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worst ragers?
Ofc i forgot reedie who is so funny when's ragging
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Skilless game.
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(04 Mar 14, 02:00PM)Flames Wrote: hmm, then your trolling was bad.

you get suicidal any time i play with you

i think that makes me the best troll
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suicidal? you gotta be kidding me. What makes you think that i take stuff you say seriously ?
The things you say to me are pretty much racist but since you are still a kid i don't give much importance to them as i have heard far worse things.
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y u hef to be mad for
i think undead is trolling u right now
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I no mad i am zery mature 2 zay zazy ztuff.
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(04 Mar 14, 11:20AM)Sanzo Wrote: Brett #1
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Analpanda (definitely the worst rager)

Can't think of anyone else atm, there are a lot players to add tho
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(04 Mar 14, 04:04PM)Waffles Wrote: Undead is, surprisingly, always right.
Stopped reading this thread when I saw this. lol
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1. Waffles and elCr@ck! <3

I remember telling waffles "dude, calm down! it's just a game" (We won but I was playing like shit) lolololololol
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(16 Mar 14, 11:06PM)bballn45 Wrote:
(04 Mar 14, 04:04PM)Waffles Wrote: Undead is, surprisingly, always right.
Stopped reading this thread when I saw this. lol


when have i been wrong?

i warned you all.
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(17 Mar 14, 12:42AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: ...Jamz...
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