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List of recruiting clans
Edit to eQ's website.

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siteurl: http://zerodeathz.enjin.com/home

irc:None, we have a live chat though: here
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clan tag: |BB1st|
clan name: Born to Be first
location: International
clan site: BB1stclan.webs.comhttp://BB1stclan.webs.com

More info: the clan is brend new so if youre cherching for a good place in a clan you will be welcome
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[Image: png.png]

RIP |FOX| Oct. 6, 2011 - 1 year birthday.
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Clan tag - Pi_ Clan

Clan name - Paradox Infinity

Clan site - http://paradoxinfinity.net/

Location - International: English-Speaking

IRC: #parardoxinfinity @ gamesurge.net

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{GoD} - Gears Of Destruction - International - http://godlycubers.tk/ - Our IRC

Note: We are {GoD} Revived. Not Copying :)
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Exile Unit is no longer recruiting, for obvious reasons.
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clan tag :|RH|
Clan Name :Respeito e Honra
website : http://rh-clan.webs.com/
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Clan Name : Origin 4 Gaming

Clan Tag : O4|

Website: http://origin4gaming.us.to

O4 Gaming is international.

IRC: #origin4gaming @ gamesurge.net
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AvitoX> - Άνιτοχ»Gaming - Europe - http://www.AvitoX.net/
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(31 Aug 11, 01:06PM)Nativo Wrote:
(21 Jan 11, 06:38PM)Nativo Wrote: *|ARG|* - Assault Cubers Argentinos - America Latina - http://www.clanargento.com.ar

Please edit info on the list. Thanks!!!

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The last time this was updated was in April.
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Mods cannot edit this list. I would suggest a closure to this thread, as Lucas obviously doesn't want to keep it updated.
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Can't he pass it on to somebody else? It's useful to have this list, but only if it's up to date...
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Well, no :>

A new thread can be made; however, it would be a ton of work.
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A ton of work for the person who makes the new thread?

Or a ton of work in general, as I'm willing to make a new thread...
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A ton of work to keep it updated.
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Well if you want to have a look here, this is a very small one I did. You can add yours by signing into our forums and writing something in general discussion or you can just send me pm. It is just some clans i thought of at the top of my head.

AC Clans
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At RR, I think I'll make another thread for this, should Lucas not come on and not say he has an issue with it...

I'll give it a few days or so.
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(17 Oct 11, 03:07AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: WHY U NO HAVE EQ!?

At RR, I think I'll make another thread for this, should Lucas not come on and not say he has an issue with it...

I'll give it a few days or so.

GL/HF with that MaiMeeTur. And yes, WHY YOU HAS NO EQ?

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I'll add I just couldn't fins your site cause it's not updated on the list yet
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[Image: 15wayhicopy.png]
Owning Noobs Everywhere

|oNe|'s Website
|oNe|'s IRC
|oNe|'s Wiki
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clan tag - clan name - location - site url - site irc or chat

-TR|* -TheResistance -International -tresistance.enjin.com -TeamSpeak
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Seriously Needs updating, i am also willing to make a new one, and keep it mantained if it will be stickied :P
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They've already been thinking about it. eQ|MaiMeeTur is going to make a new thread if Luc@s is ok with it... if he goes on the forums :D
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pish posh, you dont need his consent Mai, go for it.
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I guess I will then, I'll start tonight... and try to finish sometime tomorrow
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(19 Oct 11, 02:53AM)Mai Mee Tur Wrote: Lol RR XD

I guess I will then, I'll start tonight... and try to finish sometime tomorrow

Good Luck, i would help you but im throwing up heaps.. Ill probably be afk for another day!
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Mai Mai Mai!
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Have Fun Mai :P Suggestion, I would make another account just for it and then just give password to some trust players, so you dont have to edit it yourself. I am willing to be one of those players ^^
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