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Installing Mods
So I recently realized there are some really good looking guns out there.

But I seem to be having some problems installing it. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

ac_client "--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube" "--init=${HOME}/.assaultcube/config/init.cfg" "--mastertype=0" "--mod=mods" "$@"

ls ~/.assaultcube
config  demos  mods  packages  screenshots  tmp

ls ~/.assaultcube/mods/DE
105.zip  license.txt  packages

I found /usr/share/assaultcube/mods. Do I put it in that folder?' I should probably say that I didn't download from the website, I pacman -Syu'd from community.
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Why don't you search the right file/folder in finder/file explorer and change it there.
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(25 Feb 14, 03:45PM)Medusa Wrote: Why don't you search the right file/folder in finder/file explorer and change it there.

What is finder/file explorer?
Oh... I'm not a mac user. termite IS my file explorer XD
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Not sure if this will help you, but every time I download any akimbo package the only thing I do is to extract it and replace the original files, and that's all. I've never ever touched the bin folder, the only thing I do is to keep a backup of the original 'packages' folder, just in case I don't like it.

I've downloaded the nade mod, and it works
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Replace orignal files?

So replace /usr/share/assaultcube/packages/models/weapons/grenade?

I replaced files but now Mash doesn't have pistol: http://i.imgur.com/LoJUg0f.jpg

But I can see his nade http://i.imgur.com/ne6FVlw.jpg
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Remember, first MAKE A BACKUP of 'packages' folder, then you can start messing around.
It seems, IMO, that you acidentally erased/changed/whatever... the 'world' pistol model, located here : \Assault Cube\packages\models\weapons\pistol\world , that's why your 'world' players doesn't show it properly.
That's why you keep the backup folder, just in case something like that happens.
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Oh, I just mv'd the pistol folder to pistol.old then did a ln -s for new pistol folder. XD easy fix. thanks
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I luv happy endings !
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You just missed the folder where is your mods.

ac_client "--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube" "--init=${HOME}/.assaultcube/config/init.cfg" "--mastertype=0" "--mod=mods" "$@"

You must create a folder. for example: ak-mods and then change the line to:

ac_client "--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube" "--init=${HOME}/.assaultcube/config/init.cfg" "--mastertype=0" "--mod=mods\ak-mods" "$@"

so you don't have to replace anything and place your mods on the mod folder which is on the root folder.

I have it on my download folder:


I don't use the /.assaultcube and it works.
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(25 Feb 14, 08:29PM)MPx Wrote: You just missed the folder where is your mods.

ac_client "--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube" "--init=${HOME}/.assaultcube/config/init.cfg" "--mastertype=0" "--mod=mods" "$@"

You must create a folder. for example: ak-mods and then change the line to:

ac_client "--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube" "--init=${HOME}/.assaultcube/config/init.cfg" "--mastertype=0" "--mod=mods\ak-mods" "$@"

so you don't have to replace anything and place your mods on the mod folder which is on the root folder.

I have it on my download folder:


I don't use the /.assaultcube and it works.

...root folder? Ideally I don't want to touch root (/). I'd like to have everything in home (~).
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I think he meant the relative AssaultCube path - not that it would actually be in the root of your file system, but in the 'root' of your AC directory...
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I did. I even made a ~/.assaultcube/mods/test and threw everything in there. Did not work as described for some reason.
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sorry, the root folder of the game, not the system.
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No funciona.
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(25 Feb 14, 10:50PM)Mousikos Wrote: I did. I even made a ~/.assaultcube/mods/test and threw everything in there. Did not work as described for some reason.

Did you add this to /bin/assaultcube:

From the docs, it seems you need to add a --mod argument for each folder containing individual mods. I could be wrong on that. For testing purposes, try adding a single mod to your home assaultcube mods directory and launch using the --mod option.

Edit: Some reading material for you: http://assault.cubers.net/docs/mods.html
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Quote:--mod=PATH Adds the specified path to the list of directories to be searched when loading resources. Use this to "MOD" the game in a clean way without having to place/replace files in the main directory.
See the custom mods page for more information.
Note: Mods need to be added into the --home directory if one is specified.

Methought it was recursive.
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Dayum, ya'll making it look so complicated :)
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(26 Feb 14, 01:10AM)Mousikos Wrote: Methought it was recursive.

Seems like it should be, but it isn't.
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(26 Feb 14, 01:12AM)blueberry Wrote:
(26 Feb 14, 01:10AM)Mousikos Wrote: Methought it was recursive.

Seems like it should be, but it isn't.

Doesn't seem to work either.
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Just replace the old file with the new, I don't understand why people are getting confused over codes, don't make it harder than it needs to be.
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* Mousikos read the docs first. Trying to not have to replace files.
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You're running linux right?

Just replace this part with something of your pleasing: --mod=mods\blablabla

With what you have selected, I'd just make it simple. Call the folder "my_stuff" You will then need to proceed and make a folder in the mods folder called "my_stuff", and package it correctly.

packages/models/weapons/pistol/stuff for pistol goes here
.../weapons/grenade/stuff for grenade goes here
.../weapons/subgun/stuff for subgun goes here


# CUBE_DIR should refer to the directory in which AssaultCube is placed.
CUBE_DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${0}")")

# CUBE_OPTIONS starts AssaultCube with any command line options you choose.
CUBE_OPTIONS="--home=${HOME}/.assaultcube_v1.2 --init --mod=mods\blablabla"

# SYSTEM_NAME should be set to the name of your operating system.
SYSTEM_NAME=`uname -s`

# MACHINE_NAME should be set to the architecture of your processor.
MACHINE_NAME=`uname -m`

case ${SYSTEM_NAME} in

case ${MACHINE_NAME} in
  if [ ${SYSTEM_NAME} != native_ ]

if [ -x "${CUBE_DIR}/bin_unix/native_client" ]

if [ -x "/sbin/ldconfig" ]; then
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libX11")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure X11 libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libSDL-1.2")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure SDL v1.2 libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libSDL_image")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure SDL_image libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libz")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure z libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libogg")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure ogg libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libvorbis")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure vorbis libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libopenal")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure OpenAL-Soft libraries are installed."
    exit 1
  if [ -z "$(/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep "libcurl")" ]; then
    echo "To run AssaultCube, please ensure Curl libraries are installed."
    exit 1

if [ -x "${CUBE_DIR}/bin_unix/${SYSTEM_NAME}${MACHINE_NAME}client" ]; then
  cd "${CUBE_DIR}"
  exec "${CUBE_DIR}/bin_unix/${SYSTEM_NAME}${MACHINE_NAME}client" ${CUBE_OPTIONS} "$@"
elif [ -e "${CUBE_DIR}/bin_unix/${SYSTEM_NAME}${MACHINE_NAME}client" ]; then
  echo "Insufficient permissons to run AssaultCube."
  echo "Please change (chmod) the AssaultCube client in the bin_unix folder to be readable/executable."
  echo "Your platform does not have a pre-compiled AssaultCube client."
  echo "Please follow the following steps to build a native client:"
  echo "1) Ensure you have the following DEVELOPMENT libraries installed:"
  echo "   OpenGL, SDL, SDL_image, zlib, libogg, libvorbis, OpenAL Soft, libcurl"
  echo "2) Ensure clang++ and any other required build tools are installed."
  echo "3) Change directory to ./source/src/ and type \"make install\"."
  echo "4) If the compile succeeds, return to this directory and re-run this script."
  exit 1

Thanks to phantom for the code.

IF for any reason you are still having trouble, I will kindly package this mod for you, as one whole thing.
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.....what file is that? I installed AC from repo. Also how is that any different from what I have?
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(26 Feb 14, 03:52AM)Mousikos Wrote: .....what file is that? I installed AC from repo. Also how is that any different from what I have?

It's a shell script phantom gave me to use for future mods I place on akimbo. It should work if you've done what I've said.

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Get on ts3 for a second. I'll tell you why this won't work for me.

I figured it out. The repo version doesn't care about your ~/.assaultcube/mods/custom. If you type in "mod=mods/custom" it will look for it in /usr/share/assaultcube/mods/custom

Somehow I think this mod is cheating. The DE has a 9 bullet clip. But AC makes it 10 bullets XD
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