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[Qualifiers - Completed] Fra| vs Fra[B]

Fra| and Fra[B] agreed to play on saturday 3rd, 4 pm gmt, on gaia 2013.
I'll keep you informed if anything changes.

We're also looking for a streamer/casters, if anyone is available at this time, that'd be cool !
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I will probably be able to cast, can confirm tonight.
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saturday 3th i love you harrek
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Luc@s can you ref this one? I can't.
(How many refs need to be present at a match? I checked the rules, didn't see an answer.)
(Do secarty or bigben use the forums?)
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(01 Aug 13, 02:33AM)Vermi Wrote: saturday 3th i love you harrek
what ? hehe

(01 Aug 13, 07:01AM)Oracle Wrote: Luc@s can you ref this one? I can't.
(How many refs need to be present at a match? I checked the rules, didn't see an answer.)
(Do secarty or bigben use the forums?)
mmh if nobody can...
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I won't be available to stream at 8am, sorry.
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(01 Aug 13, 02:33AM)Vermi Wrote: saturday 3th i love you harrek

Thanks, I know my English is perfect :D, it was more like a careless mistake tho.

I'd be good to have at least 1 or 2 refs per game. We can still make some exceptions if no referees are available at the time the 2 teams decided to play.
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(01 Aug 13, 07:01AM)Oracle Wrote: Luc@s can you ref this one? I can't.
(How many refs need to be present at a match? I checked the rules, didn't see an answer.)
(Do secarty or bigben use the forums?)

I think i can
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Yay, you do use the forums! (For some reason I could not find you)

That would be great if you could, I'd do it myself but I'll be on a flight.
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Yes now I'm using the forums :)
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I can cast assuming there's a streamer.
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I hope that someone will stream on twitch, like this I can watch from my phone :)
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The match did not happen because Fra[b] was not ready.

They said Atomikk was not here for "personal reasons" and then they said they didn't know why he was not here.

Both teams are trying to set up another date and time. That would be tomorrow 15h00 local time or 21h00 local time, as offered by Fra|.
Fra[B] didn't give their answer yet.

That's all i know.
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So, 2v2 like POL/PL lol! (jk or not)...
Anyway, good luck to both teams.
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Come on, Fra[B], what's up ?
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Well as only 2 of us were available today, we had to agree on a new date. After a long discussion with Harrek we agreed on tomorrow 3pm local time. (1pm GMT)
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I could be there at 4.30 local time and later.
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Since Fra[B] were not ready for the second time, a 3vs2 was played.
We expected more commitment for such a tournament.
Fra| won...

[Image: 8a3d0d8af8910bbbfafec3652e8fca75bff8783d.jpg]


[Image: 06be4efc065d8e925171cd356f9fbd1950cb97bf.jpg]

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Why didn't you 2v2 or just not play as you were 3 and us 2 ?

Just came back home, if you want a rematch.
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Almost scored twice with RVSF, and managed to score on CLA, yay !
GJ Atomik, we did what we could Tongue

Good luck for the rest of the competition Fra| !

PS : Lucas #1 admin abuser
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Honor to Fra[B] and POL| (like Italia in the previous ACWC!)
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Good games
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(04 Aug 13, 05:27PM)DamDam Wrote: PS : Lucas #1 admin abuser

Thanks for submitting a proof. It proves you're not a cunt throwing your paranoid shit again.
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Million has a point. While Fra[B] may have been unprepared twice, I think to have a 3v2 match is unsportsmanlike.

My greatest respect to DamDam and AtoMikK. I feel as though you have been cheated.
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(05 Aug 13, 01:24AM)MerCyKiL Wrote: Million has a point. While Fra[B] may have been unprepared twice, I think to have a 3v2 match is unsportsmanlike.

My greatest respect to DamDam and AtoMikK. I feel as though you have been cheated.
Either that or Fra[B] forfeits.
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my point was: so why did ITA get to have a 2v2?
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3v2 seems kinda lame
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(05 Aug 13, 05:35AM)MerCyKiL Wrote: my point was: so why did ITA get to have a 2v2?
good point
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Imo that should not count.
2v2 should have been played Lucas.
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There was a first date set up by both team, Fra B could not have 3 players online, Fra decided to be fair and agreed to play the match the next day. However Fra B could not have 3 players online again. If Fra wanted, they would have won by forfeit. However since at least five members were on, they decided to play even if it was 2v3. Fra B asked for this 2v3 because they know it was their fault that a 3v3 could not be played.

nothing to whine about
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