and that if he completely had to, to do so in a completely different topic as to not derail this one. I told him it would be better to be left alone and ignored, he insisted and acted on his own.

Obviously you don't listen to the point that they will be made in time. Just not now. So I won't bother reading or replying to anything else you have to say until that time.

For the rest of this topic if its not directly about this contest then I'm not going to waste my time. Also to anyone in power that sees this, if you see it as off-topic be my guest and delete anything that needs to be deleted to get it back on topic.
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(22 Jan 15, 03:21AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: Actually if you ask Snoo, I told him not to post at all and that if he completely had to, to do so in a completely different topic as to not derail this one. I told him it would be better to be left alone and ignored, he insisted and acted on his own.

something tells me that is a lie. supposedly, snoosnoo decided to return to the forums for the specific purpose of trying to insult me, even though i've never had a personal problem with him. lol ok mate.

(22 Jan 15, 03:21AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: Obviously you don't listen to the point that they will be made in time. Just not now. So I won't bother reading or replying to anything else you have to say until that time.

fragile ego.

(22 Jan 15, 03:21AM)Pi_Halo Wrote: For the rest of this topic if its not directly about this contest then I'm not going to waste my time. Also to anyone in power that sees this, if you see it as off-topic be my guest and delete anything that needs to be deleted to get it back on topic.

don't remove the previous posts. he just wants to remove anything that makes his competition look badly run. everything i'm saying is completely on-topic, its just criticism.
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Undead, Halo. Go quibble in PMs or IRC.
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(22 Jan 15, 05:06AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Undead, Halo. Go quibble in PMs or IRC.

not every argument is an unimportant 'quibble', believe it or not. just because you don't care doesn't mean others don't care.
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I care, but this is not the place. Make a thread like "9th Mapping Competition Discussion" and start quibbling there.

And yes, I use the word quibbling when it goes in circles and neither party will concede points, and therefore it is unlikely to reach a resolution.

Take this elsewhere.
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But atm this argument has 0 substance .. Why dont you go ahead and propose one or two judging systems that you feel like are better and start a discussion instead of repating that fragile ego statement over and over
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(22 Jan 15, 07:05AM)Robtics Wrote: But atm this argument has 0 substance .. Why dont you go ahead and propose one or two judging systems that you feel like are better and start a discussion instead of repating that fragile ego statement over and over

in my first post on this thread. nothing wrong with using the same argument twice if its appropriate either.

(15 Jan 15, 09:37PM)Undead Wrote: i offer a suggestion: instead of allocating 1/6th of the points for layout quality, why don't you allocate at least 1/2? i think it is better to encourage mappers to make enjoyable maps rather than pretty ones.

(22 Jan 15, 07:01AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: I care, but this is not the place. Make a thread like "9th Mapping Competition Discussion" and start quibbling there.

And yes, I use the word quibbling when it goes in circles and neither party will concede points, and therefore it is unlikely to reach a resolution.

Take this elsewhere.

well, if a resolution isn't possible, i'd like to make a final statement.

if halo doesn't want to fix this competition, i will not participate, and i would highly encourages others to follow suit, as there isn't any point in playing in a broken competition.
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