Map Editor Feedback / Reports
This thread is more for the bug reports / fixes needed for the map editor. Or to inform others of any drastic changes with it as it compares to 1.0.4's map editor. The overall goal is to help the upcoming releases. So anything you notice that doesn't seem to be working correctly in the new version's map editor.

here is my first report...

the map editor is not able to do heightfields like 1.0.4. Instead of pressing q on a heightfield area and only lowering or raising on a point of the cube it raises or lowers a couple points of one side of the cube. So what I do is begin my map and make my map's heightfields in 1.0.4 and then take the cgz file to the to add my helmets and test and put geometry where i want access by crouch jumping.
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Instead of making 10 threads about the same 1.1 issues being specific in different areas, I strongly encourage you to use this thread: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-461.html
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