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Sum up a problem with AC in 200 characters or less.
Iguana doesn't like change apparently. The file structure has become more organised. I'm not even sure why the auto-download could be considered a bad thing.
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I think that the bind for the hax jump need to be removed. The original need to stay.
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The ability to not be able to add ground and ceiling height-fields in the same spot (ie make rounded tunnels w/o the need to move over one cube to make ceiling rounded, etc)
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More servers than ever with less servers being played on than ever.
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200 Characters?

Carbine under powered, incorporate Felix map editor, make the editor and the game separate, more voice comms, faster development, sniper is over powered, needs more modes, jump off ladders, tex limit.
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The Carbine needs to be balanced or removed from the game.

(12 Jun 14, 07:56PM)RKTnoob Wrote: Carbine under powered, [...] sniper is over powered

Seriously, Carbine is hella broken right now. It just doesn't really fit the maps and AC gameplay. Give it time and people will realize how broken it is.

Sniper is in fact over-powered and without wanting to sound cocky, i think i'm probably one of the few people that can actually give a good and legitimate feedback on this.
Last version sniper was just outshined by the mobility/insane damages provided by AR, tbh sniper was not that weak against smgs.
The AR nerfing was probably enough and sniper could have stay the same.
However smgs are pretty strong atm and to match this i would say that the most balanced state sniper could be in right now is this (This is my personal opinion, feel free to disagree):
100hp0arm -> 1 snip 2 pistols
100hp25arm -> 1 snip 2 pistols
100hp50arm -> 1 snip 3 pistols
Next doesn't really matters since a decent sniper player will shot an other sniper shot after this point.

I came to this conclusion considering the fact that helmets are absolutely everywhere and 3 pistol shots is just too much facing a low-armored automatic weapon.

Once again i've always played this game on the "competitive" side and my opinion might be biased.

Sorry for no good englisherino please no blamerino '^'
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(13 Jun 14, 09:00AM)Sanzo Wrote: I came to this conclusion considering the fact that helmets are absolutely everywhere and ...

This is not the first time this issue is mentioned, IIRC we faced it in the proving grounds. There are way too much helmets for matches but it's really fine in public games.

I won't say one more time why the helmet doesn't have it's place in matches, here is just the way to fix it:
/mastermode 2 = no helmet.
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