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Hax jump bounce issue
Hi guys. A couple of questions to all those who can manage hax jumps well: Is there a way to cancel the bounce after a pre-jump? The bounce is really annoying cause it occurs 7 times out of 10 when I attempt to hax jump. Also, is it possible to do hax without pre-jump?
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haha yeah, happens to me a lot too. it's because you are spamming the bind. It's bind+jump (crouch jump jump if you prefer). just dont bind it on your crouch key.
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(30 Dec 14, 02:35AM)Halte Wrote: ...just dont bind it...


Also, don't do it.
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using the bind is cheating. if you hax jump with the bind you should be getting banned, but most admins don't seem to care for some reason.
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the bounce also happens if you just spam crouch and jump like a moron
Thanks given by: Orynge
I don't spam the keyboard, I only press it twice. This is how I do it:

I press SPACE+SHIFT 2 times quickly (jump-crouch+jump-crouch) and the bounce ALWAYS occurs, but I try cancelling it by staying in crouch position however, this only works about 3 times out of 10. I never use bind. Bind is for noobs (IMHO). But I just wanted to know if there is a 100% way of cancelling the bounce (maybe I'm pressing the buttons in the wrong order I dunno, I@m only learning).
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You can't bind what you guys are suggesting not to bind, FYI.
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You can press space once more and the bounce won't happen.
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Rk, there is a bind that makes the motion far easier, trust.
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(30 Dec 14, 09:15AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: You can't bind what you guys are suggesting not to bind, FYI.

After all, it's well known there are magical links between my keys and their actions instead of binds. You are kinda aware of the "hax-jump" situation for a project leader lol.
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(30 Dec 14, 08:07AM)VectorM12 Wrote: I don't spam the keyboard, I only press it twice. This is how I do it:

I press SPACE+SHIFT 2 times quickly (jump-crouch+jump-crouch) and the bounce ALWAYS occurs, but I try cancelling it by staying in crouch position however, this only works about 3 times out of 10. I never use bind. Bind is for noobs (IMHO). But I just wanted to know if there is a 100% way of cancelling the bounce (maybe I'm pressing the buttons in the wrong order I dunno, I@m only learning).

Everyone says that "oh no no im not using bind im just pressing 2 keys at same time" 
You should be doing it the only proper way and thats with pre jump! 
But ofc why use that when it requires more skill, is slower and more fair.

So to answer your question

1. Use bind and press crouch or jump right after (what sveark said).
2. If you think bind is for noobs use pre-jump and not this "2 keys at same time" crap.
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Again, this jump exists from oversight in the code and is easily fixed, should the devs decide to remove it or pretend it's a feature I don't know.
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(30 Dec 14, 02:10PM)|HP| Wrote: Everyone says that "oh no no im not using bind im just pressing 2 keys at same time" 
You should be doing it the only proper way and thats with pre jump! 
But ofc why use that when it requires more skill, is slower and more fair.

Listen to the master
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(30 Dec 14, 02:10PM)|HP| Wrote:
(30 Dec 14, 08:07AM)VectorM12 Wrote: I don't spam the keyboard, I only press it twice. This is how I do it:

I press SPACE+SHIFT 2 times quickly (jump-crouch+jump-crouch) and the bounce ALWAYS occurs, but I try cancelling it by staying in crouch position however, this only works about 3 times out of 10. I never use bind. Bind is for noobs (IMHO). But I just wanted to know if there is a 100% way of cancelling the bounce (maybe I'm pressing the buttons in the wrong order I dunno, I@m only learning).

Everyone says that "oh no no im not using bind im just pressing 2 keys at same time" 
You should be doing it the only proper way and thats with pre jump! 
But ofc why use that when it requires more skill, is slower and more fair.

So to answer your question

1. Use bind and press crouch or jump right after (what sveark said).
2. If you think bind is for noobs use pre-jump and not this "2 keys at same time" crap.

Thanks for suggestions HP but I don't get what you mean by "use bind and press crouch or jump right after". I've just tried it in desert3 with the bind and pressing the space, and it does cancel the bounce but I@m unable to do the double jump/hax.

I did not say that I press 2 keys at the same time. I said that I press certain keys 2 times quickly (SPACE then SHIFT + SPACE then SHIFT). This allows me to pre-jump. But then I need to stay on the ground for very short time to create the double jump/hax jump, and that is where bounce ruins everything. The bind produces pretty much the same results although the bounce does not occur as often as without the bind but it still happens, especially on the ususal jump-crouches (if that makes sense). I've never been able to do hax without pre-jump even with the bind. Don't know what I@m doing wrong there :(
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(30 Dec 14, 11:54PM)VectorM12 Wrote:
(30 Dec 14, 02:10PM)|HP| Wrote:
(30 Dec 14, 08:07AM)VectorM12 Wrote: I don't spam the keyboard, I only press it twice. This is how I do it:

I press SPACE+SHIFT 2 times quickly (jump-crouch+jump-crouch) and the bounce ALWAYS occurs, but I try cancelling it by staying in crouch position however, this only works about 3 times out of 10. I never use bind. Bind is for noobs (IMHO). But I just wanted to know if there is a 100% way of cancelling the bounce (maybe I'm pressing the buttons in the wrong order I dunno, I@m only learning).

Everyone says that "oh no no im not using bind im just pressing 2 keys at same time" 
You should be doing it the only proper way and thats with pre jump! 
But ofc why use that when it requires more skill, is slower and more fair.

So to answer your question

1. Use bind and press crouch or jump right after (what sveark said).
2. If you think bind is for noobs use pre-jump and not this "2 keys at same time" crap.

Thanks for suggestions HP but I don't get what you mean by "use bind and press crouch or jump right after". I've just tried it in desert3 with the bind and pressing the space, and it does cancel the bounce but I@m unable to do the double jump/hax.

I did not say that I press 2 keys at the same time. I said that I press certain keys 2 times quickly (SPACE then SHIFT + SPACE then SHIFT). This allows me to pre-jump. But then I need to stay on the ground for very short time to create the double jump/hax jump, and that is where bounce ruins everything. The bind produces pretty much the same results although the bounce does not occur as often as without the bind but it still happens, especially on the ususal jump-crouches (if that makes sense). I've never been able to do hax without pre-jump even with the bind. Don't know what I@m doing wrong there :(

you must spend 8 hours a day in gema servers then and only then will a neckbearded finnish man teach you the true ways of the ethical hax jump
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(30 Dec 14, 03:17AM)Undead Wrote: using the bind is cheating. if you hax jump with the bind you should be getting banned, but most admins don't seem to care for some reason.

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For example for me is reduced textures cheating. It is hard for admins to decide...
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what would it be like to be banned for jumping

im sure thats not something you say at cheater circles
Thanks given by: Orynge
people that spam the jump at every single encounter should also be banned
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A jumping ability should not be banned in my opinion. Wall hacks? Yes. Infinite nades? Yes. Speedhack? Yes. Discovering a way to get the most out of new abilities, crouch + jump = whoooa man... NICE, is not the best use of the banhammer. Lighten the restrictions. Show shimmies how to bind cool new moves. Excitement will ensue. AssaultCube as I know it welcomes creativity and mind-blowing situations that invite gamers to try new things and implement intriguing ideas to further their gaming experience i.e. TRY NEW STUFF OUT. We've suffered through the throes of a competition oriented era that is finally starting to go stagnant. We've proven AssaultCube can be a competitive game. Now it is time to bring back the era of the pubs.
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(31 Dec 14, 06:03PM)Cemer Wrote: what would it be like to be banned for jumping

It's called anticheat aushaushaushaushuash
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I'd be very interested in keeping hax jumping but making it impossible to bind jump and crouch to the same key. Then, we can see who really knows how to press at the same time and who was talking out of their ass the entire time...
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If you allow people to bind stuff giving them and advantage, why wont you allow people to use macro stuff giving them an advantage? Trust me you dont want to see that lel. That's why if it's possible, it should be removed imo.

But for now, not sure bind user deserve a ban. I only use the bind when I cant do a gema jump. Sometimes I forget to remove it in pubs but most of the time I dont use it. You win few seconds but Im sure most people dont care if you use the stairs or if you jump.
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Most people know how to jump regardless of your hax.
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(01 Jan 15, 09:14AM)Halte Wrote: If you allow people to bind stuff giving them and advantage, why wont you allow people to use macro stuff giving them an advantage? Trust me you dont want to see that lel. That's why if it's possible, it should be removed imo.

But for now, not sure bind user deserve a ban. I only use the bind when I cant do a gema jump. Sometimes I forget to remove it in pubs but most of the time I dont use it. You win few seconds but Im sure most people dont care if you use the stairs or if you jump.

if you ever played with xemi when he used to abuse the bind, you'd know how much of an advantage it can give you.

we've had this discussion a while ago when it first became a problem. its without a doubt ban-worthy behaviour.

(01 Jan 15, 06:34AM)Mousikos Wrote: I'd be very interested in keeping hax jumping but making it impossible to bind jump and crouch to the same key. Then, we can see who really knows how to press at the same time and who was talking out of their ass the entire time...

haha oh, thats how they do it. i'm a little bit more suspicious now. i always thought it was a bit inhuman that someone could pull the combo off that quickly with their pinky and thumb fingers.
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link to one of the aforementioned discussions

iirc correctly, some people did bind both to one key, others bound one to a mouse button or other buttons really close together, or they were really good at bursting at speed and will definitely have carpal tunnel by the age of 25
Thanks given by: Orynge
I don't bind. I would prove it, but I don't have a good camera. I actually DO press both buttons at once but there's a tiny delay because of how I position my fingers. If I try to do it from a normal typing position I can't do it. I have to lean my hand towards my pinky. It's also a lot easier to do for me if I'm pressing w+a instead of w+d because of how I have to position my hand to hax jump. So I'm stuck between random success hax jumpers and bind jumpers in success rate. I'm also really bad at backwards hax jumping. Supposedly there's a really cool trick as CLA in des3 as far as the base goes. I can do the jump, but I can't do it reliably. I'm still trying to figure out if it's a lack of skill on my part or if people bind that jump. That being said, I do not pre-jump my hax jumps anymore. I can do the prejump one as well, but it has a even smaller rate of success for me.
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Look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dONeWCR4vZk. The guy does it without the bind as he claims. But he also does not pre-jump. He seems to start from crouching position and just jumps over the barrier. I've tried that myself but I can only do that with pre-jump. And I've seen other people do that as well but I just can't get how they do it without pre-jump.

This thread seems to be turning into a holywar of "playerswhousehaxinacshouldbebanned". I think I'll just pm HP and ask him to show me the proper pre-jump.
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This would be easier to perform if IllumiRoom was supported and I had some electrodes connected to my legs.
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