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List of recruiting clans
Many players come and ask how and where they can find a clan so :
If you're looking for a clan :
Lists of clans :
  1. First have a look to the Assault Cube List of clans
  2. You can check Clanwar on the TyD ladder
Clans that are currently recruiting
If you want your clan to be added in list of recruting clans
Just post :
clan tag - clan name - location - site url - site irc or chat

(please but them in one line :p)

This is just an attempt. Let's see :)

Mod edit log: removed MST | updated list | more updates | removed DTF, added eQ | removed a couple known dead clans, Unbreakable and dyh | Added Linux Lovers, fixed eQ formatting | Removed TBR as they where listed 2 times | added KA: | added *|ARG|* | removed GunZ |fixed TaS site| Added |NeX| | removed |iC| | remove {bob} invite only |added dr, added psy
Thanks given by:
Clan Tag - GunZ|

Clan Name - Famous Gunz

Location - international

site url - F#G clan

Thanks given by:
added :)
Thanks given by:
Good work! YAY! Saves everybody a lot of trouble.
Thanks given by:
thanks Luc@s :D
Thanks given by:
Clan tag - iOD|

Clan name - Infectious Overdose

Clan site - http://www.infectiousoverdose.uni.cc/

Location - worlwide

More info: we are currently looking for skilled players with a good atitude.
Thanks given by:
Clan Tag: -tM|

Clan Name: Trouble Makers

Location: International

Website: http://ac-tm.tk/

Thanks given by:
MyS is recruiting good and friendly players

clan tag =MyS=
clan name Makes you Sick
location Europe and America
site url http://www.MySick.tk
site irc or chat #MyS @ Gamesurge
Thanks given by:
Clan tag: o2|
Clan name: Operation: Onslaught
Website: http://operationonslaught.zxq.net/
Internet Relay Chat Channel: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/oponslaught

Just register on the forums and post a thread if interested.
Thanks given by:
Clan tag - U|
Clan name - Unbreakable
Clan site - http://u-clan.tk
IRC - #U| irc.gamesurge.net
Location - Global
We are looking to recruit skilled, respectful, and mature players into our ranks. If you think you have what it takes, post an application!
Thanks given by:
Clan tag - B}
Clan name - Presidential Bodyguards
Clan forums - http://presbodys.yes-da.com/
IRC - #PBClan irc.gamesurge.net
Location - Global, Leader located -8 hrs (does this make sense?)
We are looking for mature, intelligent players that are willing to help contribute to the clan.
We are in our recruiting stage, and will recruit until we have a clan size of around 10-15, so until recruiting closes, you could probably bring your friends.
This clan will be a clan focused on community, and friendship.
You dont have to be the best player, but you should be able to beat the leader (Ronald_Reagan).
You should also review the clan/forum rules before applying. http://presbodys.yes-da.com/Clan-Info-h3.htm

Luc@s, feel free to cut this down if you incorporate it into your post.
Thanks given by:
clan tag: ~TgS~
clan name: Top Gunner Squad
location: International
site url: http://zipclan.darkbb.com/
site irc: http://zipclan.darkbb.com/IRC-h1.htm
Thanks given by:
hey could i change my clan tag please, everyones been telln me it looks FAG lol, so could you change tag to |F*G| please lol.

thank you
Thanks given by:
Brick, that still looks like "FAG". Looks like you're adding the "*" just so you take out "A" :D. Just like saying "f*ck". make it something like F-G, F|G, F]G, or something else that doesn't make you think of that word :)
Thanks given by:
Entries added :)
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Thanks man. Unfortunately our chat-entry is wrong. Can you either use the link I gave or link it to #MyS? :)
Thanks given by:
Sorry, fixed :)
Thanks given by:
clan tag: {CE}
clan name: Complete Extermination
location: International
site url: completeeclan.forummotion.com
site irc: irc://irc.gamesurge.net/ceclan

Please mention Server Creators are needed, but still need to be tested to get in.
Thanks given by:
Clan Tag: |BC|
Clan name: Beyond Compare
Location: Mostly Europe but from Americas as well.
Site URL: http://www.beyondcompare.org
IRC: #bc-clan on gamesurge

Cheers :)
Thanks given by:
BrickSquad, just regarding your tag, I didn't notice it until I saw it just then.

If it really is bothering you, *FG* would seem the best way not to be thought of in that way.
Thanks given by:
Thanks Luc@s :)
Thanks given by:
updated :)
Thanks given by:
Clan Tag - ]US[

Clan Name - United Soldiers

Location - US & Canada

site url - usclan.forumwise.com
Thanks given by:
added ;)
Thanks given by:
[WS] - [WS] - International - http://wsclan.tk/ - http://wsclan.tk/irc.php
Thanks given by:
updated :)
Thanks given by:
Thanks given by:
this thread is an excellent idea.

Clan tag - *rAgE*

Clan name - Random Angry Gaming Elites

Clan site - http://rage-assaultcube.webs.com/

IRC: None yet, will update later

Location - Whoever speaks English

Thanks given by:
done ;)
Thanks given by:
Clan Tag: .cO'
Clan Name: Cube Ownage
Location: International
Website: http://cubeownage.tk/
IRC: Working on it :d
Thanks given by:
