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About AC (game & community) development...
1) Casual player in version 0.92 and enjoyed the game so much I spent way too much time playing until I moved to Spain. CTF. No favorite maps as such. 59 years old. I’ve only been in one clan and that’s DES. I play UT3.

2) Public sever player in general but played clan matches for a while. Team player I would say with one eye on my ratio.

3) Clan community, IRC. Don’t have the patience for the main AC forum in general. I’m only writing this because of the possibility Stef may contribute to the game.

4) I’ve not had any technical problems with the game as such and when I’ve had problems with scripts or forum issues Medusa usually bails me out.

5) I think the community was more cohesive in the past, particularly in the early days but that is to be expected in a new game with enthusiastic core players. The community is probably fine, I’m just not in it these days. I don’t have any suitable skills to contribute or the time or sufficient interest to participate but I like the game still.

6) Fast and relatively simple arcade style play.

7) Cheating

8) PC player with old but decent graphics (200fps). 1200 1080 resolution I think and standard texture settings, no scripts.

9) All at some time or another, but mostly through a stereo system.

10) Keep the classic feel. Not at all interested in loads of different weapons or realism.

11) A public server run by the development team which has a fixed map rotation and experienced admins.

12) /
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about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games

in 2008, ctf, most official maps from 1.0, germany, 19, .45 but I have been in several other well established clans since I started to play, I atm cant play other games because I'm on a low end machine

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition? are you a regular 1vs1 player? do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?

I play inter, clan matches, 1v1 and public but prefer everything over public due to the player amount, it depends on the map I'm playing on if I prefer to score or ratio-whore I usually try to have fun, I do care about team play

community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?

It used to be on here and IRC, I've switched to .45 clan forum and TS as I find it hard to enjoy this forum lately

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?

if I need help I contact people personally if I think they can help or ask here
I had a problem with keyboard input, which randomly stopped working but only regarding the chat/console - this hasnt been solved but also hasnt occured in a while now

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?

I like the AC community a lot in general but lately I have been noticing a lot of very immature behaviour which kinda drove me away from actively participating. I used to enjoy mapping a lot but have the feeling that interest in new custom maps is lower than ever before.

what do you like about AC?

the simplicity, it works on low end machines

what do you hate about AC?

i'm actually quite happy with the game itself atm!

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?

desktop, dedicated gfx card, 100 fps, *will check later*, I play with degraded textures and full color skins!

do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?

I play with in-ear headphones

where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring? would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?

I think the development should concentrate on fixing existing bugs, AC should stay true to its concept, I have been playing Sauer for a while

one feature AC should add: /
one feature AC should remove: /
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about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games

i first discovered assault cube in the end of 2009/beginning of 2010 (not sure anymore...most likely january 2010) - toegether with openarena. i was searching for fps games that would run on a netbook. ctf & dm. shine, des3, werk, power, gothic (i really dislike depot from the classic map pool). germany, 43, DES. other games: openarena, operation flashpoint (the old one), rogue spear, ghost recon (also the old ones), ut2003&2004.

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition?

i play mostly on public servers. seldom i venture into 1vs1 duels or inters (very rare).

are you a regular 1vs1 player?

no...the other player always kills me...

do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?

more a defensive / mid-field type of player... definitely more interested in ratio than flags - and yes i think i try to be supportive to the team.

community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?

irc & clan forum.

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?

again irc...luckily i have not had too many problems with the game (e.g. the soundbug seemingly doesnt affect me)

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?

irc & clan forum are where it is happening for me. mostly fun - in stark contrast to the ingame communication. ac is kinda famous for complaining ingame...sometimes i get the feeling that some folks complain/troll more than they play when they are on a server. less trolling more playing mabye? i would like to contribute sheep pictures!

[Image: sheep.jpg]

what do you like about AC?

fast paced gameplay, easy to connect to a game server

what do you hate about AC?

nothing really... maybe the lack of a sheep map model?

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?
do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?

laptop...i7, dedicated graphics. 250 fps stable, full textures... 1600x900. nope. yay for colored vests (use protox skins...they look better imho). headphones.

where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring? would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?

i think the gameplay should settle in (no more major changes between versions), error fixing should be a priority and general polish (e.g. user interface. maybe some cool shader stuff etc.). ac should cater to its own niche - aka fast placed arcadeish gameplay with few & defined weapons. maybe a centralized ladder (lovely stats...) i really miss the hi-skill ladder...

one feature AC should add:

sheep map model!

one feature AC should remove:

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(05 May 14, 07:16PM)stef Wrote: ..would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay..
..what should the next release bring?..

AC has a feel a simplistic quick paced almost 'old school' feel that is rare. I think we should focus a little more on the visual aspects of the game than its gameplay..

Next release? I want 'nice_medals.png' to be implemented.
I would LOVE some kind of medal system in AC and I also think it could give it an extra bit of modern visual to the game..

Perhaps some kind of "Unlockables" Could be added, not only to draw people in, but to keep them playing.
Not so much unlockable weapons and upgrades but things like achievements perhaps?
An "Unreal Tournament" style campaign would be amazing too!
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Planned to do this a while ago but I've been busy.

about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games
Started playing late 2009 after a friend and I wanted to play a free FPS against each other (he had a mac, which made it a bit more difficult). We liked AC more than the other games we tried and I stuck with it. my favourite modes and maps are CTF, T/OSOK, elev, des3, and ingress.

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition? are you a regular 1vs1 player? do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?
I'd play pretty much anything in terms of pub/inter/intra/cm. The problem is that I'm Australian in an American clan and I prefer 3 vs. 3 or 4 vs. 4, so I don't play competitively often. I don't like 1 vs. 1's very much. Stats are nice and all but I'd rather just play well as a team, which kinda answers the next questions as well.

community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?
Clan and AC forums, IRC when I have the time.

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?
Search, help forum, IRC, docs, it's pretty damn easy to be helped with your problems if you know where to go.

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?
The AC community is alright I guess. There are a lot of clashing personalities for some reason. Other communities I'm part of are not only bigger, but have less friction. As far as contributing, I want to map more.

what do you like about AC?

what do you hate about AC?
Not really anything, tbh.

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics? what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use? do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?
Desktop, chipset graphics, 120fps, 1920x1080. I use OmG PWNIES because the stuff it disables is not really needed at all. I use full colour as opposed to vests, because it's easier to see what team they're on.

do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?
Depends on if my sister is in the room, either headphones or proper speakers. They aren't surround sound though.

where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring? would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?
The gameplay is fine, just a few tweaks are needed. I think just updating some of the interface, tweaking the gameplay, and simplifying some of the menus are needed (as well as simplifying the modes, the mode list is a bit bloated right now). I've been playing a little Red Eclipse lately.

one feature AC should add: No idea to be honest. maybe something to do with competitive play or the mythical authing I heard about a while ago but haven't heard anything about since.
one feature AC should remove: *shrugs*
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about you: first contact with ac, favourite game modes and maps, country, age, clan, other games
February 2008, 23 years old, TyD, no other FPS games. Favorite mode is TDM, favorite map ac_arabian.

do you mostly play public matches or do you prefer clan competition? are you a regular 1vs1 player?
Mostly public and mostly on servers where I can track my scores, but little nowadays. Clan competition can be fun if the opponents play fair.

do you care about your ratio or your flags-per-minute value? do you support team players even in just-for-fun games?
Don't care about the ratio or flags per minute. In game it is the team that counts the most for me. However I like to see progress from time to time in perionds when I play much.
community ties: where does AC community "happen" for you? only ingame, in the official forum, clan forums, IRC, mumble?
Right now it's a little of everything. But mostly in IRC or ingame.

is it easy for you to get help with problems with the game? where do you get help? which problems could not be solved?
I tend to fix my own problems. But have on several occasions checked the forum or asked on IRC if I've experienced problems.

what do you think about the AC community? how could the community be made better? what would you like to contribute?
I think of the community as inactive right now, people are bored mostly due to lack of development. The AC community must support the contributors to the game, and the communitiy could be made better if the AC dev team would chose an approach (or plan) on how to get the development going and focus on the stuff that made AC fun.
I can contribute code and in game servers.

what do you like about AC?
Servers and playing.
what do you hate about AC?
Trolls and drama that sucks the fun out of the game.

do you play on a laptop or a desktop? does it have a dedicated graphics card or do you use chipset graphics?what average fps do you play at, and what screen resolution do you use?

1366x768. 80-150 FPS. Dedicated grahpics card on laptop.

do you use features like "reduced violence mode" or degraded textures? do you use colored vests?
No, I see my opponents cleary as it is :)

do you play with headphones or with a surround system or do you use the builtin speakers of your laptop?

where should AC development be headed to? what should the next release bring?
Focus on the faced paced gameplay that made AC fun and challenging. Next release should bring back the 'feel' of 1.0.4.

would you like AC to concentrate on it's own classic gameplay or should it be molded to be more like another game (and what other game)? do you play other games of the cube family?

No, I don't play other games of the cube family.
one feature AC should add:
Auto kicking of old clients ( or known cheat clients)
one feature AC should remove:
The jumping that I can't do, and ingame scripts that gives players advantage over others.
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