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Are voice coms under-used?
So, we all know the voice com system is V63. But do we use it enough?
Whether you think V11 or V12, I think we can all benefit from an occasional V41 and even a V14.
From telling your team mates you're V31 or V35 Its great to communicate with your team.
Even communicating with the enemy team! (We all love a good 'ole V61, Followed of course by V62)

So what do you think?
V62 for listening.

EDIT: We could also benefit from using V42 more often too!
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Too much spam
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TS3 ... the rest of the players usually doesnt help anyways
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I lost you after "occasional"
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If they are over-used, the admins can kick/ban for "spam" reason.
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What is v41, v14? What is v 31, v35?
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I use em all the time when needed, positively and negatively. I love to give pats on the back or an atta boy/girl ;)
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(15 Feb 14, 09:14PM)Mousikos Wrote: What is v41, v14? What is v 31, v35?

TeamSpeak I guess.
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(16 Feb 14, 02:31AM)CharlyMurphie Wrote: I use em all the time when needed, positively and negatively. I love to give pats on the back or an atta boy/girl ;)

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I want to murder puppies when I hear that voice
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voicecoms give a charm to the game. As the heart beats. Are very interesting for new players.
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Current voice coms:
1.Team Replies
    1. Yes
    2. Negative
    3. On the move
    4.Got your back!
    5.In position!
2. Team Commands
    1. Recover the flag!
    2. Defend the flag!
    3. Come on, move!
3. Team State
    1. I'm attacking
    2. Coming in with the flag!
    3. I made contact
    4. Enemy Down
    5. I'm on defense
4. Team Talk
    1. We did it!
    2. Sorry
    3. I'm on your team, man!
5. Team Tactics
    1. Cover me!
    2. Stay together!
    3. Stay here!
    4. Report In!
6. Public Talk
    1. Nice shot
    2. Thanks!
    3. Awesome
-No punctuation except for "!" (needs more ".")
-"Report In!" should be "Report in!"


-Nice try!
-Well played.
-Good game!

-Flag is left.
-Flag is in the middle.
-Flag is right.
-Enemy is on the left.
-Enemy is in the middle.
-Enemy is on the right.
-Press them on the left!
-Press through the middle!
-Press them on the right!
-They're camping near the base.
-They're camping in the base.
-Attack solo.
-Attack in pairs.
-Attack in groups.
-Run for the flag!
-Fire in the hole!
-More teamwork!
-Cover all exits.
-Don't camp.
-Need ammo.
-Need armor.
-Need health.
-Please switch teams.
-Please switch weapon.
-Please spectate.
-Team alpha...
-Team bravo...
-Team tango...
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(16 Feb 14, 02:02PM)RKTnoob Wrote: Team:
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I don't think I actually wrote that ^^
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well, actually you can bind those.

/bind LEFT [say %Left]
/bind RIGHT [say %Right]
/bind UP [say %Get the flag!]
/bind DOWN [say %BASE!]

for example.

I don't think we need more voice-com. due to spam.
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(16 Feb 14, 02:02PM)RKTnoob Wrote: Suggestions:

-Nice try!
-Well played.
-Good game!


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(16 Feb 14, 06:41AM)Waffles Wrote: I want to murder puppies when I hear that voice

Well I'll hit the like button on every Tom Mabe youtube video :p ;)
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Yes we need 140 voice coms, that'll be a joy to find the right one.
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the whole team know they have to recover the flag, but only a few know wich side the flag went, most of voicecoms are useless, but a lot are needed to make this system as efficient as possible
most of written informations are saying "x player(s) base" and "flag left/right", i don't think voicecoms are covering those informations, luckily we can ask for a cover, make some reports-in and when you are running for your life with the enemy flag, you can announce it to unarmed's who are idle in your base
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Not much good for people like me who, without a few seconds to think about it, simply don't know which way left or right is.
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Voice coms are an alternative to lettsay teamspeak for people with slow connections. This is kinda in-line with the AC guidelines catering for older computers. Having a broader range of them would cut out some of the annoying repetition level, and expand the tactical nature of the game with the tactical voice coms, especially in light of the new domination mode that's coming out with the new release (I hope). Finding the right one or knowing left from right is just good old griping in the face of new stuff <3.

If you ask me, I'm down for some new stuff, and I have a few more ideas tucked away concerning voice coms, mainly concerning the domination mode, but that's still in the future.
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