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[Qualifiers - Completed] USA| vs. usa. qualifiers
Ey bitches. when you can you play?

and none of this "we were on irc the whole time!!" nonsense.

set date, set time.

i'd like to aim for a weekend, preferably saturday, at an hour when everyone will be out of work.

generally that is 6:00 pm EST. for you west coast dudes, that can be 10pm to make sure people are home from work (assuming 9-5)

so anywhere from 6-10pm EST on saturday of next week.

This is not a solid time for all my team, I just want to initiate the conversation.

you can always forfeit (i recommend)
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Well at least he asked nicely. Respect Waff <3
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Im available on Tuesday, anytime between 12-4pm EST
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yeah that's not gonna work bruv. people that have jobs will be at work. get your team, get them to commit to a time that they can all agree upon, and then we can negotiate.
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holy shit before 5 est on a week day
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[Image: American_Bald_Eagle_Flag.jpg]
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xenoob 2013 :)
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Tuesday 5pm?
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note the work schedule. did you bother reading my post? many people (myself included) work 9-5. for the west coast people, 5pm is 1pm, right when they come back from lunch. for me, that's right when i leave work. 6pm-10pm is going to be a better time, preferably on the weekends.
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Yes i read your post. Saturday we can't play as 2/4 of our players will not be available. Tuesday we can all play at 5pm. If you can't play then don't play, i confirmed xemi and Teapot is available to play at 5pm, maybe find 1 more to play?

If not then we will have to play on Friday.
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waffles personality:
[Image: s7p1.jpg]
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Oh mercy, how little you actually know.

Ill try and see if the team can make it then, but it seems doubtful atm.
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(30 Jul 13, 03:20AM)MotoShadow Wrote: If you can't play then don't play.

Smart move!

[Image: a1ZES.gif]
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(30 Jul 13, 04:03PM)Waffles Wrote: Oh mercy, how little you actually know.

Then alas, cher Waffles, we are but two peas in a pod.

(30 Jul 13, 04:23PM)Nightmare Wrote: @mercykil

lol Waffles got hit by a midget.
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The match is happening in 30 minutes from now (9pm GMT/10pm BST/11pm CET). Harrek and I are desperately trying to find a short-notice streamer. (sorry for the lateness of this post, but I didn't know this was happening until thirty seconds ago).
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We dont acutally know yet, hopefully waffles gets on!
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our team is set, just waiting on USA A
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We never actually agreed on a time if im not mistaken

Edit: ill be home from work at 5:30-6:00. If we can play then sure. I honestly prefer pre-arranged times, but if you want to try and force this then we MIGHT be able to
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They are playing now

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Good luck rest of the way
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screens pls!
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[Image: 2hceseh.jpg]

[Image: 34ni89j.jpg]
gg all
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GG's! What are the red lines on the map in the stream?
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Where can you find the stream record?
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USA A too strong! ggs guys! ;-)
USA B, you played well guys! Next year you will beat them :-D!
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Red lines are an ACTV feature showing where players have travelled throughout the game xemi c:

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