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[Map] ac_iceworld
This is my first AssaultCube map. I like AssaultCube and I find it to be similar to Counter-Strike in specific ways. So I thought why not create a "fun map" for AssaultCube similar to a CS fun-map. So I have decided for a fy_iceworld version due to the fact it's very easy to make plus it is especially suited for certain team based game modes.

Map version: v5

[Image: ac_iceworld_screenshot1.jpg]

[Image: ac_iceworld_screenshot2.jpg]

[Image: ac_iceworld_screenshot3.jpg]

[Image: ac_iceworld_screenshot4.jpg]

[Image: ac_iceworld_screenshot5.jpg]

  • Added further windows
  • Added further mapmodels
  • Added further FFA spawn points


Constructive critizism is appreciated.

sk0r / Czybik
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Welllll... since it's a remake of a map that's not very good, I don't think I can give it any constructive criticism. :P
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** Updated to version 2 (Changelog in first post) **
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Plain, white, snow. Please, more more details, at least to tell when you're on a side or the other.
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Nice map, you should add houses, i mean, try to create houses or buildings in some parts of your map and open those walls, make large paths so people can get in and out from a building, add industrial mapmodels and fix the ground :).

Try to take ideas from ac_iceroad, that would be a nice guide for you mate.
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yeah, I remember this map on CS. crazy map. As is not an official map on CS is ok. (you know copyrights or whatever). I think this map would be great for TOSOK or 5m minutes of pure DM madness.

I dont't care about details.
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This map have more then 4 years for sure. Anyone remember this?
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It's a great idea, this map is really dedicated for DM!
You have to keep working on that...
It can be a masterpiece.
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Iceroad would be a nice guide for him, but if he wants a small/medium map that's nice, huge maps are ok but boring xD.
Finish that map bro, i wanna play it!
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The only criticism I can give is that is you remake simple maps such as this one, add more detail towards it. I did a remake of this map but made it look like shipment from COD4. I took some screenshots of my map in the same spots as your screenshots for comparison.

[Image: LuqwWJD.jpg]

[Image: oyxNK6R.jpg]

[Image: n6IanSF.jpg]

[Image: n6IanSF.jpg]

[Image: kmGXSyo.jpg]
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looks good but honestly, thats a shitload of grass mapmodels :o
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Thank you guys for your feedback. :-)

I will add more details to the map for version 3 the upcoming weekend. Not too many details of course but enough to let the map look not too blank. I'm planning to keep it as an appropriate snowy industrial/street mix. The details will be placed in a way not changing the current gameplay because the gameplay shall stay as it currently is. Also I think I will replace the cubes between the ammoboxes with mapmodels (perhaps boxes) because that looks better but keeps the gameplay in that zone.

Quote:Nice map, you should add houses, i mean, try to create houses or buildings in some parts of your map and open those walls, make large paths so people can get in and out from a building, add industrial mapmodels and fix the ground :).
I think that would be a good idea for a different map (like ac_iceworld_houses or similar name) because that would result in a complete different gameplay.

The new version 3 will be released by the upcoming sunday at the latest.

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Make a totally new (and please original, not a copy/paste) map with a real gameplay, done by yourself. You will never progress in mapping if you only do remakes of already existing maps with already existing designs and layouts.
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but its a good way of learning the basics of the editor!
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(19 May 14, 03:54PM)ExodusS Wrote: Make a totally new (and please original, not a copy/paste) map with a real gameplay, done by yourself. You will never progress in mapping if you only do remakes of already existing maps with already existing designs and layouts.

I have searched for a fy_iceworld version for AssaultCube, but I could not find any via my researches. That's why I have decided to make an AC version of it and share it because I think it's good for certain game modes as already mentioned by other users in this thread. I tested the specific game modes with the map and the map is really suitable for them (I assumed that before I began the map). So, why should I reject the map?
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So, actually I have dared to release an update. :o)
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Because if you make your own map you can let your creativity flow and thus experience whats possible and whats impossible
also that map is going to be "yours" and not something anyone else thought of ;) <- ;)

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(24 May 14, 01:04PM)Robtics Wrote: Because if you make your own map you can let your creativity flow and thus experience whats possible and whats impossible
also that map is going to be "yours" and not something anyone else thought of ;) <- ;)

That's fine, but this kind of intention has nothing to do with the kind of intention why I have created the AC iceworld version.

BTW: Updated to version 4.
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Again updated.

I think the map is now ready to be played publicly. I'm not planning to update it anymore unless theoretically players would encounter "problems" when playing the map caused by the map.
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