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Feedback about SVN:trunk (pre-1.1.0)
It works now (yay)

Here are my first impressions. First of all, thx to the devs for the hard work you've done so far. Here are my comments, impressions, concerns w/e:

1. map preview
It's nice to see a map preview on the map/mode menu selection to the right. It reminds me to a similar feature on sauer. The iconized preview in the menu itself seems to me needless: It's a redundancy to the bigger picture and the shown map is invisible to the eye anyway (it's just too small - especially on large resolutions).

Hopefully there is a chance to place such preview images on some place also for custom maps.

2. skin preview/weapon preview
I like really the jumping, shooting aso model which appears on the right next to the skin menu. Nicely done.

I recommend to place the rotating weapons of the weapon select also on the right side next to the menu (reason: consistency).

3. sound settings
  • On the sound quality menus there appears messages for unknown alias.
  • Something I dislike on 1.0.x and which still exist is the enormous menu depth to get for example to the weapon mute menu (5 steps or 6 from the ingame menu). Some reorganisation to reduce it would be cool.
  • And this is also one thing I dislike since the current release: If you want to mute all voice coms (for example) you have deselect every single sound (same goes to weapon sounds aso). It's maybe a better solution do mute/unmute all sounds of a certain category with a single checkbox (and it reduces one menu level).

4. AFK disconnect (bug ?)
This happens very fast (for example you can't stay for at least 10 seconds you will be disconnected.

5. Nade regeneration
Ok, only one nade? That is something I have to learn now. but the time when a nade should return on its spawn point is quite too long IMO. This turns down fast pace action imo (I see a waiting line of gamers on every nade point in the near future).

6. weapon balance
Well the AR seems much more handy now (less recoil) with the effect that it becomes the dominating weapon with this release (like the smg is now). Well, people are saying to me that the shotgun is stronger now. My feelings are saying something different. Normally I need one/two shots to body/head to get a frag. Now it seems to me that I need three or five - if I came into the weapon's range (it's more likely that I'm hit before by some AR-user now with its longer range; therefore the weapon becomes useless IMO).

7. score
Well, I don't know how the score is calculated. But it starts to become frustrating to get -20 and someone else 365.

I was in the opinion that the hunt for flags, frags or ratio should be enough motivation for the so called "pro" players. Now we have a new thingy they got addicted then. Really I start to dislike this.
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4. hmm should happen after 45 seconds not moving around

6. you had problems killing me, because I had 100 armor ;) armor is now much stronger; the shotgun does now its damage even on longer ranges
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Here you can discuss what you think about the current state of the SVN:trunk.
If you want to post a bug, please describe as detailed as possible how to reproduce and be sure to mention O/S (operating system), GFX-card (graphics card) and whatever output the engine may have provided. Be it either a dialog (use imageshack or similar - please crop your image too - don't post a 1024x768 image if only 420x314 would do!). It may also be simple console output, which on Windows often just goes into stderr.txt (located in the install-directory).

Sadly even this myBB info didn't work as hoped - I can't get my post to be #1 - it's probably the CREATION timestamp, not the EDITED timestamp that's relevant and I don't want to mess with the DB manually. *sigh*
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(21 Jun 10, 09:29PM)ärkefiende Wrote: 4. hmm should happen after 45 seconds not moving around

6. you had problems killing me, because I had 100 armor ;) armor is now much stronger; the shotgun does now its damage even on longer ranges

Even 45 secs are really too short. Imagine you are typing in something, searching for the right words and boom - you are disconnected. Or you are just going thru the menu (does this stop the afk timer?) or like me I've just tried out the zoom ....

It seems to me this is meant more as an anti-camp-tool. Well, I think if arent able anymore to just stand still for a moment then you can also build in an permanent-movement from the beginning.

Really? If armor is such stronger and you aren't able to break through it even on a short distance (and a shotgun is normally a short range weapon) then it seems pretty useless.
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I LOVE the carbine, but I think it would be awesome if we could headshot with it. I think that would MAKE the gun :)

Also, could the hud symbol have both the vest and the helmet, to show them both? :)

Good job guys!
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Ew, carbine headshots with a crosshair?
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Oh ya, I forgot about the crosshair. Then, maybe we can get a half or 3/4 scope on it? That would be cool :) I can see it now... Dreamer, The Carbine King :P
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I would agree with Gibstick in saying that the sniper would lose its specialness if the crosshaired carbine could also do that.
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Holy crap when did Apollo come back? Is clown hiding somewhere waiting to jump out and save AC too?
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i think the carbine is way over powered.
i just see it as being to easy to master and the next weapon to be hated..

maybe jack up the recoil on it??

also i think many smgers will change to ar due to its lower recoil (from 1.0.4..not smg) and long range ability. Dont know if this is good or bad.. ar's good anyway, its all very confusing!
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(22 Jun 10, 07:24AM)Zomg! Wrote: Holy crap when did Apollo come back? Is clown hiding somewhere waiting to jump out and save AC too?

I hope so...
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Yes. Apollo is back. In fact he's been back a few weeks by now. Please keep this thread for what it was for.
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I really love the crouchjump, new cool spots are easily accesable now. Also I enjoy the AR and the shotgun (which is really no shitgun anymore ;)), the sniper is still fun and I will continue playing with it for sure. The smg seems a bit weak but I'm pretty sure that with some skill and training it will become deadly again! GJ dear dev team. Keep up the good work :)
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Ok... I am bit confused with this thread, because it put together features and possible bugs... also, some stuff is not completely finished (we need a devs meeting to do the last decisions)... but I will try to weave my opinions about the main questions.

(21 Jun 10, 09:25PM)Apollo{TyD} Wrote: 3. sound settings
  • On the sound quality menus there appears messages for unknown alias.
  • Something I dislike on 1.0.x and which still exist is the enormous menu depth.........
  • And this is also one thing I dislike since the current release: If you want to mute all voice coms (for example) you have deselect every single sound..........

The menus (inside config folder) need to be cleaned, and some of files maybe remade... Some guys in this community, like V-Man and others, are highly skilled with cubescript... if you guys can help, it would be amazing.

Quote:4. AFK disconnect (bug ?)
This happens very fast (for example you can't stay for at least 10 seconds you will be disconnected.

The AFK works only for public games.

Usually you have the following scenario: CTF ac_depot 5x5.
You know... AC is a fast paced game... and you go from one flag to other in about 10 seconds (ac_depot is one of the biggest official maps in this sense). So, you can easily do a flag in 25 seconds. If two of your teammates are chatting, suddenly you have 5x3... 45 seconds is more than enough to you lose the game, and lose your patience for playing "alone".

Of course, this threshold (45 seconds) is still in tests (we started with 30 seconds). Anyway, the players are still able to chat in private mode.

Quote:5. Nade regeneration
Ok, only one nade? That is something I have to learn now. but the time when a nade should return on its spawn point is quite too long IMO. This turns down fast pace action imo (I see a waiting line of gamers on every nade point in the near future).

Yes... the nade respawn time is about 2 seconds longer... and it is look to be very bad considering you get only one nade. But the balance is that now you can get up to 3 nades. I am not sure if it is the best... because we will only know when the pubs start.... but the nice thing is: we will not see anymore nade spammers, a serious problem (many times discussed in this forum).

Quote:6. weapon balance
......... people are saying to me that the shotgun is stronger now. My feelings are saying something different. .........

Something wrong here. Or it really a bug, or a wrong impression. AC 1.1 Shotgun does the same damage of AC 1.0.4... and have the same max spread. The only change is the parts of the shotgun are more centered (better distribution). So, if you put the enemy in your aim, you hit him with more parts at longer distances.

Quote:7. score
Well, I don't know how the score is calculated. But it starts to become frustrating to get -20 and someone else 365.

I was in the opinion that the hunt for flags, frags or ratio should be enough motivation for the so called "pro" players. Now we have a new thingy they got addicted then. Really I start to dislike this.

Along with the nade spam, the second great problem of the 1.0.4 was the ratio whores. People entered in the ladder servers, and kept hiding (to not die), and hunting the noobs (to make high frag score). The new score system, which will be related to the future medal system*, is a way to disrupt this kind of game. If you kill as much as you die, your score will *never* be negative. Also, the score calculation in some way takes into account difficult of the map/mode, skill and most important (imo): team work.

If you are playing CTF ac_depot 4x4, the flag score worths about 30 points. If it is a CTF ac_depot 2x2 or a HTF ac_depot 4x4, you receive about 15 points for a flag score.

So, you know that the score is proportional to the difficult to make that score.
The idea behind this new system was to remove/replace the ratio.... but it is a too fast change maybe.

* medal system needs some extra coding, including the medal pictures, and the intermission events... so for now it is tagged as WIP.
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I think that the new weapon is a bit to strong in comparison to the 'old' weapons, two shots with a weapon that reloads kinda fast...

Maybe you should put more time between two shots...
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3 nades are usefull only if you have flag in inter/clan match - you can make 3 "walls of death" and then hide
For much players are nades big part of game I cant imagine public on depot with one nade in pack!
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people could basically wait for the nades, then attack a base with 3 nades....they could become the new camp spots maybe?

will the scoring system info be realeased? like how much a flag is worth with so many people, a frag etc..
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perhaps you shouldnt be a nade spammer.
in fact nades slow depot down horrendously, you can get through the middle in 15 seconds if nobody spams you out.
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(22 Jun 10, 10:35PM)Undead Wrote: perhaps you shouldnt be a nade spammer.
in fact nades slow depot down horrendously, you can get through the middle in 15 seconds if nobody spams you out.

exactly.. and 4 example in shine, the way at left of CLA is now in public covered by nade spammers all time, same thing in sunset at the right of cla etc. not only nade spam slows some games, but it kill the game strategy.

i'm really happy about this big change regarding nades. now they will be used with more cleverness (i mean as spam while u are exiting enemy base with flag, of one nade to clear enemy base while entering).
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Mac OSX 10.5.8 Leopard

I tried a few of the new commands but most of them don't show info on the screen.

/Showstats -> Showstats N Turn on/off display of FPS/rendering... N 0:show no stats, 1: only FPS, 2: All stats
[Image: 4ktopw.jpg]

/hudextras -> nothing
[Image: 312zk35.jpg]
Thanks given by: Zarjio , mhsaleh
Medusa... I forget to include the help message for the hudextras... sorry
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Brahma is right about the nades I think. No one is going to 'line up' to get nades. They'll try it once, get completely owned while standing and doing nothing, and then realize they have to develop a new tactic besides nade spamming.
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Is anybody experiencing video jittering in the SVN version? I have a constant FPS of 300 but every now and then the screen starts to jitter/lag. It seems to happen especially when I am shooting at an opponent. Never had this problem in 1.0.4.

oh and if it is any help, I'm using a Nvidia 9800gt with the latest drivers.
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Last time i tried the SVN the shotgun was way overpowered, is it meant to be able to hs?
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Ruthless: I don't notice any more jitter than before, but if you want you could try to limit your fps or turn on vsync.

XFA: The shotgun is much more balanced now, you can't shoot across a hallway and do 70 damage.
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"The AFK works only for public games."
I see about 1 or 2 AFKS in a long while, no big thing.

Does this mean all the pubs auto kick me while i run fast as i can to piss or put out a small brush fire? great.

hows about an auto pause in Clan Matches when one(or more) person(s) lags off or gets D/C
is anyone ever in the servers?
stuck to every bot i came near
the carbine looks like the sniper sans scope (kill stealer weapon)
lol went on douze bot dm with max bots and slaughtered with carbine, and by the sounds of the bots they were like 70% using carbine too lmao
If a whole team used carbines in pubs it would be -spawn -die -repeat
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