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Whats up AssaultCube! I'm back! Just wanted to know if any of my old friends are still playing! Hmu!
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WebZ. From like 4 years ago lol
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Yes. I remember. Wellcome back.
Let me show you my carbine skils.
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Hi there, and welcome back mate (even though I don't know you).
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Wb. Good luck out there.
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go back out the way you came

never forget
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i think i remember ... hi!
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Also known as eKoC / Thinking and InterWebZ
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Welcome back, have you been in a clan?
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Ex MyS?
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(07 Feb 14, 10:23PM)Artemis Wrote: Ex MyS?
It was what i thought by "have you been in a clan?" :-D
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(07 Feb 14, 08:25PM)Apex_WebZ Wrote: Also known as eKoC / Thinking and InterWebZ
Oh, I didn't know you were eKoC too. I'd have kicked you from the channel if I'd known, you worthless, cheating scumbag.
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Sassy jamz
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I love dull moments like these. It gives me a chance to enjoy another beer and play AC.
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So using a cheat client in like one map for like 10 minutes makes me satan. Lighten up its the Interwebz. Not like I eat babies.
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Our community is small, that is more easy to find the difference between newcomers and old BL'ed who want to make a new career...
You made a mistake, we'll never forget what you did;
So, you will still with a bad reputation for the eyes of this community until you die or give a miraculous contribution!
Hello -> Good bye.

PS: As your ban is now ended long time ago, you can play this game like a "normal" player;
Don't worry to what others say.
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also you're an asshole
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How am i asshole? lol
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Webz sounds familiar, hi i guess
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