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Glorious days are coming :-)
Hi everybody! :-)

I would like to start this thread by saying thanks to devs. Thanks to them for their wonderful job making this awesome game. This is my first and only online gaming experience and (even though it might sound pathetic for some of you) I thank God everyday for having been AC. What started as a way to practice my English (for those who don't know I'm an English teacher) became an important part of my life; I've met wonderful people here and spent some magical moments too. For many people, AC is more than a simple game. In my case, for example, it's a way to explore new cultures and way of living. As I said before, a way to improve my English or answer any questions regarding (English) languages. More important, a way to make friends from all over the world. I'm sure for different people AC has different motives too.

To make a long story short, AC means a lot to me and many players too. It is with great sadness that many players have left the game. Great people such as past devs who I never had the opportunity to meet or three of my mentors in this game; Walrus10, Nativo (who taught me the very basics of the game) and the greatest man on AC, fundog (who would spent months teaching me how to play properly). Moreover, Competitive scene has decreased considerable since the end of 1.1 and all 1.2. In a similar way, public games are not the same as before either. I used to enjoy playing pubs but now we can hardly play with 4 or 3 players each side (you can't use your real skills because some players just rage quit). This situation can't be happening. I would ask everybody what makes you happy when playing assaultcube or what can be done so that everybody is back again. However, this community knows the answers I guess. So, the real purpose of this thread is not to propose but do something (there have been many proposals in previous threads).

What do devs and people who "lead" this game think? Would you like to make "active forum community" happy? I know pub players might be more than competitive players but if we make some changes I think they won't even notice it.

Btw, I wanted to make the name of the thread something more positive. I'm a bit fed up with "dying slowly" or "death" of AC.
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shouldnt it be: not the same AS before? (figured to grammarnazi a bit cuz english teacher)

what makes me happy is me playing shotgun and tossing sexy nades, but i kinda miss the purpose of the post, its not to propose something but to do something, but what exactly do you want to do?
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talk long; dont read
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The post is meant to devs. Of course you can contribute to it but I would like to read devs thoughts.
Well, what I want is devs to make everybody happy. It's not like I want only devs working. If we can help, we will be there.

@Marti, you're right! Bigger than, more intelligent than but same AS something else. I must've been sleepy.
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and people who own at this game.

In all seriousness however, the glory days are gone. Of course I can only speak for myself and players like me, the casual players. Perhaps as I've gotten older the game has lost some of it's shine in my mind, but I genuinely think was the most fun version I've played. It was magic. I loved it, I was hooked from the start. Once the map restrictions came in AC has never felt the same to me. Maybe it was because it was new to me then, and the first time's always the best as they say (I wouldn't know personally) but my levels of enjoyment dive bombed with 1.1.
Not hating on the devs or anything, AC was and still is an incredible achievement - so much so I once pondered donating. But in my opinion the good times have came and gone and I don't see them coming back.
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Glorious days ended long time ago, when great people like Apollo and KanslozeClown, along with MeatRome and others, left.
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y u no kickstarter?!
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The thing to do would be to formulate a legitimate goal, a unifying vision, and build around it. The word should probably be rebuild. Not to sound like a high school health teacher but we need a mission statement. Once we have that we can start brainstorming ideas and by majority opinion (serious, thoughtful opinion based on good discussion) begin to cull the best ideas from the pack. A practical issue needs to be discussed first. Jamz mentioned that the devs were considering selling the game ie finding someone interested, with the time and resources to explore it's potential, to buy and take over the maintenance and administration of it. I'd think the best buyer for any potential changing of the guard should be a group of players who love the game just as much, if not more, than the average person. That in mind, I am quite curious to find out what the price would be for "ownership" of a gem such as AssaultCube.
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^ real devs (who has "dev" as their job) would have no real issue improving this game, however, selling AC would be a mess and I don't even think it's possible.
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Sad truth is that we cant do anything. It's not only AC dieing. Many more older free FPS games like AC are having bad time atm, for example Urban Terror. Such games doesnt attract new players and only older players stay, because there is something keeping them (friends, memories, forums and bla bla bla). So simply, all we can do it is to watch how this game slowly die, coz only solution is to change this game dastrically, what is not going to happen :)
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I will buy AC when im rich in a few years

Or if someone wins the lottery before me they can too lol

Then do some investment and improve teh gameeee
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(20 Sep 14, 08:50PM)Sp33dy* Wrote: Sad truth is that we cant do anything. It's not only AC dieing. Many more older free FPS games like AC are having bad time atm, for example Urban Terror.

But I think, AC has way better selling arguments than UrT, open-source, map editing etc...
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If we are to even attempt returning ac to the glory days, we must first and foremost make the game more welcoming to new players.
To start the no sound glitch can be fixed. It irritates me, if you're playing for the first time and it happens in the first game you play then it might also be the last time you play.
If this is a problem that isn't just my own, we need a fix for "couldn't load texture packages/..../....". It's boring when half the map is grey and you're missing mapmodels.
Also, we need to fix the glitch where you can't join any servers, you just get the trying to connect message on all of them. There's nothing worse than being stuck on a server playing @camper because you can't go anywhere else.

These three things I imagine would not be difficult to implement and would straight away make assaultcube more enjoyable for everyone.
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(19 Sep 14, 06:15PM)Andrez Wrote: Glorious days ended long time ago, when great people like Apollo and KanslozeClown, along with MeatRome and others, left.

No they didn't, the community drama and political shitposting did though.

(21 Sep 14, 01:39AM)Hellspell Wrote: If this is a problem that isn't just my own, we need a fix for "couldn't load texture packages/..../....". It's boring when half the map is grey and you're missing mapmodels.

That ones just you, I think ;)

(21 Sep 14, 01:39AM)Hellspell Wrote: To start the no sound glitch can be fixed. It irritates me, if you're playing for the first time and it happens in the first game you play then it might also be the last time you play.

I re installed the other day 'cos new PC and I had actually forgotten about the no sound bug because I had used /bulletairsound 0 to fix it. HAd to refind that post.
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(21 Sep 14, 02:46AM)DrauL Wrote:
(21 Sep 14, 01:39AM)Hellspell Wrote: If this is a problem that isn't just my own, we need a fix for "couldn't load texture packages/..../....". It's boring when half the map is grey and you're missing mapmodels.

That ones just you, I think ;)

I must better explain, sometimes only half of the custom content on a map seems to actually download. One time it was because there was something wrong with the cfg, it was out of date and had to be converted or something and then it worked. But it seems to happen to me whenever I bother to play and no-one else in the lobby complains. I don't know why this would only happen to me, if that is the case.
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(19 Sep 14, 06:51PM)Nightmare Wrote: y u no kickstarter?!

What would be the point of that?
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(21 Sep 14, 01:03AM)ExodusS Wrote:
(20 Sep 14, 08:50PM)Sp33dy* Wrote: Sad truth is that we cant do anything. It's not only AC dieing. Many more older free FPS games like AC are having bad time atm, for example Urban Terror.

But I think, AC has way better selling arguments than UrT, open-source, map editing etc...

Yes, you are right, but UrT have bigger amount of players base. There are more stuff implented as auto updater, auth system and so on. Anyway, in my opinion AC still looks way better, but if you look from a buyer perspective, AC looks worst option. Except, I believe this game would be cheaper option.

Well, all I mean this game needs REAL changes. Also, even though I like this website, it should look bit more modern, too.
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wow, are you going to kill the devs?? what happened long time ago, was the game awesome?
I think that the game is really good, the devs are working, i hope in improve the game, but i think the should add new modes, weapons or something. Changing the game a bit, and other thing im good on this game, i have a lot of cool moments, and i will have more cool moments :P So thanks for this game
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(21 Sep 14, 02:46AM)DrauL Wrote:
(19 Sep 14, 06:15PM)Andrez Wrote: Glorious days ended long time ago, when great people like Apollo and KanslozeClown, along with MeatRome and others, left.

No they didn't, the community drama and political shitposting did though.

They did. I remember of a peaceful paradise back in the days. Then a new wave of players came, who took over the old ones and made this game (and especially the community) what it is right now, and it's nothing even close to 1.0/0.93 era. Talking about the game itself, it was really killed when map restrictions were introduced, but that's another story.
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Devs, would you mind sharing your thoughts on this matter? What do you think about the game these days? (Public and competitive scene) what can we, loyal players who play in a daily basis, do?
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To speak directly with the devs we need to mention names.
Just go to the github and see what each dev done or is doing.
You can ask directly to the dev responsible for the change.
Also you can directly ask the people responsible for the project:

"AssaultCube is developed by various people around the world. People that enjoy making this game together. This page tells you who works on the game behind the scenes, from the original developers, to the community that enhances the game with their great contributions."

Project Leaders
ärkefiende - Nigel “RandumKiwi” - James “jamz” Harris
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Sooo kickstarter -> $10,000
Buy a super pro for a month or two.
Order him around and add lots of modern features.
Then throw in a touch of every dev.
The Googenheimer 434 Light Machinegun to rep Aerke's nation.
Toxic upgrade/maybe other stuff from le kiwi.
Jamz's favorite maps getting in.
Control mode from Lucas.
Shotgun buff so RR/Bukz can play without being really bad disadvantaged. \:D

I'm pretty sure someone, somewhere would like to develop this game that actually has time. Let's find him/her/them.
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(21 Sep 14, 12:58PM)Andrez Wrote: it was really killed when map restrictions were introduced

This. I've been saying it since they came in. I wonder if any devs would be open to removing them? I know people have went to such lengths making old maps work for the new version but in the future no-one may be around to play them anyway. Maybe release a beta version of ac without restrictions, see how it goes and if it doesn't attract players then bring the restrictions back. What has AC got to lose?
I keep a special place in my heart for this game, even though it ails and I just want it to get back to where it was. Sometimes you need to take a step back to go forward.
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All ac needs is a matchmaking and a ranking system.
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so what this game needs is a group of new [players.

i take myself as example:
I play competitive since 5 months now.
5 months ago I started playing iners.
I played that 1v1 against Madcatz and he told me about it.
if i didn't played that 1v1 i never found out.

and that's where the problem is. a lot of people dn't know about inters/forum/clans.

maybe we can start helping noobies to a higher level (inters and sh*t)
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What we need is to accept two different styles of play. One is competitive. One plays for every inch of ground and bleeds every ounce of blood from that flag as they can. They make you earn it. The other? The other is not so tactically based. The other doesn't share the same strategic concepts as we do. Yet... the other is just as much a player as we are. They share the same vision that we do. They love the game for it's gameplay. They enjoy the time they spend fragging shimmies old school style with friends they've either known for ages or just met ten minutes ago. AC is a free alternative to the standard moneymaking FPS' everyone else has grown way too accustomed too. We offer legitimate maps that are handmade by members of the community to offer badass experiences in a span of a few games. You're tired from a day's hard work? Connect to a multiplayer AC game. You can't stand life and need some pure mano e mano? Connect to an AC game where you can sit back and wait to be inundated by offers to inter. Each and every one of us came from yeoman stock, plain old love a game for what it is. It's time we gave AssaultCube a chance to reward our faith in it and make her the beautiful girl we fell in love with the first time we saw her.
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(20 Sep 14, 12:47AM)MorganKell Wrote: ...Jamz mentioned that the devs were considering selling the game ie finding someone interested, with the time and resources to explore it's potential, to buy and take over the maintenance and administration of it....
When do you think I said this? This isn't even something I would condone, never mind say, or even think.

Nightmare, my favourite map got in; I made damn sure of that.

EndGame, I think the game is still fun to play. Maybe not as fun as it used to be, but I still enjoy playing. I was always a pub player, though, and I couldn't care less about the 'competitive scene'.
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(21 Sep 14, 08:00PM)Honor Wrote: All ac needs is a matchmaking and a ranking system.

I really feel like this would be great. I've seen it mentioned before in other threads, talking about an mmr system to do with 3v3's or 1v1's. How hard would it be to implement?
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(22 Sep 14, 07:30AM)jamz Wrote:
(20 Sep 14, 12:47AM)MorganKell Wrote: ...Jamz mentioned that the devs were considering selling the game ie finding someone interested
When do you think I said this? This isn't even something I would condone, never mind say, or even think.

But would you consider it if someone offered enough money?
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(22 Sep 14, 01:07PM)Marti Wrote: But would you consider it if someone offered enough money?

It's not possible, there in no owner.
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