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Long dead player, coming back to say hi (and play again)
Hi all,

I've been away quite a while. I tried to play a month ago or so, and found out I couldn't because of the update to 1.2 (yeah, it's been a while). I got it the new version working, copied a bunch of my old config files over and got "my settings" back.

I also got my server "Beverly Hills Shooting Club" working again by copying most of my old config files too. AoX-For3v3r (spelling) was really cool and got me some more up-to-date blacklists and whitelists.

For those who don't know me or remember me. I've played for a number of years. I'm mostly a public server type of player. I've tried a few clans here and there, but they normally don't work out or fall apart for some reason or another. So, I'm usually out there playing on publics, hoping for a good CTF or OSOK/TOSOK game to play for bit.

Anyway, if any of you old-timers remember me and want to stop by and say hi, Beverly Hills is where I'll be playing most of the time. I've ran across a few other old-timers already, and given out a couple admin passwords.

I would be glad to give out more passwords (to folks that I am sure would be responsible, adult-like, admins). I am lookin at you for3v3r.

I hate the bad maps that most of you all hate, and I hate the behaviors that can make playing AC no fun, too. Ya'll know what I'm talking about.

So, it's fun to be fragging again and I'll see ya round.
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(27 Mar 14, 02:18AM)Liz-Taylor Wrote: I hate the bad maps that most of you all hate, and I hate the behaviors that can make playing AC no fun, too. Ya'll know what I'm talking about.

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everytime an old player comes back to ac an angel gets its wings.

its been raining angels for awhile around these parts
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hi LIZ.....
Played on your server a few times in the last few weeks.
Great selection of maps ur using.
Have to say when I was in there I noticed you seem to attract a better playing crowd.
Glad you put up with my shotty lol Not everyones fav weapon but hey my choice....
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