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Disturbing people
I was playing in Tyd Pennywise server when someone called "fudgcicle" obviously a known admin server or player hides backside, starts harassing me, team killing me, waiting the opportunity to get me angry and finally banned me from the server.
this type of players i can only expect from them a suggestion to quit the game definitively.
to my knowledge this new version came out with a new blacklist, when i decided to come back to this game that was before 2 months, i found my ip range unbanned from all servers (banned since 2010 from almost 60% of servers), i was happy to get some good time till i met this.
several known players are ex-cheaters and had their retribution.
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Yeah, there are a lot of "annoying" players these days, you should just play in servers where you know that there are good and active admins for play in peace. You should report this player, that's my advice.
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You are not supposed to choose your own retribution, I'd say people thing what they want about you, but somewhere, people who know you more also know you were a blatant cheater who continued to cheat and you can't blame those people for not trusting you anymore.
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(24 Nov 14, 09:28PM)ExodusS Wrote: you were a blatant cheater who continued to cheat

ExodusS you are not supposed to reply here, you're an annoying accuser players of cheats, and please correct your expression above.
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But what if his accusations are annoying but true?
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fudgcicle has always been a fair, decent player whenever I see him. Most likely you are at fault. However, demo would be nice
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I'm fudgcicle. In the distant past, I asked pwnage, who is still the operator of the TyD servers, as far as I know, "If I see an ex-cheat on your servers, do you want me to get rid of them?" His response? "Yes."
I'll never apologise for the way I treat anyone who has cheated, regardless of the time elapsed since the incident.
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I knew it. i had a hunch that fudgcicle was jamz, however i don't see what can make you jamz gentle toward me, once i had harrasment from a kid said to me that his father told him i am a cheater, in 2010 that was a fault i summarize the facts i said in past someone entered with my IP indeed that was my PC i tried with some friends a modified client which i recieved from a brasilian who added me on MSN that days but i don't understand cheat in this game and how it works, i remember i used it for 4 minutes only in one map ac_mines with my nickname then deleted it, i noted that the SMG was very strong that i killed Marreira easily. i know, my bad, cheats are disgusting nothing's better then the real pure skills of a player.
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Cheats are a sticky subject no? It's absolutely impossible to judge the intent behind the cheat. AC depends on word of mouth, word of finger perhaps?, to grow. What if players, from different parts of the world, recommended a cool game to play not knowing that what they've dl'd is actually a modified client? It's not the dl'ing players responsibility to make sure they have a perfect and clean client. That's AC's job. Alas that's neither here nor there because in the same vein AC cannot be expected to police it's dls everywhere. It's impossible. On top of which downloading a "cheat client legitimately" would surely give a player a false sense of their true skills. They would likely believe that they are simply good, and would undoubtedly respond with indignation when Old Schoolers and Cheat-free players started calling them out. In my humble opinion I'd suggest adopting an attitude of second chances ie water under the bridge ie shit happens ie it's all good.

As far as Queens.KING goes? I've seen him ingame lately and he's decently killable. New leaves aren't meant to lay face down forever.
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(25 Nov 14, 10:10AM)jamz Wrote: I'll never apologise for the way I treat anyone who has cheated, regardless of the time elapsed since the incident.

im not sure whether to commend you or be kinda confused man
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Be confused. It's my number two goal in life to be hazy and indistinct.
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Is your first beeing paranoid?
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Ermm, Spoiler doesnt work anymore
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(02 Dec 14, 06:35PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: Ermm, Spoiler doesnt work anymore

It works for me.
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(02 Dec 14, 07:39PM)ExodusS Wrote:
(02 Dec 14, 06:35PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: Ermm, Spoiler doesnt work anymore

It works for me.

That because JamZ fixed it
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