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|AoX|F0r3v3r ban reason I sem ..help me !
(English ) --> I come across this message to say that the player with the name of | AOX | f0r3v3r ^ banned me for the reason of your servers not yet declared, it is a sore loser who does not accept defeat just know he is a blackmailer. Threatening to ban people if they earn it, he's a cheeky, is not worthy of playing games with first-class players, he is stooping to the offending another player, and even more when the ban of their servers .. I think as any other player I have the right to express myself verbally to try to fix the mistakes he made, and for that reason I am writing this message for the administrators assault cube, to take any action in relation to this evil influence to other players You Elivelton grateful ..

(Portugues) --> venho através desta mensagem para dizer que o jogador com o nome de |AoX|f0r3v3r^ me baniu dos seus servidores pelo motivo ainda nao declarado , ele é um mal perdedor que nao sabe aceitar uma derrota justamente , ele é um chantagista . Ameaçando banir as pessoas caso elas o ganham , ele é um insolente , nao é merecedor de jogar partidas com jogadores de primeira classe , ele esta rebaixando-se ao ofender outro jogador , e ainda mais quando os ban dos seus servidores .. acho que como qualquer outro jogador eu tenho o direito de me expressar verbalmente para tentar concertar os erros que ele cometeu , e por esse motivo que estou escrevendo essa menssagem para os administradores do assault cube , para que tome alguma atitude em relaçao a esse mal influencia aos outros jogadores .. agradecido senhor Elivelton
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(16 Jul 14, 07:12PM)Elivelton Wrote: I think as any other player I have the right to express myself verbally to try to fix the mistakes he made, and for that reason I am writing this message for the administrators assault cube, to take any action in relation to this evil influence to other players You Elivelton grateful ..

You're right, you can express yourself. The thing is, I don't believe many people have an issue with Forever from what he contributes. If you were on one of his servers, he has a right to remove players he dislikes. If you want, you should message him yourself instead of publicly calling him out.
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Elivelton, da próxima vez que você for fazer uma reclamação pelo menos poste screenshots e demos do ocorrido, ninguém aqui tem bola de cristal para saber se você esta falando a verdade ou mentira.
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Yes... It was me...
I banned his clan tags and his range after a number of what I will lovingly call "incidents"
1) He is a previous known hack...
2) He uses the dynamic range assigned to him to ban evade...
3) He changes his name frequently and then blames his other "identities" when questions about his behavior arise...
4) He began harassing me in-game multiple times through pm - even when I told him my email - in regards to hosting servers and having admin...
5) After gaining several questionable gema records I felt I would simplify my lack of trust in his behavior by blocking his identity completely from our network of servers... And removing his records from our database...
6) He has chosen to continue harassing and ban evading...
7) I don't feel I have any obligation to provide him access to our servers...
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You want a server... fail :P, and you act like this? lol
Your intelligence surprise me :O

Also, f0r3v3r is a good guy
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My opinion.
Elivelton - Whenever you make an accusation bring some proof.
That would be informative and relevant to the entire community.
Yes, I believe you have the right to express yourself. Always with education.
You did not explain well about the reason of your ban.

On owners of servers.
I believe a server that uses MasterServer is a community server. This means that the owner of the server is not 100% free to act as he wants.
But clearly. I have no negative reference about f0r3v3r!
The community is full of previous known hack. Ask Jamz, he has a table of MS Excell full of them ;)
We are infested with clan players using alias or fakes names .
What was seen in these "gema" maps... HaxJump?
I believe that the real reason the ban should be shared with the community.
The MasterServer is a community resource. Collective, belongs to the whole AC.
This is my way of thinking. I am not accusing anyone.

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Oh yeah - I forgot their was an issue of Tag abuse posted at our own Blacklist Thread, as well...

// Name: ~>MoG^Op7!Mus$, ~>GDT|Elivelton (are the same person)
// Ban Date: 01/06/2014
// Ban Reason: Putting clan tag without being a member of the clan and asking hack
// Server: .45 Gema Server, Brazil Public
// Evidence: http://prntscr.com/3o65t6

//Ip Address :
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I cant find this clan :LyC*|Loser your Closet in anyware..
Wiki or recruiting clans thread..
its not only a bunch of kids playing with each other?

is very common to ask about cheater , kids do it all the time... many new players do it .. many players are very young and do not really understand what it means for sure...
we need to explain why not to use cheater ...
and even using one we must be 100% sure to banish the player.

I do not see this precedent as correct.
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