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AssaultCube Dream (?)
Hello! In this post I would like you to see in what can improve AssaultCube.

(I copied some forum ideas, I suppose that it doesn’t mind)


MY perfect AssaultCube is:

-The same than version but with the advantages of but weapon damage and rifflerunning and things like that should be like but shotgun and carbine should be like version.

-Maps should be allowed to be created and played without too many limits (like but a bit more) if you don’t have a good pc, don’t play but at least let that it can be possible.

-Don’t need limits in flags distance like in gemas or ac_douze (ctf possible in all maps if the creator wants)

-AssaultCube big maps should have a 20 people limit and a 16 people limit in normal or small maps (if it can)

-Servers spectators should not count like a player so in the tittle of the server if there are 2 players and 1 spectator, the server let connect 14 players more if the maximum is 16. But if the server is full and a spectator connect, he could not play, only spectate. And in matches, you can enter the server if you don’t know the match pass, but you can only spectate, and if you have the pass, you can play.

-AssaultCube should have a bit more speed (a bit, not so much) and more time needed to kill someone.

-Zombies server or modded servers should be allowed and put in other category, but It should been watched in serverlist. Could we have a second masterserver with modded servers on it? Or maybe, have a modded category that's not shown by default or something, or maybe it can only be seen in a different menu. I dunno, but I think having a way to be able to see a list of active modded servers isn't too bad.

-You can create a new mode like “Domination”, it is interesting, but putting the bomb time should be short because AssaultCube is a fast game.

-When someone of the same team kill a teammate with the flag, the flag should not be reset and if the person who has teamkilled the flag teammate, when he score, the flag teammate killed should have 1 flag more in the scoreboard and not to the flag teamkiller.

-New scoreboard, EXCEPT CTF, I think that in CTF the player who have more flags should be the first because that is too difficult, but a player who has retourned the flag 10 times, should have 1 flag more in the scoreboard, that form is equilibrated. The idea behind the new "score" column is to put in just one number frags+deaths+flags+teamplay, with the intention of rip ratio from this game. Ratio was an very artificial number, which rewarded only the nade spammers and "evaders" (those who hide, camp and when take 20 of damage, run for the nearest life pack).

-A player could ignore a person for ever like an ignore blacklist, a command like /ignoreallways

-Remove the word filter, it's just annoying, if anyone insults, only vote to kick him or ignore him with the command /ignore.

-Make ban votes continue if a player disconnects, so they can't avoid it.

-Autoteam should get out, so it only could change players if there are less players in a team than in the other team (if there are much better players in the other team you can vote to /shuffleteam or /forceplayer)

-2 teamkills in a game=kick, 8 teamkills in a game=ban for 15 minutes. (if it is possible, if you say sry, or sorry or say the voicecom of Sorry each time you kill in a period of time, you can teamkill 4 times for kick and 10 times for a ban)

-Better server list where i can see strongly moderated "pro" server,match servers, custom server, mapping servers etc. after classification of servers there will be more interesting requirments ...

-Disable name cloning: if the server as 2 CARLOS the "oldest" should be CARLOS and the newer will be CARLOS2. Now it's just a mess CARLOS (1) CARLOS (2).

-AFK players should be default moved to spectator mode instead of kicked (unless server owner will set it intentionally). Later they should be kicked, if server will become full/almost full.

-Blinking servers, votes and words should be allowed (open to vote if you don’t want to)

-CTF allowed in bots (if you can), it would be funny and you can train with them is you are noob or you want to improve.

-The voting system is needed only in public servers, half+ of public players are ignoring the voting system, so a vote should pass even if less than half of the players voted.
Enough of the 6-0 votes that won't pass on a 14 players server.

-That you could change your votes (3 seconds of time limit to change)

-If you spam (talking) A LOT you get banned.

-Spectators can´t vote anything, if they want to vote, they should stay in active play.

-You can only vote in periods of 3 minutes for a map unless you disconnect.

-New weapons: Sticky nades.
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a bunch of your questions have answers you can easily find on the search bar. i would link you to some, but the first 4 questions have been discussed all over this forum; you may find even more things if you research a bit than if you only read the links people give

i do not see a reason for the name cloning thing; makes impersonation even easier

the word filter is also one likely not to change (i agree it should though)

sticky nades; i like talking about this

thats my ideas, enjoy

hope this helps
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(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Maps should be allowed to be created and played without too many limits (like but a bit more) if you don’t have a good pc, don’t play but at least let that it can be possible.

Agree, but endless fight(s) with devs.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Don’t need limits in flags distance like in gemas or ac_douze (ctf possible in all maps if the creator wants)

Agree because: http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/15/62/73/68/sans_y10.png

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -AssaultCube big maps should have a 20 people limit and a 16 people limit in normal or small maps (if it can)

It's to the server owner to choice, but I agree it would be cool to be able to change the maxclient without restarting (if the server is empty, well the maprot votes DM ac_desert, 8 players max, if at the end, there are 8 players, vote CTF ac_shine, 14 players max)

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Servers spectators should not count like a player so in the tittle of the server if there are 2 players and 1 spectator, the server let connect 14 players more if the maximum is 16. But if the server is full and a spectator connect, he could not play, only spectate. And in matches, you can enter the server if you don’t know the match pass, but you can only spectate, and if you have the pass, you can play.

But servers are not supporting only players, it's the client number wich is important. It would need a maximum spectator slots too, or maybe a ratio like 4 players / 1 spectator?

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -AssaultCube should have a bit more speed (a bit, not so much) and more time needed to kill someone.

I think we should not touch it at all for the player's speed.
I think it's not too fast, but not too slow too.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Zombies server or modded servers should be allowed and put in other category, but It should been watched in serverlist. Could we have a second masterserver with modded servers on it? Or maybe, have a modded category that's not shown by default or something, or maybe it can only be seen in a different menu. I dunno, but I think having a way to be able to see a list of active modded servers isn't too bad.

A second masterserver would raise money problems IMO, and such servers need modified clients and should not be watch-able in the serverlist.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -You can create a new mode like “Domination”, it is interesting, but putting the bomb time should be short because AssaultCube is a fast game.

IIRC some bomb modes were tested and weren't that fun, however, some alternative mods were created (keep the base, capture the base) and because AC is fast, it makes the game 'lot's more interresting.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -When someone of the same team kill a teammate with the flag, the flag should not be reset and if the person who has teamkilled the flag teammate, when he score, the flag teammate killed should have 1 flag more in the scoreboard and not to the flag teamkiller.

No because: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-7780.html

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -New scoreboard, EXCEPT CTF, I think that in CTF the player who have more flags should be the first because that is too difficult, but a player who has retourned the flag 10 times, should have 1 flag more in the scoreboard, that form is equilibrated. The idea behind the new "score" column is to put in just one number frags+deaths+flags+teamplay, with the intention of rip ratio from this game. Ratio was an very artificial number, which rewarded only the nade spammers and "evaders" (those who hide, camp and when take 20 of damage, run for the nearest life pack).

Most of flag returns/kills in publics are 10 people who shot/run at the flag, the luckiest has the kill, the faster has the return. I don't think we should reward this. Of course, a lot of flag kills/returns are awesome, but the server isn't intelligent enough to recognise the shittiest from the smartest one. It would be a mess to code so many conditions for almost nothing.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -A player could ignore a person for ever like an ignore blacklist, a command like /ignoreallways

It would need a personal IP blacklist system, because everyone can impersonate as will.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Remove the word filter, it's just annoying, if anyone insults, only vote to kick him or ignore him with the command /ignore.

Agree, it's fucking stupid, especially because I can insult in French, but some French words are banned because of, IDK a banned English word probably. It also blocks English sentences too even with no bad words, I hate it.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Make ban votes continue if a player disconnects, so they can't avoid it.

I don't think it's the solution. But an admin should be able to ban/blacklist someone from in-game, it often happen, a player abuses, then disconnect before the admin can claim his powers and ban him.
A feature that shows the IP of a disconnected player, and allow an admin to ban/blacklist a player from the in-game server would be perfect.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Autoteam should get out, so it only could change players if there are less players in a team than in the other team (if there are much better players in the other team you can vote to /shuffleteam or /forceplayer)

Autoteam should only be applied at intermissions, or be improved.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -2 teamkills in a game=kick, 8 teamkills in a game=ban for 15 minutes. (if it is possible, if you say sry, or sorry or say the voicecom of Sorry each time you kill in a period of time, you can teamkill 4 times for kick and 10 times for a ban)

A mess, and everyone has his POV, each situations are different. I already tk'd many players in a row, it wasn't on purpose and I was paying attention...

Friendly fire is the thing that should be checked the most, last-hit the least.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Better server list where i can see strongly moderated "pro" server,match servers, custom server, mapping servers etc. after classification of servers there will be more interesting requirments ...

Agree for all masterserver list improvements.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Disable name cloning: if the server as 2 CARLOS the "oldest" should be CARLOS and the newer will be CARLOS2. Now it's just a mess CARLOS (1) CARLOS (2).

The "(1)" is the cn, and has more value than a name IMO.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -AFK players should be default moved to spectator mode instead of kicked (unless server owner will set it intentionally). Later they should be kicked, if server will become full/almost full.


(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Blinking servers, votes and words should be allowed (open to vote if you don’t want to)

No, even if the sort of witch-hunt was a bit abusive to my eyes, blinking servers should not be allowed, if your server is better, you should not need any sort of advertising to catch people.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -CTF allowed in bots (if you can), it would be funny and you can train with them is you are noob or you want to improve.

It would ask a lot more intelligence, or something that allow them to learn and study each maps... ouch.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -The voting system is needed only in public servers, half+ of public players are ignoring the voting system, so a vote should pass even if less than half of the players voted.
Enough of the 6-0 votes that won't pass on a 14 players server.

Agree, but another 'fresh' system (counter-strike like) would not be bad IMO.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -That you could change your votes (3 seconds of time limit to change)

Agree, just allow the player to press F2 even if he pressed F1 before.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -If you spam (talking) A LOT you get banned.

If you spam a lot, the server "ban" you from the chat, it's perfect already.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Spectators can´t vote anything, if they want to vote, they should stay in active play.

Agree, except if mastermode is 2 or for admin spects, because sometimes, the spectator is a referee.

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -You can only vote in periods of 3 minutes for a map unless you disconnect.

I don't think you can spamvote a map except if each votes are accepted. (and everyone is stupid enough to spam F1)

(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -New weapons: Sticky nades.

What Cemer said. Only sticky grenades on walls would be fun IMO.
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(05 Sep 14, 07:46AM)ExodusS Wrote:
(04 Sep 14, 10:31PM)|/Infinity|/ Wrote: -Zombies server or modded servers should be allowed and put in other category, but It should been watched in serverlist. Could we have a second masterserver with modded servers on it? Or maybe, have a modded category that's not shown by default or something, or maybe it can only be seen in a different menu. I dunno, but I think having a way to be able to see a list of active modded servers isn't too bad.

A second masterserver would raise money problems IMO, and such servers need modified clients and should not be watch-able in the serverlist.
I've already raised this suggestion, and I don't think I was given a good answer as to why it wouldn't work. Also, server mods generally don't require client mods.
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But even if a few servers require modded clients, this is why the whole modified server list should not appear in the list.

A lot of noobs don't even read the error message when they are blacklisted, they prefer come and complain on the forum, what will happen if we add servers they can see but they can't join?
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(05 Sep 14, 02:21PM)ExodusS Wrote: A lot of noobs don't even read the error message when they are blacklisted, they prefer come and complain on the forum, what will happen if we add servers they can see but they can't join?

Or what if, like many people have suggested before, you add a "modded" tab or something to the server interface.
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I like some of these, but I'll do some criticizing too.

I think the AI is a lost cause. It's a great multiplayer game, and adding a decent AI would be more work than it's worth. The players already move quickly enough, and I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how well-balanced this game is. Regarding the weapons, I've looked at the code; correct me if I'm wrong, but AssaultCube's code isn't structured to make lots of new weapons easy to add, is it?
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AssaultCube have it his "charm", well, missing something "the more" for advertising the game, something that can attract enough players, not by your graph, but yes by gameplay.

Finally, talk is easy, the hard is "make a plan", a system to attract another heights, because the game itself is brilliant

GG all <;
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(07 Sep 14, 05:41AM)morshu9001 Wrote: Regarding the weapons, I've looked at the code; correct me if I'm wrong, but AssaultCube's code isn't structured to make lots of new weapons easy to add, is it?

AC code lacks structure at all.
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(05 Sep 14, 05:41AM)Cemer Wrote: a bunch of your questions have answers you can easily find on the search bar. i would link you to some, but the first 4 questions have been discussed all over this forum; you may find even more things if you research a bit than if you only read the links people give

i do not see a reason for the name cloning thing; makes impersonation even easier

the word filter is also one likely not to change (i agree it should though)

sticky nades; i like talking about this

thats my ideas, enjoy

hope this helps

Whoa. Some one is on their period.
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(07 Sep 14, 10:11PM)PhaNtom Wrote: AC code lacks structure at all.

What do you mean?
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(07 Sep 14, 10:11PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(07 Sep 14, 05:41AM)morshu9001 Wrote: Regarding the weapons, I've looked at the code; correct me if I'm wrong, but AssaultCube's code isn't structured to make lots of new weapons easy to add, is it?

AC code lacks structure at all.

The problem is the balance, adding weapons isn't a problem at all, especially when you see how the Shotgun code is made, ready to be changed or fixed or corrected at any time. You didn't see SVN balance tests I guess.
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(08 Sep 14, 09:58AM)killerjoe Wrote: Whoa. Some one is on their period.

dont take your problems out on me dude; is something wrong? did you have a bad day? im here for you dude if something's wrong

i am just sharing my thoughts on an idea suggested many a time; can you not feel the contributing passion i hold in my heart
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I miss Search and destroy :(
It's my favourite mode in other games but I miss it here.

Also there is surv. And tsurv.
Very interesting modes but noone plays it :(
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i would improve the idea with sticky nades
Sticky nades that stick to surface: only for RVSF
Sticky nades that stick to you: only for CLA (i would love allah agbar :D)

To mapping: So many people would love to play some 0.93 shitty map, damn nostalgia :D
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