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This game does not belong to you.
This game was not made to please you. Or please me.
Nobody called you here on the forum.
About the maps and game changes ...
There is only one reason for this to have happened.
And that reason belongs to the owners of the game and not the players.
Do not make a donation, create a MEME and post on "oftopic".
PS. Thanks to the developers to spend their time creating the game for us.
That's great that you guys have this time left for that.
Too bad the players do not understand why so many restrictions.
Money! Opensource does not mean free.
There is a price to play AssaultCube. The price is to serve as guinea pigs.
So relax and learn from the mistakes of others.
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I am just gonna pretend I didn't see that 1Cap. I would like to make this game as competitive as possible and this is one way that could get people to have more fun again in inter clan/ pubs/ clan matches. I would like to help in my own way.
I am currently going through all the maps on akimbo, all 18 pages, and I will give you the list when I find all the good sized ones.
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I like but was better cause it had less restrictions.
@1Cap, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I am sticking with my beliefs.
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Ronald Reagan, here is the list of maps that I looked up and found interesting. I spent at least 2 hours looking through different maps, I have seen a lot but if you want me to add a medium/small competitive map to the list, pm me and I will add your post on here. I know this is a lot of maps, but this is only about 5-10% of the maps I looked at. Please give constructive things and I am sorry for bad grammar.
Here are CTF Maps that I believe are good enough layout wise to be added
This map is a small map but is very fun and could easily be played in 2v2/3v3.
This map is a medium sized map that is balanced and played in pubs all the time. It has potential to be a great competitive map.
This map is a small/medium sized map that is balanced and has potential to be a great 2v2 map.
This is a creative map that is seen in public servers every now and then but has the potential to be a great competitive map due to its size and great flag placements.
I know this map is from Sauerbraten but would this not be awesome in Assault Cube. This map is small but is awesome and could be used in competitive matches.
Map is small/medium sized and has a different but cool type of layout. It has great details and could have great 3v3 gameplay.
I know I have always enjoyed this map. It has great layout and is a small kind of map but would be great for 3v3.
Map is great. Layout is great. It is a little bit larger than the rest of the maps I am posting but I could easily see this as a top played 3v3 map in the future.
Layout is great. Small and closed up map that would be great for a 3v3 or 2v2.
This map is the perfect size for competitive play. Only think I would suggest is that the lighting be fixed, if it were to become official.
This is a great map. I think this is one of the best ones that I am posting. The Layout and detail is great. This could be perfect for 3v3 gameplay. Short/Medium Sized.
I love the layout and textures and it looks like it could be great. I don't like the flag spawns but other than that, the map would be great. Short/Medium Sized.
The map should be well recognized to almost everybody. It is a great pub map but I am not sure about competitive gameplay. Medium Sized.
$N!P3R* & snoosnoo
Map could be great for a 2v2 and possibly even 3v3. It has a good layout and feeling to it. Short/medium sized.
you|AFK & [SODA]~>|Y|
The map itself is absolutely beautiful with textures and layout, but it gets ruined by the horrible flag placements. The overall layout of the map is great, but if you changed the flag placents, this map could be a great and competitive map to play. Medium Sized.
This map is beautifully designed and I tested it out and really enjoyed the gameplay. It is medium sized and I could easily see this being competitive.
This map has a great layout and good textures. It is small/medium sized and could easily be played competitively.
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(09 Dec 13, 06:41AM)bballn45 Wrote: Ronald Reagan, here is the list of maps that I looked up and found interesting. I spent at least 2 hours looking through different maps, I have seen a lot but if you want me to add a medium/small competitive map to the list
bballn45, with the auto-download feature implemented to v1.2 there is no 'real' need to add these maps onto the official package.
All there is to do is for server owners to add them on they maprot or just go ingame and type /getmap mapname
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I have never seen someone play a clan match on a map that is not official.
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09 Dec 13, 08:44AM
(This post was last modified: 09 Dec 13, 08:44AM by Luc@s.)
(09 Dec 13, 06:41AM)bballn45 Wrote: [...] i do like most of these maps.
would be interesting to do some clan match play tests on these maps.
it would be cool if the competitive community tried to play interclans or cm on these maps and give us a feedback.
Two things :
1) ac_metl2 does not have team spawns, maybe it should be changed, but i perfectly understand Z3R0's decision.
2) ghosttown flags are indeed terribly placed :P
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(09 Dec 13, 07:33AM)Cleaner Wrote: with the auto-download feature implemented to v1.2 there is no 'real' need to add these maps onto the official package.
you're really far removed from the game aren't you.
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(09 Dec 13, 07:36AM)bballn45 Wrote: I have never seen someone play a clan match on a map that is not official.
Yeah actually most people (including myself) refuse to play unofficial maps in a competitive match.
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there's a good reason competitive players dont and larry pointed it out to me when i was thinking about doing a custom map tournament.
the maps currently in the canon have been played for years (not the recently added ones) and are well known. every nuance, every exploit, every pickup, every timing. All maps have bias, new maps just make them readily accessible. I have yet to lose a game on swamp not because it isnt playable, but because people just dont know how to play it yet. For 'play-testing' to be effective, each and every map would need the same exposure. I'm all for more maps dont get me wrong, but not many maps will get the popularity of des3 and gothic overnight.
if competition returns to the game and people really trained custom maps because they wanted to win a tourny, that'd be a step in the right direction.
but I highly doubt any clan in a true cm would agree to a custom map, regardless how often it was played. people get it in their minds about bias and then never try and improve it because they're worried about the overall W.
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it's up to you, but if nobody is willing to play test this map in these conditions then things are not likely to get better.
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09 Dec 13, 04:47PM
(This post was last modified: 09 Dec 13, 04:48PM by bballn45.)
The good thing about making maps official is people will be forced to play and practice them. Think of ingress in this matter. Noone played it before 1.1 and then it shot up and became one of the most popular maps. This custom map tournament sounds awesome because the B tourney just ended. If you need help or anything, feel free to ask.
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Well let me state again that I personally am all for new maps and think it is proper evolution of the game. The most likely implementation (with the auto-download) is for players to become willing to play custom content. Whether its a tournament or just a few people getting together to play, nothing can hurt. However, it's hard enough to get a game currently for cm's or even inters.
In the ideas thread (as well as before in PG) there has been a push for clan match searches in-game. If we're trying to create exposure, we first would need a wider way to introduce people to the competitive scene. It can't come from just one source (like a player) but full support.
The implementation of testing is hard to do (as I'm sure the devs know with the release). How do we, as people who want to see the game grow, support the conviction of new maps without a common ground supported by the game as a whole? Im not being accusatory, I'm genuinely curious. If i was to play 100 games on 100 maps, I'd be one person playing games with a variety of players.
I guess my rambling point is, without a certain methodology in place with supported infrastructure, the additions of maps is pandering at best, a cluster fuck at worst.
I'm curious for other people's opinions. If the goal is to add maps, what is the best way to go about properly testing them and getting understanding of them to the level of the map canon as it exists now?
(clan match search "clan x is looking for a y vs y clan match on custom maps")
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(clan match search "clan x is looking for a y vs y clan match on custom maps")
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09 Dec 13, 09:56PM
(This post was last modified: 09 Dec 13, 10:01PM by Cemer.)
As much as I advocate for new maps to be added, I agree with Waffles point (and yes, I know you want to see custom maps too dawg). For example, in TF2 and CS, people play the same small map pool because the map calls, strategies and timings are down pat. No one wants to play a map that they don't know well, and possibly lose on it. Yet a drawback to the same thought is "Why learn another when no one is going to play us on it". It's a double edged sword of stagnation. Why take an L when you can give it your all and get that W?
What I think would be best is to include more information on how to get into competitive or the likes of it. Clan match search would be amazing, and facilitate it very well. Even an inter/PUG search would help solo players take a peek into the scene.
The other thing is how new players are tolerated, especially when they come up with an idea. Most of the rulesets and ways on how things are done for organizing tourneys and clan matches is unwritten, which is a problem as resources describing that (are there any?) aren't so accessible.
I think the bare minimum we as a community can do is start writing down almost everything, and get a mod to sticky it. From basic map strategies, to advanced movement and timings, and even how to be a courteous player. No offense to the dev team, but updates might not be so frequent as we saw with 1.2 that warrant slight menu changes.
I would like to see clan match and inter/PUG searches added to the multiplayer menu, and a link to the forums so people can introduce themselves and read about higher level play.
As for adding and playing custom maps, I think a custom map tournament or PUG system for people to try out the new maps would work to start. What would be beneficial would be a thorough playtesting, and players going over what was nice and what was not, and think of strategies that could be done and sorts so it would be a valid map for competitive play
then again, i may be talking out of my ass and being too idealistic, but maybe some of it has good and feasible applications?
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10 Dec 13, 06:11AM
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 13, 06:21AM by Undead.)
(09 Dec 13, 09:56PM)Cemer Wrote: I would like to see clan match and inter/PUG searches added to the multiplayer menu, and a link to the forums so people can introduce themselves and read about higher level play.
you kind of can just join on to inters whenever u want. most private servers are on the MS and everyone knows that match is the password, so u can just join and play an inter. clan matches r always going to be hard to find in this game unless more people play it.. no infrastructure will fix that.
(09 Dec 13, 08:44AM)Luc@s Wrote: it would be cool if the competitive community tried to play interclans or cm on these maps and give us a feedback.
i did a lot of the groundwork here in the proving grounds forum, but it was largely ignored. the maps i suggested were very similar to whopxer's list and i tested all of them in matches/interclans with VOIP. if anyone is going to do the dev's job for them, be wary.
for example, i put about 3 weeks of effort into reworking iceroad. no gameplay issues were apparent to anyone with a brain in the new version, besides detail issues which were quickly fixed.
RK was completely unable to comprehend both the issues with iceroad and the complexity of the required fixes, but that is to be expected when you play the game for 6 or 7 years and are still unable to get a 0.3 ratio on a pub filled with noobs.
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Played an inter on ctf ac_derb and ctf ac_forgotten.(Forgot screenshot on derb) Both maps were very fun but I have to say, the gameplay on ac_forgotten was fabulous and far better than ac_derb. It is easily playable with SMG and AR and it is very fast paced. ac_derb on the other hand was not anywhere as fun as forgotten but is still a great map.
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(08 Dec 13, 10:28PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: You think its unfair that we shut down the server. Its not. We provide the service, we don't want to provide the service anymore. We remove the service. Where do you factor in?
Yes, you, devs, have big power, and just therefore you should carefully use it, in order to don't spoil relation with community your authoritative decisions.
It is bad practic, that there wasn't any info about v. 1.1 MS shutdown, with proper long time in advance and concrete date. In my opinion, in order to be fair, you should inform after v. 1.2 release, that, for example, 6/9/12 months later you will shutdown old MS. And, IMO, if many players would play old version, this time should be still prolonged, in order to don't spoil fun. And there should be some reminder on the forum before shutdown.
Similar situation, like when 1.1 was released, with this difference, that 1.1 was worse than 1.0, and 1.2 is better than 1.1. ;)
But I am afraid of such hypothetical situation in the future, that again new version will be worse than old and there will be make the decision, that to turn off old MS...
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11 Dec 13, 12:40AM
(This post was last modified: 11 Dec 13, 12:42AM by Alien.)
The decision was probably based on some report "players vs played maps", i know one custom game in starcraft which was almost killed by one update over night. It took few months to update map. the players left. It obviously underlines the hate against variability in mapping. It is their reputation.
The serious matches with custom maps is non-sense. These maps were created for training or public. And can be good candidates for next release. The fun match, for example tennis map with grenades is acceptable.
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Restrict the creation of maps. Restrict servers in MasterServer. Create a blacklist for players ...
The justification for this and other things is to do the best for the game. The devs say they think about what's best for the players ... for the game ...
But then the exchange version of the game several times in a short space of time. Do not give sequence to earlier versions. Not properly disclose these changes ..
This is a huge nonsense.
But it is no surprise to me.
Understand quickly. The game is not being changed for the players or for that community. We are guinea pigs.
Accept it.
Developers are toying to program and use this community as guinea pigs for their programming.
But it is not wrong.
If you do not like, create your version of the game.
What is wrong is the devs are not very clear about this.
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*puts his hand up*
Excuse me, but can someone inform me how some "mappers" can figure out how to glitch maps so they can get around the reqs, but can't figure out how to place ladders?
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They don't try to read the documentation for it.
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@ bballn45
thanks for the feedback.
i don't have enough time to asnwer everything now, but i will this week end for sure.
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I am offering a public Custom Map server for all the maps I posted. If you would like to try some of the maps, or just take a glance at them, the server is -dyH| Custom Map Server or /connect 1111
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Sorry for double post, played an inter today and look at my mini map
I really don't know how this has happened but CTF ac_aqueous was the map play before because this was an inter and my desert3 minimap was aqueous.
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I keep having the sound issue...
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16 Dec 13, 02:35AM
(This post was last modified: 16 Dec 13, 02:35AM by Orynge.)
Myke gave out the suggestion of putting your sound limit at 20, it's been working for him and is working for me. It also hasn't worked for some people.
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Also this
Again it works for some but doesn't for others, don't ask me why.
I have (from the day I installed it) kept all sound settings at maximum and I haven't had any troubles ever since.