How to make weapon mods?
hey people, I'm a total noob when it comes to modelling and modding and mapping and what not, so I'm just asking someone to explain how to make a decent mod, or at least the basics. don't have to if you don't want to; i know i've been a waste of time to the forums lately!
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You should go ahead and read this guide by Cleaner:

EDIT: Nevermind, looks as if you've already found it.
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I didn't wrote this, can't remember who's the original author... Bukz or Mr.Floppy maybe?
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Best tutorial (for blender) is by slowoldman. In the thread only the image for modelling works, animation and texturing dont :(
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Yep, I compiled that little introduction linked above, a while ago already. Actually, it's merely a list of tools required for modelling. You'll find loads of manuals/tutorials in their respective communities and all around the web.

You may try out Misfit Model 3D (free) or MilkShape (30 days trial) to get the hang of things and see whether you really want to dig deeper into this subject. After all Blender is the most advanced modelling tool available for free, but quite tough for beginners.

However, there's no simple way of explaining "how to make a decent mod" and it's about you to learn a whole lot of stuff yourself first.
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What floppy said, and also just fool around with some models you already have (or want to download and look at). That's how I started learning (Like I took a barrel once and just started moving parts around, seeing how it was made and how it would disorientate the model). And start with basic tutorials.

Psst, good tutorial for beginners:
Q3 Tree Tutorial in Misfit3D
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i just downloaded misfit 3d; despite the simple interface it doesn't look easy.
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It won't look easy until you start fooling around with it for at least a week. Try the tutorial I just linked.


Wasn't going to show anyone just yet one of the models I've been working on recently (started yesterday, and is the third model weapon wise of my own). But here's what a month or two can do for you:

Keep in mind I'm not using any refrences what's so ever, sort of making it as I go really. And the model also hasn't been uvmapped yet, and might have some other changes before a release is made. But yeah the point is just to dive straight into the damn thing and fiddle with all the tools. After all you only learn by doing! :D
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hmm... you've got windows 7 so your computer is not a "toaster". anyways, thanks!
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No I have a windows vista laptop. :p
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oh... the tabs on the bottom are longer on a laptop than desktop. the minimize/maximize/close buttons are separated. the little arrow on the task bar should go up in windows 7. sorry for stupid observation!
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