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[Image: 20140720_22_12_10_ac_desert_DM.jpg]
ca.bob-ac.net 3999 btw
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Is here from this server!
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(21 Jul 14, 07:32PM)PERROS Wrote: Is here from this server!
Your intelligence is surprising, I feel like a retard by reading your posts
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(20 Apr 14, 02:02AM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote: Well....
I don't know how complete this entry is still, but he stays clear of |AoX| servers... (afaik)

// Name: snp, LeXuS, Jordan

(22 Apr 14, 09:32PM)jamz Wrote: LeXuS's home IP ranges are:
It's time to come to the conclusion, 1Cap, that some people actually want him to play.
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(22 Jul 14, 12:08AM)Skinny-Dog Wrote:
(21 Jul 14, 07:32PM)PERROS Wrote: Is here from this server!
Your intelligence is surprising, I feel like a retard by reading your posts

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I was dude, I just helped with that ss... But the funny noob comes here and joke...

Just check out that server called ".heaT/ European Server", he plays there and obviously on private servers.
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Lexus - 192.168.1.x
Feeh - 179.235.188.x

Nothing new, i think so,
they are playing every day.

[Image: image.jpg]
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What mod is this that show the country?
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Not sure if this is serious or not:

[Image: r2W7Rju.png]
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It's Geo IP...
Get it here in Akimbo's forum

That's weird, you can see his IP always changing... 79... 192... 95... I guess that he has a friend that helps him to change his IP when he want... we must be careful if we try to catch that guy
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(23 Jul 14, 12:06AM)Skinny-Dog Wrote: @H1TM4N
It's Geo IP...
Get it here in Akimbo's forum
Thank you =)
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I think It's time to ....
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(23 Jul 14, 02:00AM)1Cap Wrote: *H1TM4N* - you did a BIG offtopic post !
you must payback with informations about LeXus'' .


I don't get what you mean.
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(23 Jul 14, 02:43AM)*H1TM4N* Wrote:
(23 Jul 14, 02:00AM)1Cap Wrote: *H1TM4N* - you did a BIG offtopic post !
you must payback with informations about LeXus'' .


I don't get what you mean.

He means that the topic of this thread is LeXus. Since you posted about something that, well, isn't LeXus, you are adding off-topic posts to this thread. To make up for it, you need to post some LeXus stuff, like his IPs and stuff.
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Guys guys.... Does AC forum stores IP? I mean, if someone look a thread or a forum section, because when i posted the ss, that guy Feeh warned lexus about that...
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As a sugestion, block him from all private/matches servers, I guess that he usually plays there since we caught him in a pub.
Also try to avoid him playing on w00p servers, those are hidden servers.
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(22 Jul 14, 11:35PM)1Cap Wrote: Jamz we need you, could you confirm it?
I'm not sure what you want me to confirm.
lexus was running a .heaT server from his home connection. PERROS was the first to tell me about it, which is what he was alluding to here, Skinny-Dog. I've now banned the common home IP ranges he uses from hosting servers on the MS.
Again, those ranges are:
...which covers Music's screenshot.
dystropia's screenshot shows lexus on 192.168.1.x. This is an internal IP from his own network, and shows that he's on the same subnet as the server, ie. his IP is the IP of the server.

Neither he nor feeh have active forum accounts, although I regularly delete lexus' new account creations.

feeh's IP, 179.235.118.x, is a new block for him, along with a couple of others that I added yesterday.

Finally, last night, in-game I got this:
narm (PM) Wrote:I will get to win the trust of the majority of players, and I'll prove to you and to them, I do not use hack since 2014 and I'm sorry. Continuation of a good job, and ac is best game
This was lexus, on a VPN, telling me that he hasn't cheated since 2014; something he's clearly proud of.
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He can't prove us that he don't hack anymore, hackers are blacklisted and they can't play again, he just found a new IP and returned to AC, he's evading the blacklist
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My point was that, since it still is 2014, he can go on cheating for the rest of this year and he won't have lied.
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I think you just have a problem. You're trying to ban him since few years with 0 succes, you should just stop trying.
Last time i played an inter with him he has 0,5 ratio. He must be a very bad cheater.
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(23 Jul 14, 05:53PM)1Cap Wrote: [IMG]pic[/IMG]

I asked to Honor: what Lexus is doing here?
He said: He does what he wants.

Think better of it, guys; really.
lets work togheter.

I already spoke with Sanzo or ex-owners of "those teamspeaks", and as long as people won't disturb others through the ts, owners won't apply sanctions on the teamspeak, and it's normal. A ban on AC is different than a ban on teamspeak/mumble as long as teamspeak users are not only playing AssaultCube, and are not alone, banning them from teamspeak would affect their friends or other players he's speaking with.

If you think it's stupid and he should not be able to connect on this teamspeak, and also finding inters/matches though the teamspeak server, well better think about your "struggles", you are fighting in the air, better try to convince people who are around him to not play with him, but you know as me it's a lost cause already.
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