AC weapons
(27 Jun 14, 12:33AM)Boomhauer Wrote:
(22 Jun 14, 02:49PM)*H1TM4N* Wrote:
(22 Jun 14, 10:56AM)DrauL Wrote: Smoke grenades that explode as well.

I was joking :)
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(27 Jun 14, 12:33AM)Boomhauer Wrote:
(22 Jun 14, 02:49PM)*H1TM4N* Wrote:
(22 Jun 14, 10:56AM)DrauL Wrote: Smoke grenades that explode as well.

That its not a bad idea, imagine escape the base with the flag in the mid of smoke. This would be nice.

SMoke= awful idea. Latency wise. Even if your internet and computer are both top-notch, still causes issues


Graphics have no impact on net latency in first place. Low refresh rates cause latency, which might be caused by heavy gfx, though. Top-notch computers can easily handle huge amounts of particles and therefore smoke is not at all an issue there, given the engine makes proper use of hardware accelaration.

However, smoke grenades are still an 'awful idea', since AC's maps are pretty small and you can't see that far anyways. It would only slow down gameplay in an unpleasant way. Maybe some sort of flashbang grenade could be a nice tactical additon, while I personally don't miss this kind of features at AC really.
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(27 Jun 14, 08:48AM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Graphics have no impact on net latency in first place. Low refresh rates cause latency, which might be caused by heavy gfx, though. Top-notch computers can easily handle huge amounts of particles and therefore smoke is not at all an issue there, given the engine makes proper use of hardware accelaration.

The best would be to not use particles and use the actual grenade explosion system instead. The actual explosion is just a huge ball picture that rotates, the smoke would be a picture as well but we can make it with like 2-3 balls with a slower rotation. But there is also the strange coloured screens Lucas added with the first Capture the Base mod, he probably can set the opacity of the screen and also the colour and the form.
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(27 Jun 14, 12:33AM)Boomhauer Wrote: SMoke= awful idea. Latency wise. Even if your internet and computer are both top-notch, still causes issues

Dude, we're only dreaming xD
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what the hell would a sticky accomplish

if it attaches to the ground, thats just more area denial (im not sure how hard it is to defend now but more area denial does not seem like a good idea)

if it attaches to people, how would you balance it so a) it isnt OP or b) it is irrelevant

im curious
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Quote:I vote f1 for sticky grenades.
F1 too XD
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I like the weapons as they are. If I want a cooler weapon, I'd just use one of those akimbo models as someone else mentioned.
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I think just the ability to shoot grenades would be nice. i.e., while they are flying towards my face, in another players hand, as they are throwing it... etc. maybe even before they are picked up.

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Assault Rifle should have a better fire rate [750-800 RPM], and a 30-round magazine.
Sub-machine gun should have a 32-round magazine, better fire rate than Assault rifle [850-900 RPM], but harder to control than Assault rifle at longer ranges.
Sniper rifle should fire faster
Shotgun should have an 8-round magazine and fire slightly faster.
Carbine should have better Armour piercing capabilities, slightly faster fire rate
Pistol should have 15-round magazine.
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And we should add tanks!
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good job resurrecting this thread ;)
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(23 Aug 14, 08:14PM)jarhead2000 Wrote: Assault Rifle should have a better fire rate [750-800 RPM], and a 30-round magazine.
Sub-machine gun should have a 32-round magazine, better fire rate than Assault rifle [850-900 RPM], but harder to control than Assault rifle at longer ranges.
Sniper rifle should fire faster
Shotgun should have an 8-round magazine and fire slightly faster.
Carbine should have better Armour piercing capabilities, slightly faster fire rate
Pistol should have 15-round magazine.
Imo that needs a higher hitpoints like 110/120 to balance it.
Anyway I like the idea!
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Tanks pls
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I'd say Magsecs. As for a new wep? Someone buy a firearms digest and start researching. Maybe a kind of grenade that steals ammo depending on the blast radius. Think the N-bombs from perfect dark. What about a throwable gun platform like the laptop? Basic premise be to cover your six when flag-running. Many other uses though. Would have to make it easily targeted for the enemy, only fair given the automatic nature of it.

Current weapons the only thing I'd like is more spread on the shotgun. Seems ridiculous to shoot literally a centimeter off someone and watch as they ownslap you to the Seventh Realm of Hurt.
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Flamethrower please, hahaha.
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Add a 25 kill streak to AC so if you get 25 kills without dieing then you get a massive amount of grenades raining down on the map (bit like a nuke)
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Now were at it, can we add a juggernaut suit?
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(27 Aug 14, 10:47AM)killerjoe Wrote: Add a 25 kill streak to AC so if you get 25 kills without dieing then you get a massive amount of grenades raining down on the map (bit like a nuke)
I'm really, really, really hoping that this is sarcastic.
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It is sarcastic. But still I think there should be a new twist to the next AC.
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To boost by 25% the popularity of the game, we know.
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No. To make it a bit more intresting
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I second the interesting part. What would help is making it look better i.e. open up 1.0.4 and open up 1.2 or whatever it is now. Compare and contrast. The weapons and the gameplay might be decent but the look and feel of the game is horrible. It feels like a blocky over bolded computer game. Not the streamlined arcade feel of 1.0.4.
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(27 Aug 14, 04:38PM)ExodusS Wrote: To boost by 25% the popularity of the game, we know.
haha love u, you never miss a good joke ^^
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(27 Aug 14, 10:02PM)MorganKell Wrote: I second the interesting part. What would help is making it look better i.e. open up 1.0.4 and open up 1.2 or whatever it is now. Compare and contrast. The weapons and the gameplay might be decent but the look and feel of the game is horrible. It feels like a blocky over bolded computer game. Not the streamlined arcade feel of 1.0.4.

I second on your opinion as well. 1.0.4 was much better than 1.2. I've had to put my ac graphics quality to awfull cos it crashes my computer. Bring back 1.0.4!
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AC crashes your computer?
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Yep. Ac is extremely buggy on ubuntu.
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Or your pc cant handle the awesome graphics? :D
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sometimes i play ac to feel at home again and then i get tked by a brazilian and votebanned for hacking
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If minecraft had guns then I'd rather play that graphics wize.
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(29 Aug 14, 11:35AM)killerjoe Wrote: If minecraft had guns then I'd rather play that graphics wize.

But guns dont exist in MC so stop crying
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