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[Qualifiers - Completed] +BRA+ vs Bu.
Olá amigos Bu.
Gostaria de saber quando podemos jogar, e quais horários e dias vocês estão disponíveis !

Abraços e boa sorte !
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Opa e ae Piton vamos marcar pra quarta ou quinta a noite firmeza tipo umas 8h vou te dar o dia e a hora que da pra nós daí vc se ajeita com sua equipe pra ver se da tbm!!!!

abraços good luck
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E ae Piton, conseguiu falar com sua equipe?

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marked the time pufe ?
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Precisamos saber qual é o melhor dia e horário que a sua equipe estará disponível , aguardando respostas obrigado.
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So........... ?
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We are wait Piton answer... go Tonight? 8h
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8h what timezone.... ?
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GMT - 03:00 Brasilia
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Okay. What server ?
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Hopefully xenon's server will be up, since Pufe already mentioned that he suffers from lag on the gaia server.
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go gaia 2013 xenoob stay unstable
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We're waiting @ gaia 2013 for your team, piton
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Since +BRA+ never explicitly agreed to playing at this time, there is no match today.
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When the last day for Qualifiers?

We are waiting so
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According to Vanq, Sunday.
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ok ty
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Estavamos ausentes por causa de problemas técnicos, mas podemos jogar amanha (domingo), GMT -3 3 horas da tarde, esse é um dos poucos horarios que estamos disponiveis.

We were absent because of technical problems, but we can play tomorrow (Sunday), GMT -3 3 pm, this is one of the few schedules that are available.
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Este horário será impossível para nós pois todos irão estar ausentes, temos que ver outro horário!

veremos outro horário e responderemos

This time it will be impossible for us because everyone will be absent, we see that another time!

we'll look at another time and answer

Reprice on Monday 8:30 PM ok for you? we were waiting last week but Sunday is impossible for us ok!

Best regards
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Make sure both teams explicitly post that they agree to the arranged time (if we should be so lucky).
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Is monday even allowed?
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Technically it's not, but neither side has shown more initiative than the other so I think the admins will allow it (maybe).
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Dia de semana eh impossivel d noite
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We were waiting the all last week, but why not play yesterday? i wrote here last monday and no answer last week. Sunday we are can't HERA is visit your family, Sonic too i'm lunch with my parents, we are can't play today, i ask you last monday about "Wednesday or Thursday" but your team no answer us.

Admin I would like to assess all thread plz!

Monday is ok for us 8h pm GMT 3 Brasilia

Thank you all!

best regards

Então IGC vocês tinham que ter marcado na semana passada falando sobre que seria impossível jogar a noite, eu esperei toda semana uma resposta entramos na quarta-feira, quinta-feira, sexta-feira e ontem, agora hoje não dá, fala com seu time e marcamos durante a semana, porém de dia não dá pra nós, pois estamos no trabalho, só a noite mesmo! abraços
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Então cara de noite não da, e como ja disse, eu e mais alguns jogadores estavamos sem pc, não tinha como falar com vcs!
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Então verifica esta semana com seu time mano, de dia todo mundo trabalha! podia ter marcado no sábado "ontem" agora hj eu ja estou de saída tbm!!!!
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BRA can't play at night, Bu can only play at night. They had a whole week to play, and still haven't arranged a proper time to do so.

Yo BRA and Bu, you can do a 2v2 too if you can't have enough players.
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Por mim tudo bem Zé, eu aceito um 2x2 porém o pessoas do meu time está off line hoje eu também estou, mesmo assim fica difícil de marcar o jogo =\
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sry about Bu english =) from now i'm gonna translate cuz i see they're having problems c: i dont have a perfect english but at least is understandable.
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