Poll: Which one of these options would be better for the game in your opinion?
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Statu quo : sniper headshots and knife kills 2 frags in every mode
31 73.81%
Sniper headshots AND knife kills should only count as 1 frag in every gamemode
2 4.76%
Sniper headshots should be decreased to 1 frag only in every mode
3 7.14%
Sniper headshots AND knife kills should only count as 1 frag in surv/tsurv only
3 7.14%
Sniper headshots should be decreased to 1 frag only in surv/tsurv only
2 4.76%
I don't mind / I have no opinion
1 2.38%
Total 42 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Make every type of kill 1 frag only in surv/team surv gamemodes
I think it makes more sense even every kill only counts as 1 frag (even sniper headshots and knife kills) at least in survivor and team survivor.
Having the ability to one shot someone or deal him a 50 hp damage with the knife no matter how much armor he has, in a gamemode where you spawn with 100 hp/100 armor is an advantage and you don't have to be rewarded for using it.
Also, survivor is about killing as many enemies as possible without dying ; Currently you can win a survivor game even you died more often then your opponent(s) and it should not be like that in my opinion.

What's your opinion ?
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Can we also introduce one-shot/one-kill for all guns, in T/OSOK modes?

Seriously though, I disagree. But, I think we should introduce extra points (maybe 5 frags?) for being the survivor, in all survivor-type games (inlcuding T/OSOK, T/SURV, T/LSS). This would balance-out the "if you died more often than your opponent(s)" issue.
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I'd rather see tsurv scored on rounds won rather than frags, but I guess I'm alone here x)
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(27 Dec 14, 10:41PM)Vanquish Wrote: I'd rather see tsurv scored on rounds won rather than frags, but I guess I'm alone here x)

To be honest, although controversial, I like this idea... and think we should do it for all surv-type games.
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(27 Dec 14, 10:41PM)Vanquish Wrote: I'd rather see tsurv scored on rounds won rather than frags, but I guess I'm alone here x)

unfortunately, in AC, team scores are just the sum of individual scores. so it might lead to other issues.
anyway, how would you compare different players in the same team ?
not with frags. what matters is kill count. its not different for your mates if you killed someone with a sniper headshot or a regular kill.
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Yeah, I'm going more for Vanquish's idea. Like CTF is won by flags captured, Survivor should be won by rounds survived. It's right in the name. We shouldn't take away the reward for landing a great shot but the scoring should follow the game type.

Quote:Can we also introduce one-shot/one-kill for all guns, in T/OSOK modes?

Sounds awesome, but let's make it insta DM, 1HP, no health/armor pickups, any weapons, respawn instantly. :D
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(27 Dec 14, 10:36PM)RandumKiwi Wrote: Can we also introduce one-shot/one-kill for all guns, in T/OSOK modes?

I want this. Been thinking this would be cool for quite a while.

The issue I see with it is that a weapon like SMG with a high rate of fire or the shotgun with spread would be overused for this mode.
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Personally, I think consistency is key - and therefore knife / sniper kill counts should not vary from mode to mode. I also think that this thread should stay on topic (Randum).

Changes need to be made to Survivor / Team Survivor for sure, but none that you have suggested, Lucas.
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(27 Dec 14, 11:22PM)vonunov Wrote: Yeah, I'm going more for Vanquish's idea. Like CTF is won by flags captured, Survivor should be won by rounds survived. It's right in the name. We shouldn't take away the reward for landing a great shot but the scoring should follow the game type.

Quote:Can we also introduce one-shot/one-kill for all guns, in T/OSOK modes?

Sounds awesome, but let's make it insta DM, 1HP, no health/armor pickups, any weapons, respawn instantly. :D

You are more useful to your team if you kill the enemies. So i still think it should be sorted by kills.
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By the way, i heard some people voted for statu quo because "they don't play this mode anyway", in this case itd be smarter to vote "i don't mind".
If you don't care, this option is for you.
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MRW people took my sarcasm seriously:
[Image: eJAi3TX.gif]
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gibbies with the nade should be worth 2
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Keep in mind a game should be fun as well as realistic. I don't play the TSURV modes but I can't see the benefit of lowering points for kills. People play for realism for sure, but they also play for instant gratification. A two point reward for a HS is more than justified. A two point reward for scalping an enemy whilst brazenly braving enemy fire is more than justified. FYI if someone is charging you with a knife while you have a fully loaded automatic weapon, and you still can't take them down... you deserve to die. The options for lowering the points for kills should be removed from this poll because they are flat-out ridiculous imho.

If anything we'd do better to reconsider Vermi's idea. The grenade spawn times and amounts have been lowered. The dreaded days of nade-spammery are long gone, and it's return wouldn't be anywhere near the level it was back then. A two point nade gib could very well add the excitement that we've been missing of late. Veteran player status is something to be cherished but an infusion of new blood should never be over-looked.

Apologies ahead of time if I missed some of the points of this thread. I'll edit if need be.
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Before players started with 100/100 it was less of an issue as it is now.

Round scoring would not offset headshot gains, but would be amenable to the mode.
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(28 Dec 14, 09:31AM)Waffles Wrote: Before players started with 100/100 it was less of an issue as it is now.

Yes. Also, headshotting someone is not that hard. The sniper is now stronger than it used to be. Remember the knife also allows you to kill someone in 2 shot no matter how much armor he has. Its a huge advantage. Just because youre exploiting the advantages of these guns doesnt mean you deserve twice as more frags.
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Knife is a huge advantage when you play e.g. surv douze and the guy can shoot you from across the map yes.

Make gibs 2 again, that will be fun. And then while we're at it make splatters also 2 again.
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(28 Dec 14, 12:18PM)Marti Wrote: And then while we're at it make splatters also 2 again.

"Over m'n lijk!!!"
(over my dead body)
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(28 Dec 14, 12:18PM)Marti Wrote: and the guy can shoot you from across the map yes.

like, he shoots you in your head, with a sniper ? ;)
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IMHO, making the count mode-dependent would be a bad idea.

I preferred the old simplicity "a frag is a frag and a gib is 2 frags", but since the shotgun is now also able to gib, that's not an option anymore. Of course, if we could have the old shotgun back...

PS: Scoring survivor modes on "rounds won" would highly encourage camping.
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Old shotgun, remove the "peppered" stuff, open up the spread, shorten the range a little, keep the power, it izzz a shotty after all, no gibs for shotgun period tbh, I think I'd fall in love all over again. It'd be something akin to seeing Princess pick up an SMG and start wrecking people on Complex TDM. Make you all weak in the knees.

Nvm. :).
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Wouldn't it make more sense to make a headshot etc 1.01 points instead of 2. That way the kills are easy to recognise at a glance.
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Make grenades two frags again
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Reduce the armor back to 0. Then, make sniper headshots count as 1 frag in survivor modes only. A knife's armor piercing is then nullified and should still count for 2 for being able to get that close.
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(28 Dec 14, 04:07PM)stef Wrote: PS: Scoring survivor modes on "rounds won" would highly encourage camping.

Which is why CS etc. have additional objectives to draw out campers, which is something AC doesn't have at this point in time.
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(28 Dec 14, 04:07PM)stef Wrote: PS: Scoring survivor modes on "rounds won" would highly encourage camping.

there really isn't any problem with camping as a strategy. however, it becomes a bit of a problem when you cant counter that strategy. AC doesn't have such a problem. even when some players have employed camping very effectively (e.g. newbie, xemi, vault), there is always a way to counter it.

so, it doesn't really matter if it "encourages camping", it only matters if it enhances the viability of camping as a strategy to the point of being uncounterable or insanely difficult to counter. 

but this isn't possible by just modifying whether survivor modes are won on rounds or kills lol. campers gunna camp no matter what if its OP.
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(30 Dec 14, 05:29AM)Undead Wrote:
(28 Dec 14, 04:07PM)stef Wrote: PS: Scoring survivor modes on "rounds won" would highly encourage camping.

there really isn't any problem with camping as a strategy. however, it becomes a bit of a problem when you cant counter that strategy. AC doesn't have such a problem. even when some players have employed camping very effectively (e.g. newbie, xemi, vault), there is always a way to counter it.

so, it doesn't really matter if it "encourages camping", it only matters if it enhances the viability of camping as a strategy to the point of being uncounterable or insanely difficult to counter. 

but this isn't possible by just modifying whether survivor modes are won on rounds or kills lol. campers gunna camp no matter what if its OP.

But if survivor modes are won on kills, then you can't be the best player by afking at least.
What really matters is k-d not just d.
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you are reinventing wheel, the surviver mode is about "to survive" and the winner is the player who survived the most times. Using nades, knife and headshot require additional skill, so it should be rewarded. Please balance the game for players, not for friends.
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(30 Dec 14, 02:10PM)Alien Wrote: you are reinventing wheel, the surviver mode is about "to survive" and the winner is the player who survived the most times. Using nades, knife and headshot require additional skill, so it should be rewarded. Please balance the game for players, not for friends.

No, it is not.
If you don't understand the purpose of this thread, i suggest that you don't post here.
Headshots, for example, are already rewarded : they allow you to kill anyone in 1 shot with the sniper.

Also, i am asking everyone's opinion here. Not just my "friends".
Your post is completely retarded.
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(30 Dec 14, 03:41PM)Luc@s Wrote: Headshots, for example, are already rewarded : they allow you to kill anyone in 1 shot with the sniper.

you dont need to recoil knife and you can multikill by nades and what ? Each of weapons has something special. Can you support it by some demos where sniper is overused and OP ? Please dont post tosok/osok mode, i am not so retarded. ;)
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If Luc@s were only asking for his friends, he would have known beforehand that they would all vote for the status quo, which they have. Whereas I voted the same way as him.
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