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I may be a little late to the party.


get it. player physics are pretty intuitive. the game looks great. all the things i love about ac and sauer smashed up into one. combine some of the more stellar aspects of ac into this game and it'd be the jam.

at the moment it seems to be a quake-like game (maybe a bit too much) but with some specialized gameplay niche a-la AC could be soooo good.

check it out

<3 undead
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I downloaded it earlier today but haven't played it
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Ac mod for tesseract ftw....
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Aight, so played some and it is real fun! :D
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Wow it's finally released :D
I remember I was looking into this like a year ago and you had to compile everything yourself so I just started sauer instead (didn't even know what a compiler was back then).

Thanks for sharing!

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This looks pretty good.. Though still imagining how good AssaultCube would look on Cube 2
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Vanquish Wrote:

Didn't he say this is just the basics which will be built upon later though?
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"failed alocation g-buffer"
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Ohey tesseract, i remember

Vanq just showing off your 74 kills eeh
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definitely not a finished project. there's an insta mode undead and I played a bit last night called rDM.

hopefully development continues. for me personally I'm just looking at the engine and the models/textures lighting and its way sweet. if you brought good gameplay to this game like I said, it would be really sweet.
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has eihrul been a part of almost all the forks
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I saw this thread and downloaded the game and played for about an hour. Got to say I see a lot of potential here. Saw some old guys from Sauer, had some fun, overall I'll probably be checking it out a lot.
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(13 May 14, 07:51PM)1Cap Wrote: "failed alocation g-buffer"

Your GPU won't support the game.
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According to the readme and code it can fallback to OpenGL2.1 but it is designed for OpenGL3.0 that means more or less a DirectX10, 11 capable GPU.
Your gpu can't handle the game's engine.
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(13 May 14, 04:07PM)Vanquish Wrote: EDIT: I just played it, and I personally hate it. It's basically a no-spread version of the plasma gun from quake, that fires one bullet very slowly and insta kills on impact.

is it like sick airshots or just instagib
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I think Acuerta's description sums it up nicely:
Acuerta Wrote:Probably the crappiest gameplay I've seen so far. Yes, even worse than league of peasants. As if Sauer insta wasn't dumb enough already, the makers of Tesseract managed to take the last bit of skill (aiming) out of the equation. The main weapon of this game seems to be an extremely bad copy of quake's plasmagun, only that the plasma travels at the speed of a crippled turtle with no legs. And no body. And nothing else that would make the turtle move, for that matter. The only other weapon is a cheap quake railgun copy, too. I can't comment on the mapping aspects, but for the sake of the work that's been put into this game I hope it's at least a better platform for the mappers.
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Got 32 kills(1st out of those who didn't score a flag on my team) in my first full game of CTF.
And that is with 13-20 FPS on lowest settings. :3

Too much superior competition(Sauer/Warsow/Xonotic/Red Eclipse/etc.) but nice to see a sexy platform for AC2 out there.
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I get 40FPS on max settings on my GTX 650 running Linux, wow. This game is pretty damn good so far!
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i played a game of railgun ctf

it was okay; kinda fun but other times i couldnt tell if the rifle was hitscan or a projectile

does the movement feel really weird? a short jump but sliding along the floor?

maybe its just me
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I'm not sure if it's the same developer as Blood Frontier and Red Eclipse....but, if so, can't this guy keep something up for a long time?
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